Dallas Cowboys Trim the Roster, Final Cuts made

Bo Martin

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And here we go! The preseason is officially over! We know this because the final cuts have been made and may I just say I nailed on particular point? Isaiah Stanback has seen his last day as an active member on the Dallas Cowboys Football Team. His play has been less then mediocre and has been a complete bust, despite his athletic talent (which exists) he just couldn’t transition to the NFL.


Replacing Stanback will be the only undrafted rookie to make the team, Kevin Ogletree. Ogletree has turned enough heads and produced enough to deserve this spot. He has worked out and has been, dare is say, spectacular in his opportunities. Hats off to you Ogletree, I hope that you have a long and productive career in a Cowboys uniform!

Last tidbits that really had me amped about this final cut season was that Steve Octavien has made the team, a player that I really believe deserves a shot, and who has certainly proved it last night, he will be a good sub for Demarcus Ware. Also, some of our draft picks didn’t make the team, leaving us slightly slim at the cornerback position again… However keep in mind there are some people being released today (veterans) that could provide solid depth.

*Just for the record: I’m a bit bummed that Carpenter, Crosslin, and Mike Mickens didn’t make the team. I believe they all have good potential.

Here is a list of the players who have been cut:

Travis Bright

Courtney Brown

Scott Chandler

Julius Crosslin

Marcus Dixon

Tearrius George

Ryan Gibbons

Jeremy Haynes

Jesse Holley

Mike Jefferson

Manuel Johnson

Keon Lattimore

Mike Mickens

Willie Reid

Derreck Robinson

Asaph Schwapp

Jonas Seawright

DeAngelo Smith

Isaiah Stanback

Matt Stewart

DeAngelo Willingham

8 thoughts on “Dallas Cowboys Trim the Roster, Final Cuts made”

  1. LOL shocked that Holley got cut? I’m not. Worthless ass T.V. series, hopefully will be cancelled after one season.

    Glad Stanback is gone as well, and forgot who was at center last night, but he needs to work on his chemistry with both Romo and Kitna, cuz that was horrible.

  2. Wow ! I really thought that Holley would have made the team.I still do not understand why he did’nt.But besides that little bit of disapointment,I believe this is our year ! Mark it down take it to the bank the Cowboys will win the Super Bowel this year. You can disgree if you chose you will see.,,,sgthill00035@aol.com

  3. Joe C…..

    You have shown yourself to either be a fool, blind, or a non Cowboys fan. If your bitterness is centered around the fact that the correct person didn’t win the competition on 4th and long, then i can forgive the outburst. Hawkins had more heart than anyone and would have made this team guaranteed, but Michael bowed to the “boss” and went stereotypical and picked Hollet. Somewhat surprised that Holley missed, but the show is good. Get the JJerk out of it other than the checkbook signing and we have have a winning show.

  4. Count me as one who only would have been surprised of Holley made the team. Considering that team’s normally keep 5 to 6 receiver’s, Holley would have had to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was better than Ogletree, Crayton, Austin, Hurd, and/or Roy William’s to make the team. You could argue that he wasn’t given much of a chance, but I think part of the problem was Holley’s body was already experiencing what player’s start to endure November and December because he had been training hard since the early part this year. Given that issue, if this show continues, I truly doubt anyone ever actually make’s the team the 1st year. They likely all will be considered practice squad canidates from the get go.

    But as reality show’s go, this one probably has one of the better pay off’s. If I’m not mistaken, practice squad guy’s still make 6 figures. Not bad for a guy who was selling cellphones just 9 month’s ago.

  5. Here’s the deal, the show is an american idol of sorts. It provides someone a chance to shine and they have to do it. There is no way a guy will come in and show up the talent that was there, though he did have a few good plays, he also had a few bad plays. I know we pull for the underdog but this time, this instance the underdog wasn’t the hero. He deserves to be on the practice squad for sure but in the line up? no chance my friends.

  6. Holley Cut?? way to go Cowboys you F-ed up again.. you should drop Hurd like a bad apple and put Holley on he is the Real player that cares.. Hurd is just there for the money..

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