Dez Bryant: Cowboys Emotional And Inspirational Leader

Brian Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Dez Bryant: Cowboys Emotional And Inspirational Leader

Dez Bryant has received a lot of media attention since joining the league in 2010 after being drafted by the Dallas Cowboys in the first round with their 24th pick. Whether it is really warranted or not is another question.

The Dallas Cowboys are arguably the most recognizable sports franchise in the entire world and they are no strangers to the media attention that it attracts. This is both a good and bad thing in regards to Dez Bryant.

Bryant’s personality makes him stand out and often times his passion for the game can be misconstrued to the point where a lot of people believe he is a detriment to the team. I for one am not one of those people.

It was announced Wednesday that Bryant had X-rays on his surgically repaired right foot and if all goes as planned he should be able to participate in some fashion in the remaining OTA’s and minicamp later in the month.

This is certainly really good news for both Bryant and the Cowboys, because Bryant should be back to 100% when the 2016 season kicks off and taking things slow on the Cowboys part is a wise move. Bryant seems to need these off-season practices in order to get ready for the season.

I personally think that one of the contributing factors to Bryant’s injury in 2015 was the fact that he missed a lot of off-season practice time because of his contract dispute. It was truly disappointing because I was expecting big things from him after what he was able to accomplish in 2014.

Year Receptions Yards TDs
2014 88 1320 16


Unfortunately, as we know the 2014 season ended with “The Catch” and I think that still fuels Bryant to pick up where he left off, despite the fact things didn’t work out for him in 2015.

Cowboys Headlines - Dez Bryant: Cowboys Emotional And Inspirational Leader 1I know I personally still have a bad taste in my mouth and I know because of the passion that Bryant plays with that he absolutely wants redemption for the controversial ruling that ended the 2014 season.

It’s that passion that I think will help the Dallas Cowboys in the upcoming 2016 season.

Bryant is an emotional person and the way that he plays the game reflects that.

How many times have you seen him on the sideline screaming and yelling trying to rally his teammates?

Sometimes of course these outbursts can be of a negative nature, but the majority of the time he is playing cheerleader and trying to provide inspiration for his teammates.

This is something that the Cowboys don’t have a lot of on their team. You don’t see very many of the Cowboys players showing that outward leadership that you do on other teams around the NFL.

I’m not saying that they don’t have leaders on the team, but it seems that with the Cowboys it takes place behind closed doors where fans don’t get see it. It’s actually something that the Cowboys have been criticized about more than once before.

I’ve heard the question asked more than once. Who are the Cowboys leaders?

Cowboys Headlines - Dez Bryant: Cowboys Emotional And Inspirational Leader 2

Well, look no further than #88 because I believe he’s more than willing to take the reins and step into that role. I personally think that he’s perfect for that role too.

Bryant approaches practices just like he does actual games. He enjoys the competition and tries to put his best into each and every repetition he takes. I think he kind of demands it from his teammates as well, especially the defensive backs that try to cover him in practice.

He provides an energy that is contagious both on and off the field. It doesn’t really matter if he’s in the game making plays or if he’s on the sideline cheering on his teammates. His passion and emotion for the game helps to inspire those around him.

It’s a quality that can’t really be coached. A person is either born with it or not.

Fortunately, for the Dallas Cowboys it looks as if Dez Bryant got a double dose and I think it will only help things for the betterment of the team in 2016.

I’m expecting big things from the Cowboys offense this season and I think that Dez Bryant will be front and center in making sure that he is doing everything in his power to make those things happen.

Of course, that’s just my opinion.

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