Dez Bryant: 2017 Cowboys To Be “Something Special”

Kevin Brady

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As America’s Team, the Dallas Cowboys normally come into each season with sky-high expectations. Despite this high standard which has been set over time, the Cowboys are without a Super Bowl appearance since the 1995 season.

Yes, it’s been a long time.

Cowboys star wide receiver Dez Bryant isn’t worried about this, however, telling reporters on Wednesday that Dallas has “something special” this year. He even went as far as to say this is the best team the Cowboys have had since he’s been in the league.

While the Cowboys have missed the playoffs during most of Bryant’s career, they have had two seasons which could be deemed pretty special, especially during the regular season. Those, of course, were 2014 and 2016.

Still, it is hard to remember the Cowboys coming into a season with this level of expectations in a while, maybe since 2008. It could be argued that 2015 came with high expectations as well, however, but neither ’08 nor ’15 went the way the Cowboys or their fans had hoped. In fact, the Cowboys have not made the playoffs in consecutive years in exactly a decade.

Injuries to then starting quarterback Tony Romo had a lot to do with the faltering of those seasons, so as long as the Cowboys’ stars can remain injury-free, they will be held to a high standard in 2017.

It’s nice to see a veteran leader in Dez Bryant embracing this standard.

2 thoughts on “Dez Bryant: 2017 Cowboys To Be “Something Special””

  1. I watch all the shows and read all the articles, It seems like EVERYBODY is praying on are downfall because they know how special this OFFENSE can be. I emphasise offense because the defense has been the teams issue for how many years now?? It shouldn’t be a question if this team could be special, its about the Defense at the end of the day. This offense could easily be top 5 but where will this defense rank , their the main key to this ” SOMETHING SPECIAL” moniker

  2. Praying for downfall is one thing, praying to have caught up is another and doing something about it is even harder. Most of the teams in the East are om catchup duty and hoping for a downfall from this team, this team for Garretts 1st 3yrs was about the process and the process gives no quarter to injuries and all praise ‘Godell-Mora for setting us straight.

    Playing from behind sucks if you don’t have a process and every Beauty Queen has a flaw, up to you to find it.

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