Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day Highlights

RJ Ochoa

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The following is a true story.

I sit down at the table every year for Thanksgiving. While so many things change from year to year the one thing that remains constant is my plate; I always get the same foods.

Turkey is essential obviously. You can’t go wrong with mashed potatoes. Corn does the body good. And my Aunt Lucy will tell you that she has to buy a whole extra bag of rolls just for me.

This year I was feeling particularly brave. When preparing my plate I passed by a dish that I normally don’t give the time of day – but for some reason it caught my eye. I said out loud, “Hey guys… is stuffing any good?”

The room looked at me like I was an alien.

“Yes, RJ it’s delicious. You wouldn’t know though because you never try anything.”

In an effort to prove people wrong, and because it looked so inviting, I scooped some of this mush onto my plate. How bad could it possibly be?

One bite in I knew that I’d have to give the apology of a lifetime to everyone around me. Stuffing was fantastic! How had I gone my entire life without experiencing such sweet glory?

Needless to say the stuffing was the highlight of my Thanksgiving meal. Perhaps the green bean casserole was yours, or maybe the squash casserole (one of my best friends’ moms makes an amazing one… be jealous). Whatever your highlight was – I hope you enjoyed it.

If you ate your meal before the Cowboys kicked off then you didn’t experience many more highlights on the day devoted to giving thanks, but there were a few and since I’m officially out of stuffing in my Thanksgiving leftovers I’m going to talk about them and you’re going to listen. Deal? Deal!

Dan Bailey Boots 48 Yard Field Goal

Isn’t Dan Bailey wonderful?

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Dan Dan Dan Dan (that’s what Monday Night Football should play when he trots out next week) is so amazing. I would let this guy kick a football off of my teeth – I trust him that much.

‘Ol Dan Bailey drains more 3s than Steph Curry and Danny Green combined, so many that we just take it for granted. “Oh Dan’s going out? We’re good. I’m going to get more stuffing.” People don’t even need to watch this guy to know he’s money!

Bailey has been the lone point of consistency when it’s come to putting points on the board for the Dallas Cowboys this season. He has one miss to his name, but he’s so perfect that we’ll let it slide.

You’re the man, Dan.

Matt Cassel Hits Cole Beasley For The Touchdown

Things felt pretty grim right after Tony Romo went down. Honestly it felt like the game was over.

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Not for Matt Cassel.

The quarterback we’ve come to rely on (and will be moving forward) sprung into action when he was needed. Late in the fourth quarter Matt actually had a really nice 16-play drive that culminated in a Cole Beasley touchdown.

Cole and Cassel showed off a lot of chemistry (that’s a lot of Cs) in the Philadelphia game a few weeks back. Matt looked for #11 when he got near the redzone and found him on a route that I don’t think anyone can cover.

Thanks to Cole’s quick speed he can cut out faster than most linebackers. Down near the goal line I think Cassel will keep this in mind as it’s an easy pitch and catch for six.

DMC Hits The Deuce

Immediately after the Cassel to Cole play for the touchdown, the Cowboys bypassed the services of Dan Bailey and elected to go for two. See how I tie this all together with a nice little bow for you? It’s because I love you.

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Cassel lined up in the shotgun and made some serious magic happen.

First he started off by faking the handoff to Lucky Whitehead. All of a sudden he had pressure coming at him from the outside of both sides of the line. Ruh roh.

Matt looked up and saw DMC with a neon sign above his head that read “THROW IT TO ME PLEASE!” so he decided he’d give it a shot.

He then threaded the needle above, of all people, Luke Kuechly’s head. The ball hit DMC in stride as he trotted into the endzone for a deuce.

Great job, fellas.

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What were your Thanksgiving Highlights? Comment below, Email me your thoughts at Roel.Ochoa.Jr@Gmail.com or Tweet to me @rjochoa!