Dallas Morning News Article Today

Bryson Treece

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Did anyone happen to catch that article from Dallas Morning News Cowboys beat writer, Calvin Watkins? If you missed it, check it out – Calvin Watkins Bogus Article.

According to him, and his ‘sources’, the team was basically acting like a family of 40 brothers in one house, aside from the outright fighting that would occur in that situation. I’m not even sure if I can trust any of what this writer claims in his article. Then again, I found myself questioning the DC.com writers as well during this article.

I guess it was Nick Eatman, today, that said on DC.com that he was on the flight to Philly in December with the team, and that the plane was late, but not because of a player. He even said they knew it would be late before they got there. He does work for the organization, and they (DC.com writers) have been known to misstate things before, so I don’t know if he was covering, or being truthful.

Kind of makes me wonder about the media in general. I know the article was all about how players and coaches are bitching about other players and coaches, but to me, the author of the article stood out beyond any of the alleged facts he presented.

I for one, find it very difficult to put any credibility into an unnamed source for the media. If what you’re saying is so good, why not make yourself known? If losing your job was a big concern for you, you wouldn’t be starting crap to begin with, so why not take some pride in being a rat? That’s my thought anyway.

It just goes to show us all one thing; there is not one single person in this organization responsible for all the Cowboys’ struggles this past season. They all had a hand in it, one way or another.

The question now becomes, how do we get this ship sailing smooth again?

So how about it guys, what is it going to take to get the Cowboys back on track after the 2008 season? Comments are open to all.