Disgusting Display By A Bunch Of Losers

Bryson Treece

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Well that really sucked! This was the first time in many years that I stopped watching a Cowboy game at halftime, without recording it to watch it later! I should have saved myself the grief and turned the channel after the first quarter. This team (they do not deserve this title) quit! I can count on one hand the players that played hard and did not quit. We can rant and rave about how the coaches did not do a good job, and we would be correct in all those raves, but the ones that we should be blasting are the players. After all the players are the ones that must execute!

In all my years I have never been ashamed of being a Cowboy fan, but I am today. The Cowboys have all ways been a team that fought hard, and had never say never attitude. The team that showed up yesterday was nothing more than a bunch of losers. The following players are excused from any ridicule from me. Jason Witten, Tashard Choice, Patrick Crayton, and Brooks Bolinger. Why Brooks Bolinger? Well he did the best possible job at holding the clip board that you could ask! Jason Witten, and Patrick Crayton were the only two receivers that seemed to understand that when a blitz is coming you can not continue to run a 30 yard pattern! You must cut that route off short and find a spot for your QB to get you the ball quickly. Tashard Choice because he never stopped. He went as hard as he could go on every play (The only player on the team that attempted to chase down the fumble return).

I do not understand how with your playoff lives on the line, you just completely quit! It’s not that they got beat. I and many of you could have dealt with a loss if they had played hard! Unfortunately they do not respect themselves, their fans, or their teammates enough to do that.

First on my list is the offensive line! Did this unit even get on the plane? As much as Tony was on his back I would want to check the flight register to verify this! This line has not played well for a while now, but yesterday was absolutely ridiculous. Time after time I saw three players on Romo and Colombo, Adams, McQuistan, Davis, Gurode standing 5 yards in front of him without anyone to block! What the hell???? Does the question not come to the mind of any of these guys as to WHY? Did they not after the first time this happened not go to the sideline and ask to see the pictures? Playing offensive line has more to do with want to, than footwork, and ability! Sure you have to have a ton of ability to play in the NFL, but when everyone on the field is of similar abilities Heart, Desire, and Want to is what sets people apart! You can be nine foot tall and 500 pounds and quick as a cat but if you don’t play hard and TRY you will always FAIL.

Receiving corps you guys sucked! All those not named Patrick Crayton and Jason Witten enjoy your extended vacation I hope you all have a good time spending your millions of dollars you were paid! All of you love to run your mouths, saying things like “I need to be more involved” “When I am involved we win games” well if you guys new what a blitz looked like, and understood what you as a receiver are supposed to do when you see a blitz YOU MIGHT GET THE BALL THROWN TO YOU!!!!!! Maybe if you ran every route like it was your last YOU MIGHT GET THE BALL THROWN TO YOU!!!!!!! Roy I love you man, and I understand you have been battling a foot injury, But Dammit if you are too hurt to get inside position on a seem route then don’t freaking play! Myself and many others have wanted you to play for the Cowboys for a long time, injury or not though you have got to step up and by all means shut up if you cannot do your job!

Marion Barber I love you man but hold on to the freaking ball! This game was not the first time you have coughed it up, you LEAD THE LEAGUE IN FUMBLES BY A RB!!!!

Defense where the hell were you guys? You guys may be strong physically, but mentally you grotesquely weak! Since the injury to Romo the season has been upon your shoulders! You guys have had some outstanding games. The question must be asked though, when the game is on the line who do you want on the field? If you had asked me this question two weeks ago I would have said the defense without second thought! After the last two games however you guys would not even make the top two! That is saying something because as awful as the offense and special teams has played I would rather them be on the field than you! Not one of you took it upon yourself to make sure everyone was ready to play! Not one of you went over and above what was expected of you! Not one of you even extended yourself! You all have made nothing but excuses all season as to why things did not go right. Somehow all of you have played football this long and still do not understand the game or no how to tackle! You all have given up over 600 yards rushing in 3 games (Giants,Ravens,Eagles) 400 of those yards given up in games that would clinch a playoff birth for your team. Not one of you even has the balls to step up and be a leader and accepted blame! I have been behind you and blasted the coaches for not having you prepared. You all sat and watched your coordinator take all the blame for your lack of preparation and desire! You all expect us the fans to back you even when you don’t show up, when we call you out you just side step the problem and point to someone else to take the blame! Well I am sick of the excuses! Here is a new concept take a look at yourself and ask yourself these questions: (1) Did I do my job to the best of my ability? (2) Did I make sure the man standing next to me new what he was doing? (3) Did I do anything extra that was not asked of me? I truly believe if each one of you ask yourself these questions you will find the answers as to what went wrong! The problem is I think you guys already know what went wrong but you all choose to not look at the problem for fear that you may have to make changes to yourself!

Coaches you guys make me want to vomit! Most of you are very good coaches, and have shown this in your past. You are all incredibly stubborn though, and either fail to see or do not want to see the real problems with this team. How can you stand up their after a game like yesterday and say “I thought we practiced well, and thought we would play well” and “We practiced as well as we have all year” Shitty play on Sunday is a direct reflection of practice or lack there of during the week! How is it possible for a person to think you practiced well and yet you still have the same problems you have had all year! Maybe you should take a look at the way you practice? Just a suggestion! How is it that you know your o-line has been getting destroyed for weeks but you still stick with slow developing plays? Your receivers do not know how to read a blitz, yet you still have plays in the book that require them to be able to read one? Here is a new concept via 1993 “run right, run left, slant right, slant left” throw all that other Princeton bullshit out the window and execute the simple things! You have one of the biggest o-lines in football yet we cannot run the ball between the tackles? You all like the players need to take a long hard look at yourself and answer the same three questions I gave the players to answer! Jerry says he is standing by all of you, well as far as I am concerned you have to earn back from me what I was so willing to just give you before, MY LOYALTY! It is now show me time! I will not stand for anymore excuses! SHOW ME!!!!!!!!!

It is going to be a loooooooooong winter! At least we as fans can walk away with our dignity still intact! Everyone at Valley Ranch does not even leave with that! In honor of all of you responsible for making me ashamed to be your fan may this video play repeatedly where ever you go!

8 thoughts on “Disgusting Display By A Bunch Of Losers”

  1. Couldnt have said it better myself. What an embarasing exhibit by a bunch of losers. It gos to show that Karma is a bitch and when a moral less owner tries to win at any costs and brings in nothing but thugs, felons, team cancers and a yes man for a head coach that it all blows up in your face in the end. Look at the bright side Cowboy fans, at least they didnt wait untli the playoffs to break your heart this time!

  2. Mike as bad as I hate to agree with you in this instance I must! As long as we are talking about “cancers” one in your position (Giants fan) you might want to look at your own team as well! You ever hear the saying “people who throw rocks should not live in glass houses”?

  3. Sorry Bags, not sure what you are reffering to, as My Team are the World Champs while yours is eliminated yet again. No Cancers on the Giants, thats what makes them A GREAT TEAM. Cowboys while much more talented top to bottom are nowhere near the team the GMen are. Glass houses my ass…

  4. You know mike I think you are really a closet Cowboy fan! That is the only logical answer for you to be cruising Cowboy sites all the time! Its ok mike I will not tell anyone!

  5. Bags- I cant help it, The Cowboys are the Gift that keeps on giving! And truth be told the Cowboys have bought me more joy the last couple years than any team besides my beloved GMen.So maybe you are on to something…

  6. I love cocky Giants fans! Keep talking.Just remember the ones that talk have the most to lose! Trust me I know!

  7. you guys are a bunch of ding dongs. The G men stink, and the Boys are the lamest bunch if selfish losers I’ve watched since the NY Yankees.

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