Dallas Cowboys Visit One World Observatory

RJ Ochoa

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This afternoon the Dallas Cowboys will play a football game against the New York Giants. It’s pretty standard procedure for the Cowboys as they visit their division rivals once a year. It’s a tradition.

This time they decided to shake things up and visit something in New York that every American can resonate with. On Friday night they took a trip to the One World Observatory… a 102-story commemoration to the September 11th, 2001 tragedy that shook our nation.

We’ve seen throughout his tenure that Jason Garrett is an emotional leader; he’s an emotional coach. It’s not surprising to see the Head Coach want his players to visit such a humbling place.

The Cowboys are in a precarious place with their 2015 season. Thanks to a series of unfortunate injuries, they’re not where they wanted to be record-wise entering Week 7. It’s not uncommon for teams in these situations to crumble and watch their season fall apart before their very eyes.

Not under Jason Garrett’s watch.

Whether you’re a Cowboy, Giant, Eagle, or Redskin… you remember where you were on September 11th, 2001. Visiting the site that commemorates Ground Zero is an emotional journey like no other for anyone living in this generation. To go through that type of thing with your teammates, your brothers… it unites you.

It’s important to always keep perspective and remember that at the end of the day, football is a game. Jason Garrett brought that perspective to light with this trip and the team is going to appreciate that long after they’ve hung up their cleats.

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What are your thoughts on the Cowboys taking such a unique trip? Email me at Roel.Ochoa.Jr@gmail.com or Tweet to me @rjochoa!