Eagles, Ravens, and Redskins to Play Huge Role in Cowboys Push To Playoffs

Bryson Treece

Home » Cowboys News » Eagles, Ravens, and Redskins to Play Huge Role in Cowboys Push To Playoffs

The 2008-09 Cowboys season begins today! I say this because the only way the Cowboys control their own destiny is by winning out. One miss step by the Boys and they can kiss the playoffs goodbye! This is the hole they have dug. All hope is not lost however, after looking at everyone’s schedule as well as the Cowboys, the conclusion is this:

  1. Win out and you’re in @ 12-4!!!
  2. Beat Redskins as well as win all games at home and pray for some help!

Is there anyone who believes this team will win out? Is it possible? Sure! Is it probable? Not likely! So where does that leave us? Well it all starts with a win this weekend! This game this weekend is the game that we must have! If they do not take care of business it will take a lot of help to get this team into the playoffs at 10-6, A LOT!!!! I have 3 teams finishing 10-6, Washington, Dallas, and Tampa Bay. In this scenario a loss this weekend to Washington the Cowboys are not in the playoffs!

Nothing more needs to be said about the necessity of this weekend’s game. There are two other teams that could have HUGE implications on the boys. Both the Philadelphia Eagles and the Baltimore Ravens can help our cause immensely! Both the Redskins and Eagles must travel to Baltimore. Dallas on the other hand gets them at home. We need the Ravens to handle both of those teams. This of course only helps us if we win our division games. The rest of the way Dallas has the second toughest remaining schedule behind the Giants, followed by Philadelphia, and lastly Washington.

This run will not be easy! This team has the talent, but do they have the Heart?

1 thought on “Eagles, Ravens, and Redskins to Play Huge Role in Cowboys Push To Playoffs”

  1. They can do it! they just need to play like the team from last year and block out all the media BS that is dragging them down. They are only as good as they want to be! Go Cowboys!

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