Do We Really Need To Worry About Dez Bryant?

RJ Ochoa

Home » Cowboys News » Do We Really Need To Worry About Dez Bryant?

Let’s all just calm down for a second.

It’s an exciting time around Cowboys Nation considering that America’s Team went through football drills while Matt Cassel quarterbacked them to failure wearing pads for the first time in what feels like forever on Monday. It was a breath of enormously fresh air after the pollution that 2015 decorated our nostrils with.

While it has indeed been quite the delight to see the Cowboys doing their thang, it’s been a precarious type of optimism as one of the team’s primary Stars (no pun intended) hasn’t exactly looked like the version of himself that we’re accustomed to seeing.

This tweet, from last Saturday, raised many eyebrows throughout the pride of blue & silver. Dez? Three drops? WITHOUT GOING AGAINST DBs?!

No way, right? Not our Dez. Sam Bradford is more likely to complete a pass to his intended target than Dez is to drop a ball. There is no way on Earth, Mars, Neptune, or that space where people who think Kirk Cousins is awesome live that Dez Bryant could have a case of the dropsies.

Much to our chagrin, Dez is indeed of some extra work. I know it feels like I just punched you in the face, but hear me out for a second.

The last time that Dez Bryant played a football game was December 19th, 2015. That was 228 days ago. This particular game was at home, on a Saturday night, against the New York Jets. Mr. Throw Up the X ended the game with 4 catches for 50 yards and a touchdown.

Anyone with eyeballs knows that Dez Bryant was not Dez Bryant on that fateful Saturday night. Dez was never Dez at all in 2015. We’re at the point in the 2015 Process (shout out to Coach Garrett and his 17″ philosophy) that we can admit that. It’s time for 2016.

While Dez’s 2016 might not be as spectacular at this point as it usually is… it’s because it’s been such an enormous amount of time since Dez Bryant was Dez Bryant. How long?

During the final three weeks of the 2014 Regular Season, Dez had 15 catches for 286 yards and 6 touchdowns. THAT is the Dez Bryant we know who loves to throw up that X. The final game in that stretch was played on December 28th, 2014… 584 days ago.

It’s understandable that Dez would need some time to regain his proper form. It’s just unheard of because Dez Bryant is a freak of nature who catches footballs beyond the comprehension of the weak-minded (looking at you, Dean Blandino).

We know Dez Bryant, Cowboys Nation. He’s the same guy he’s always been that took some time after practice to hang out with Miles Brown.

He’s the guy who’s going to dominate the NFL in 2016 and there’s nothing that rust, Dean Blandino, or Josh Norman can do about it. Throw up the X.

Are you at all worried about Dez Bryant? Let us know! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!