Should The Dallas Cowboys Sign QB Brian Hoyer?

Dante Giannetta

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Rumors have circulated about the backup quarterback situation in Dallas, specifically regarding the possibility of bringing in Brian Hoyer. Some suggest the Cowboys, along with the Steelers and the Jets, are looking to sign him. Others suggest the Cowboys are not in the equation at all.

Brian Hoyer (30) was recently released by the Houston Texans after setting career bests in TD-to-INT ratio, 19:7, and passer rating, 91.4, as a nine game starter. The Texans tried trading Hoyer but got no offers – most likely because teams were willing to wait until he became a free agent.

The Cowboys need a backup QB that can step in and win some games if and when Tony Romo goes down. They may be pursuing Brian Hoyer, but is it in their best interest to sign him?

Yes, because…

Behind Tony Romo, the Cowboys currently have Kellen Moore and Jameill Showers as QB2 and QB3. Hopefully, after the draft, a rookie QB will be on that list as well. Brian Hoyer could be a serious upgrade as far as experience and skill level. Moore committed seven turnovers in three appearances, Hoyer had the same amount in 11 appearances. Showers showed promise in pre-season but it’s possible he may be used more as a special teams player.

I’m not making an argument for Moore or Showers to be, or not to be, the heir to the throne after Romo, although I’m sure an argument could be made. I’m saying right now they are just backups. If the Cowboys were to bring in Brian Hoyer then that would be all he’d be used for – only as a backup.

A backup QB is a must for the Cowboys, especially one who is prepared to see some serious playing time. Romo hasn’t played an entire season since 2012. He is bound to miss some time in 2016. The front men for the Cowboys may think Brian Hoyer can win some games in Romo’s absence.

Cowboys Headlines - Should The Dallas Cowboys Sign Brian Hoyer? 1

No, because…

The Cowboys already have two backup quarterbacks in Kellen Moore and Jameill Showers. Because they are already here and have budding careers as Cowboys, they could develop into quality backups, which makes signing Hoyer unnecessary.

More so, Scott Linehan, Cowboys offensive coordinator, has stated he is confident in Moore’s ability to be a QB2.

The Cowboys also wouldn’t want to spend a lot of money on Hoyer. Hoyer may argue that his 2015 career high stats constitute a starting-quarterback-sized paycheck. That’s something that could deter the Cowboys. Even a contract for a quality backup QB is not cheap. If the Cowboys were interested in Hoyer, they would make sure the contract they agree on gives them the ability to wiggle out of it if Hoyer proves to be worse than Moore.

Not to mention, the draft is coming up. The Cowboys are certain to pick a quarterback in rounds two and beyond in hopes to groom him into the future face of the franchise.

Hoyer joining the club, would give the Cowboys five quarterbacks on the roster: Romo, Moore, Showers, Hoyer, and a rookie.

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If Hoyer does wear the star in 2016, it’d likely be for one year. Ideally, I’d like the rookie QB to get the QB2 position, that way he can learn and see inevitable playing time for when he takes the reins down the road.

But on the other hand, Hoyer could still beat out Moore and Showers and be a reliable backup. He could also serve as another mentor to the younger QBs on the team.

Would it be in the their best interest to sign Brian Hoyer? Maybe at the right price.

5 thoughts on “Should The Dallas Cowboys Sign QB Brian Hoyer?”

  1. The media starts and fuels all rumors. Hoyers release didn't make a ripple in the Cowboys pool. Not one discussion in Cowboy camp on Hoyer. Move on nothing to see here. One thing to ask yourself…given that Houston NEEDS a starting QB why would they release Hoyer??? They don't have any confidence in him either.

    • Don't the Texans have Brock Osweiler? Lot of people felt really good about him in Denver. My bet is Houston is willing to develop him as they go. As for Hoyer to Dallas… I'd actually prefer him over Moore or Showers, but the Cowboys will draft a QB this year and it'll be before round 5.

      • I am not sure Hoyer could beat out Kellen Moore for 2nd team QB. I also don't think any QB in the draft could likely beat out K Moore in 2016 for the 2nd team QB. This is because Kellen Moore has several things going for him including 1) he knows the Dallas offense/playbook, 2) he has starting experience under the Dallas offense, 3) he has worked with S Linehan for two plus years and has S Linehan's confidence, 4) he has improved each year in the NFL and will be going into his fifth year, 5) he will likely improve/correct his deficiencies from 2015 (i.e. too many interceptions, not enough touchdown throws and not as accurate as he has been) since these are areas he has excelled at in the past. He had 142 touchdown throws and 28 interceptions in college which is close to a new NCAA record. He also had a 73% completion percent his last two years in college which is also close to a new NCAA record. With a few better plays in 2015 he could have won one game and possibly two. He is close to being a solid QB who could win some games if T Romo wasn't available. He should be riding high and confidently going into 2016. I wouldn't be surprised if he played as well or outplayed T Romo in preseason games.

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