Darren Woodson: Cowboys’ Locker Room Would Be A “Mess” With Romo In 2017

Kevin Brady

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Former Dallas Cowboys safety Darren Woodson knows a thing or two about winning. The three-time All-Pro and five-time Pro Bowler will almost certainly be in the Hall of Fame one day, and was a key member for three Super Bowl champion Cowboys’ teams.

With that being said, it is understandable that we would hold Woody’s words with some reverence when speaks about the current Cowboys. On ESPN’s Mike and Mike radio show, Woodson made some very interesting comments about former franchise quarterback Tony Romo.

Claiming that the locker room would be a “mess” if Romo was still on the roster in 2017, Woodson pleaded for the Cowboys to make a move and get Romo out of town. I don’t think anyone would claim Woodson is a Romo “hater,” and if anything, I believe he is a realist.

Tony Romo deserves to get a shot to start in this league, and if the place for this to happen isn’t in Dallas, then it is time for both the Cowboys and Romo to move on.

If Romo is still on the roster when training camp opens next season, it will be interesting to evaluate the dynamic between he and Dak. Yes, Romo is the ultimate professional as is Dak Prescott, but Romo will undoubtedly be gunning for his job during camp, and may even look really good in some preseason games.

It’s very possible that Romo could have a fantastic camp, look good in the preseason, and then have many fans wondering why the “better” quarterback isn’t playing.

I don’t want to get ahead of myself here, though. Dak Prescott is the future of the Dallas Cowboys, and that future began in 2016. Like Darren Woodson said, it is probably time to find Tony Romo a new home.

The only question left unanswered is where that new home will be.

2 thoughts on “Darren Woodson: Cowboys’ Locker Room Would Be A “Mess” With Romo In 2017”

  1. Well said Darren, Damn right he’d be gunning for his job, which by the way he shouldn’t have had to do in the first place. If changing quarterbacks was the intent, it could have been done in a more professional manner, iliminating all the negative emotions, and especially, the public need to take this situation and use it as an opportunity to trash on Tony. As much as I would like to see them compete for the leading role, the logical thing for Tony, is to move on,, I think it would be difficult for anyone to stay, given all that has transpired.

  2. Yeah I definitely agree with you shelly that it should have and could have been handled more professionally. Instead of it being handled like 5th graders the way the staff and front office did. Its like Eddie Sefko said this morning about D-Will starting for rookie sensation Yogi Williams. Its a no-brainer, you don’t bench a 12 year veteran who has been an All-Star. When he’s healthy, he plays. And like Carlisle said when asked about it, D-Will is a better player. And the bottom line is Romo is a better QB. But the Cowboys blew it. If they did the right/intelligent thing and started Romo when he was healthy they know they have a proven starter and proven back-up. Dak was drafted to be a back-up. And if tony gets hurt you put him in. Tony wasn’t going to play bad enough to justify a switch. The talk of chemistry and magic is BS. Neither one wins Championships- ask the 2016 #1 seed Rangers. And Tony doesn’t have any enemies in the Cowboys locker room. The chemistry would have been just fine because the team would have continued to win. Now the cowboys just think they have their future, Hall of Fame Super Bowl winning QB. But they know they don’t have a good back-up. And after the Wow’s do sign a back-up QB they won’t save a penny in salary cap. They’ll be paying Tony to win a Super Bowl somewhere else.

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