Divisional Alignment

Jonathan Day

Home » Cowboys News » Divisional Alignment

Football starved, I was just perusing through CBS Sports selection of online articles when I found the following useful tool:  http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/teams.  If you are unable to visit the link, in short it is a display of the United States with all the various teams logo’s placed over their corresponding city.  Not that this is the first time I’ve wondered this, but why are the Cowboy’s a part of the NFCE?  Wouldn’t it make more sense if they were a part of the NFCW.  Furthermore, wouldn’t it make more sense that the Rams be a part of the NFCE, considering that they are further East and closer to the other NFCE team’s?

Imagine that for just a moment.  Our interdivisional foes would be the Cardinals, 49ers, and Seahawks.  If only…

Considering that the 49ers and Cardinals are already considered rivals by many, it’s not like TV ratings on games would hurt too much as a result of the change.  Can anybody lend perspective on this obvious misalignment?  Where would one begin in petitioning such a change?  Would you be in favor of the change or are you happy with the way things are now?  Just curious…

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5 thoughts on “Divisional Alignment”

  1. I think we might take a ratings hit due to losing the largest market in the nation twice a year. It’d be nice, but I don’t see it happening there is just too much history in the NFC east.

  2. It would be terrible jonathan and this is why. I, a adoring cowboys fan, eat sleep and breath the cowboys. I fell in love with the battles at veterans stadium. I feel in love with the battles against the G-men, and I sure as hell fell in love with the rivalry against that skins that spawned from Tex Schram buying the rights to “hail to the skins” so that the cowboys could get the final vote to becoming a expansion team.

    We’re not on the NFCW because the fun would be gone. The NFCE is the true definition of football, as a fan i want my team to beat the best teams in the game and thats is where the cowboys find themselves. If someone just wants to win against teams who will put up a weak fight, then i challenge who they are as fans.

  3. Something else to consider is how expansion teams factor into it and change things. I mean the NFCE isn’t what it used to be because of expansion teams and changes to the conferences. Well looking at the map you linked us to above, it’s plain to see that many states don’t have a football team – so what if that started to change?

    A realignment of the conferences would be necessary, but do you add a team to the NFCE or take one away and make a new conference?

    That’s what I’m always curious to see, what if we get the New Mexico Wildcats as a pro team, what then?

    Aside from that I’m very pleased to be a part of the NFCE now, even though it doesn’t make that much sense, it’s where the Cowboys, Eagles, Giants, and Redskins belong. It’s the toughest division in football year in and year out, what better place is there?

  4. I have a feeling that throughout the tenure of football, the powers will shift. Yes, the NFCE is the powerhouse of the NFC at the moment. But the one certainty we have in life is change. Years from now, who know’s where the most competition will be found.

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