Event: ESPN’s Rock The Mic Broadcast At Slackers Bar Northstar In San Antonio, Friday Aug 5 From 4-7 PM

RJ Ochoa

Home » Cowboys News » Event: ESPN’s Rock The Mic Broadcast At Slackers Bar Northstar In San Antonio, Friday Aug 5 From 4-7 PM

Cowboys Nation! Inside The Star family! I’m here to ask for your help.

You’ve read my work, followed me on Twitter, listened to the RJOShow, and seen me on OchoLive, so you know that I march to the beat of a unique drum.

If you haven’t heard by now, these days I’m trying to put my skills in this arena to the test. I live in San Antonio, TX and ESPN San Antonio has put together a contest called “Rock The Mic” where they challenged contestants to give their best sports analysis in a minute. Of course, I spoke about our beloved Cowboys. You can view my video and vote for me right here.

On Friday, August 5th ESPN San Antonio’s “The Blitz” will be live at Slackers Bar – Northstar in San Antonio.

Slackers Bar – Northstar: 126 W. Rector Dr., San Antonio, TX 78216

It’s an opportunity to meet and interact with the Top 12 contestants, of which four will move on to the next round. They’ve challenged us to bring out as many people as we can, they want to see what kind of crowd we can draw.

I’ve seen Cowboys Nation do some incredible things in the landscape of social media, and I’m truly touched that you guys have come to bat for me. I had someone reach out to me on Wednesday night, saying that they felt like they “knew” me by following me on Twitter.

You do know me. I know you. The experience of being a Dallas Cowboys fan in 2016 has gifted us with so many platforms and outlets that tie us together.

We Are One Nation. One Family. One Crowd To Draw.

If you are in the San Antonio area on Friday, I ask you to come on out to Slackers Bar – Northstar (details below). There are free snacks provided, and you can hang out with me. We’ll talk Cowboys, food, life, whatever you want. Ultimately though the reach of Cowboys Nation extends far beyond the metropolis of San Antonio.

If you can’t physically be there, I ask that tomorrow from 4-7pm CDT you tune in to The Blitz (You can listen right here). I’ll be chatting sports (obviously some Cowboys) with the hosts and other contestants. Since you can’t be there in person I ask that you show your support through that crazy landscape of social media.

Tweet At:

ESPN San Antonio (@ESPN_SA)

Jason Minnix (@JasonMinnix)

Rob Thompson (@RobThompsonESPN)

RJ Ochoa (@rjochoa)


Let your voice, the voices of a nation, be heard from wherever you are.

I’ll also be streaming on my own Periscope and the Inside The Star Facebook Page if you want to watch while you listen.

Whether you show up in person, watch online, send a tweet, have already voted, or have only ever read one word of one thing I’ve written here at Inside The Star… I’m humbled by this opportunity and grateful to be a part of this community.

Let’s have some fun.

Additional Details Below:

The Star News - Event: ESPN's Rock The Mic Broadcast At Slackers Sports Bar In San Antonio, Friday Aug 5 From 4-7 PM 1