Dez Bryant To DeMarco Murray: “Come On Home”

RJ Ochoa

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Around lunchtime on Thursday afternoon, NFL Network’s Ian Rapoport had some interesting news for the football world. Apparently things between the Philadelphia Eagles and their big-time free agent running back of a year ago, cough DeMarco Murray cough, aren’t quite so brotherly in the city of cheesesteaks and Rocky steps.

The NFL world reacted as they always do… with some strong opinions on the Twitter machine. People from all over the world let their opinions out about DeMarco Murray and how he can’t get no satisfaction from the Eagles. Pretty standard routine for something like this, right?

Enter Dez Bryant.

Dez must have seen the rumblings about Murray’s permanent sad face in Philly, lassoed in the ‘Boys via Twitter mention, and implored D.Moe to “come home.”

How likely is a reunion between DeMarco and the Dallas Cowboys? Who knows at this point. There’s no denying that there’s a great connection deep beneath the scorn born in 2014 between the two parties, but it’s obvious that at least Dez (presumably Jason Witten and Tony Romo as well) is prepared to open his arms for a Murray return.

The big question here is will Philadelphia even relinquish him? Are they truly that dissatisfied with this whole mess? Again… who knows?

Cowboys Blog - Dez Bryant To DeMarco Murray: "Come On Home"

Perhaps the most interesting thing here is whether the loyal members of Cowboys Nation would welcome DeMarco back as willingly as Dez seems to be ready to do. Before you laugh the idea away, let me lay something out for you.

Imagine the logistics work out so that Phillly really does let DeMarco go. After a pretty putrid season, say that the Cowboys sign him for a friendlier deal than Murray was willing to take just a year ago. Is that not enough of a victory?

If it isn’t then go a few steps further down this rabbit hole with me. Imagine beating Philadelphia with DeMarco, twice, as they sputter further out of control in the Chip Kelly aftermath and we return to the standard glory known to Dallas Cowboys fans.

Just think about it.

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Would you take DeMarco back? Voice your opinion! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me (like Dez) at @rjochoa!

1 thought on “Dez Bryant To DeMarco Murray: “Come On Home””

  1. I am one die hard Dallas Cowboys Fan. Yes it would be bitter sweet to have him back! To have a stable running game and get him at a Dollar store price would make it even mows worth it! It would also be hard him eating cudd. Which is so much more fun to watch because he thought it was just this current season for all of us who are faithful to our Blue, Silver and Stars team! Win or Loss it's Dallas Cowboys for me & Proud of it! A true fan holds their head high either way. Go Team in 2016-2017 seasos.

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