Is Ezekiel Elliott The “Right Kind Of Guy”?

Brian Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Is Ezekiel Elliott The “Right Kind Of Guy”?

If you’re a fan of the Dallas Cowboys or a member of Cowboys Nation, then you know the meaning of the “right kind of guy” mantra. It all started when Jason Garrett took over as head coach of the Cowboys and has been echoed by nearly every member of the organization. But, due to recent events I’ve started wondering if Ezekiel Elliott is a “right kind of guy”.

Ezekiel Elliott is without a doubt one of the best running backs in the entire NFL and seems to be well-liked by his teammates. But, that’s the on the field stuff that has earned him the chance to play in the league. Unfortunately, it takes more than being talented and well-liked by your peers to have a lasting career in the NFL.

If Ezekiel Elliott isn’t careful, he could be heading down a dangerous path that could lead to his career being shortened. Fortunately though, he really hasn’t done anything illegal that would get him in trouble with the law, but that doesn’t mean diddly squat to Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Goodell has the power to hand down suspensions even if an NFL player hasn’t done anything technically illegal. That’s the category Ezekiel Elliott finds himself in right now and why he could be looking at a suspension to start the 2017 season.

Ezekiel ElliottIf we are judging by recent events then Ezekiel Elliott doesn’t fit into that “right kind of guy” mantra Jason Garrett has preached as a head coach. He believes players should be able to take care of their business on and off the field and that they are mature enough to do so. Unfortunately, Zeke’s maturity is certainly questionable as things stand right now.

The Cowboys second-year RB has without a doubt found himself in some difficult situations since turning pro. In each instance the details are sketchy, but he’s going to have to learn he is now a public figure and everything he does/says will be heavily scrutinized. Unfortunately, that’s just the nature of the business.

Now, I still believe Ezekiel Elliott is the “right kind of guy” and the type of player the Dallas Cowboys try to build their roster around, but something is going to have to change. Fortunately for him though, he has several teammates who can help make sure he is going down the right path.

It sometimes just takes a little longer for professional athletes to figure things out. They go from a college athlete to a multi-million dollar professional player nearly overnight and that can sometimes be a huge adjustment. We’re just going to have to hope #21 figures everything out sooner rather than later.

Do you think Ezekiel Elliott is the “right kind of guy”?

11 thoughts on “Is Ezekiel Elliott The “Right Kind Of Guy”?”

  1. RKG does NOT equal Boy Scout.

    They want RKGs on the field. Off they field they don’t really care as long as it doesn’t affect the team. Obviously suspensions hurt, but as long as Elliot isn’t a distraction in the locker room, then he’s an RKG.

    • I think the “right kind of guy” encompasses a lot more than just on the field production. They also want players that can keep their noses clean so that they are available to help the team when the time comes.

      • I disagree. Yes, you’d like theme to stay clean, but that’s not their RKG mantra. If it was, they would never have signed Hardy. They want people who live and breath football.

        I’m not saying it’s right. I’m just saying their RKG does not equal a Boy Scout. If you want that, then you would need them to change what RKG means because they have stated that it’s about football, not off the field.

    • I agree with Brian on this. While Jerry is making excuses for Zeke (and Greg Hardy, Randy Gregory, Michael Irvin, etc.), why is it we never heard the same excuses being made for Dak, Emmitt, or Woody? I get that some players take longer to mature, but ultimately, each player is responsible for their own behavior.

      • Exactly! I think Zeke just needs to do a better job of putting himself in better situations. Maybe take on a mentor to help him figure things out. Perhaps one of his teammates like Jason Witten.

        • Another thing about this, since we are talking about 21 year olds, you are getting the most cocky people on the planet. The best football players in my HS were the guys who were the biggest asses and did the most ridiculous things, usually covered up by the coaches, school and parents. To be shocked that his behavior continues when they reach the NFL is naive. They’ve been coddled all their lives and have never learned the skills to be mature beyond their age.

          Again, not saying it’s right, but to complain about it and not address the realities of the situation is reporting only half the story.

          • Again, how is it that Dak manages to stay out of trouble, but Zeke cannot?

            Emmitt and Woody were both 21 at one time in their lives, yet neither made the headlines like Zeke is doing. Everytime somebody makes excuses for Zeke, I wonder why they never had to say the same about Dak, Woody or Emmitt? Were those guys supermen? I don’t think so.

            They simply chose to follow the straight and narrow. And it IS a choice!

          • Easy. Dak matured early. His mother is a HUGE part of that. However, even in his childhood, he showed a maturity way beyond his years.

            Just be aware, Dak is the HUGE exception. Not the rule. Zeke is WAY closer to the norm.

          • Yes, Dak is exceptional, but that doesn’t make him the exception.

            There are lots of guys on the Cowboys roster who manage to stay out of trouble. Is Tyron Smith the exception or the rule? La’el Collins? Kyle Wilber? Anthony Brown?

            I could on and on. MOST of the Cowboys stay out of trouble. That makes them the rule and Zeke the exception. But keep on making excuses for him, and you’ll keep getting the same results.

            I’m done, you may have the last word.

          • To be fair, even Dak had a DUI shortly before the draft. La’el Collins was involved in a situation, not of his creation but people will point out that some of them were his friends.

            These are coddled 21 year olds. I’m not saying it’s right, but the reality is they think they are invincible and until you prove them otherwise, this kind of situation will come up. The Cowboys aren’t the only team with this issue.

      • You might want this, but this is not what the Dallas Cowboys consider to be an RKG. Their RKG is someone who lives and breathes football.

        I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just stating what they have stated is an RKG for them.

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