Does Eddie Lacy Own The Dallas Cowboys?

RJ Ochoa

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January 11th, 2015 was a long time ago.

That day will forever live in infamy throughout the hearts of Dallas Cowboys fans across the globe. Why is that, you ask? Oh it was just the “Dez Catch” game. Yes… that one.

Last week while I was minding my own business the NFL Network, whom I care for deeply, must have had a big problem with me. Maybe I forgot to get them a Valentine’s Day gift, maybe I left the toilet seat up, or maybe they were just having a bad day. Either way they replayed that horror and, because I’m a masochist, I watched the whole thing in its entirety. What’s wrong with me?

You would think that the DeMarco Fumble or Dez Catch would be enough to satisfy my pain quota for the day, but I was really looking to scar myself emotionally. Where anyone else would have changed the channel to enjoy otherwise cheerful regularly scheduled programming… I found a new reason to be sad.

And because I’m just a big ‘ol ball of joy – I’m going to share it with you. Cheers.

It’s hard to find an NFL player who faced more scrutiny throughout the 2015 NFL season than Eddie Darwin Lacy Jr..

Sidebar: HIS MIDDLE NAME IS DARWIN?! How awesome is that???

In his third year out of the University of Alabama, the star running back for the storied Green Bay Packers had a low production season and met some harsh criticism for his overweight physique.

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Thanksgiving was but four days away when Eddie Lacy had his first 100-yard game of the season. Darwin – I can call him that, right? – had exactly 100 yards against the Vikings on November 22nd so he barely made this weigh in.

It looked things were trending upward when, in a Packer loss, Lacy put up 105 yards on Turkey Day to record back-to-back games worthy of a Benjamin. It was when the Packers visited Detroit on a Thursday Night in December that things got really crazy:

  1. Aaron Rodgers threw what everyone in the world thinks was the first Hail Mary ever.
  2. Eddie Lacy ran for 4 yards on 5 carries. I’d have you double check the math on that but we, like everyone else regarding Aaron’s Hail Mary, need to move on.

So up until this point Lacy did have two 100-yard games to his 2015 name, but he also had four with 10 or fewer yards. Fantasy experts near and far were past the point of caution with Eddie. He sucked. He was terrible. He was no good. Good thing for Eddie is he had a date with the Dallas Cowboys up next.

Why was that a good thing? Eddie loves the Cowboys. He’s particularly good against them. Just how good, though?

I’m going to jump ahead in time. We’re now past Eddie’s date with the Cowboys (24 carries for 124 yards and a touchdown in case you were wondering…) and we’re at today. The sad day.

Eddie Lacy has played 51 career games (Playoffs are included in all statistics here, FYI). In those games he has amassed 3,482 yards. Some simple math tell us that comes out to 68.27 yards per game. That’s not exactly a Hall of Fame type average which helps to explain the flack that Lacy took all season. If you thought that this was the “sad” part of things then you are in for quite a doozy.

Here are three “random” Eddie Lacy games:

Date Carries Yards Yards/Carry
12/15/13 21 141 6.71
1/11/15 19 101 5.32
12/13/15 24 124 5.17
Total 64 366 5.72

These aren’t just three random games. These are the three times in Eddie Lacy’s career that he’s played the Dallas Cowboys.

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Right about now you’re probably thinking, “Ok well this isn’t too bad. RJ said I’d be sad. I’m only just a little bummed. Whatever. I want tacos for lunch!” Don’t get any hot sauce because I’ve got some for you, pal.

Eddie Lacy has played 48 career games against teams that are not the Dallas Cowboys. In those games he has carried the ball 738 times for 3,116 yards. That’s 4.22 yards per carry. That means Eddie Lacy averages a full YARD AND A HALF more against the Dallas Cowboys than literally every other team he’s played in his career.

3,116 yards sliced 48 ways (one for each game not against the Cowboys) yields 64.92 yards per game. Let this really sink in… Eddie Lacy averages 64.92 yards per game when he’s not playing against the Cowboys.

What about when he is? Well the original Darwin preached survival of the fittest and Eddie certainly survives against Dallas. In a hat trick of matchups against the ‘Boys Eddie’s churned out 366 yards on the ground. That only comes out to 122 yards per game every time Eddie Lacy plays against the Dallas Cowboys!

Feeling sad yet?

Eddie Lacy Versus: Yards/Carry Yards/Game
Everyone Else 4.22 64.92
Dallas Cowboys 5.72 122
Percentage Increase 35.55% 87.92%

I’m going to give you a moment to reflect. Take your time.

You ok? Need a tissue for all those tears? It’s ok, I’m here for you! (I hope you got tacos for me, by the way).

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Eddie Lacy, shockingly, averages 35.55% more yards per carry and an astonishing 87.92% more yards per game versus the Dallas Cowboys specifically than he does versus the entire field. Welcome to Sadtown, population is you and me. (Oh and the Dallas Cowboys Defense apparently…).

Lacy has had 100 or more yards 11 times in his career. Three of them, a poetic 27.27%, have been against America’s Team.

Please allow me to remind you that all of these… are facts. Numbers. Data. Indisputable evidence.

The Dallas Cowboys and Green Bay Packers will square off at Lambeau Field in 2016. If history is any indicator then you need to have Eddie Lacy in your fantasy football lineups that day. You’ll be thankful you did because Eddie Lacy owns the Dallas Cowboys. Ugh.

What do you make of this data? Does Eddie Lacy really own the Dallas Cowboys or is this an insane streak of coincidences? Let me know! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!