Fearless Predictions: Why The Cowboys Make the Postseason

Bo Martin

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Alright, 24 hours have elapsed and I can finally start getting over what happened at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium last night. I already know where this is going, the Cowboys lost, the world must deeply overreact, judge Tony Romo, and try and understand why our defense is the worst defense to ever play football. While this is happening the world is also forgetting it’s only week 4 and the Cowboys are 2-2… The last time the Dallas Cowboys went 2-2? 2006, where they made the playoffs .


Now listen to me I’m not saying the Cowboys will definitely make the playoffs, they have to work on a few things:

1) Offensive Line Play- We have one of the largest most talented offensive lines in the league. They need to start playing like it, 5 sacks isn’t acceptable.

2) Gunslinging- Tony Romo will make mistakes! Period. Why not let him do it while being the playmaker he is.

3) Offensive Play Calls- Jason Garrett needs to learn a few things still about when to run and pass, it just seems like his play calls are unmethodical.

4) Defensive Dominance- Our defense has been playing well, but they need more big plays, so many big plays that teams are afraid of them. Only then will we be a feared team in the league.

Now that we’ve established what needs to be solidified. I feel confident that I have a solid feel on how the Cowboys are playing and responding to certain situations. So where will they be come January? Lets take a further look…

Week 5 @ KC- There is no way the Cowboys lose to an unimpressive Chiefs team.

Prediction: DAL 31 KC 10

Week 7- BYE

Week 8 Home against Atlanta- This will be a tough game, but the extra preperation time pays off.

Prediction: Dallas 24 ATL 17

Week 9 @ PHI- This is a tough game, and it looks like the Cowboys are gonna battle the Eagles to the bitter end..

Prediction: DAL 17 PHI 20

WEEK 10 @ GB- This is a potential wildcard grabber. I don’t worry about Green Bay, the Cowboys Run to 6-3.

Prediction: DAL 27 GB 21

Week 11 Home against WAS- A tough one but the Cowboys sweep the Redskins.

Prediction DAL 34 WAS 17

Week 12 Home against OAK- Thanksgiving… Need I say More?

Prediction: DAL 31 Oak 10

Week 13 @ NYG- Sorry Guys but we don’t split with New York, another disappointed loss and we’re 8-4.

Prediction: DAL 24 NYG 27

Week 14 @ SD- This game is a tough one, but by now the Cowboys are rolling and the Wildcard is to close to let go. Give us the WinR-1

Prediction: DAL 24 SD 14

Week 15 @ NODrew Brees…

Prediction- DAL 20 New Orleans 31

Week 16 @ WASSweep Complete, and they need it. If the Cowboys don’t clinch this week, it’s up to home against PHI again.

Prediction: DAL 35 WAS 24

Week 17 Home against PHI- Cowboys avenge last season, pushing the heavily favored Eagles to 3rd in the NFC East.

Prediction: DAL 37 PHI 16

Now incase you lost count that gives the Cowboys a realistic 11-5 record. The Early bye week gives the Cowboys a chance to regroup and refocus, which pays dividends in the end.

Final Word-The Blame Game

Again for my weekly destruction of over critical fans. Last weeks loss was not Tony Romo’s… No ands, if’s or buts about it. It was a team loss. Communication, Football Knowledge, and Blown Assignments are the factor of that loss. There are 13 more weeks left, and if you want the Cowboys to do well, you better rally behind them. Many of you will bash my predictions, yet they are all generated the same way experts do. You know why you’ll bash them? Because you don’t believe. So get up, shut up, and Support your team. That means you Derek Eagleton!

4 thoughts on “Fearless Predictions: Why The Cowboys Make the Postseason”

  1. I have to disagree with you to an extent on it wasn’t Romo’s fault of us losing, I am not saying it was solely his but…. Holding the ball as long as he did is unacceptable, even if it is just throwing it away that’s x5 better then taking those hurtly sacks and having to battle back from 2-and-long,3-and-long’s we had. I 100% agree with you on letting Romo loose, Romo does not play well when he is trying to manage and be conservative.

    I agree are defense held their ground as long as they could last night, and that last play to Marshall could have been better. But on the other hand I am glad he scored that TD on that play. I believe in my mind if he hadn’t scored the Bronc’s would have just ran the clock out and then kicked that “potentially” game winning FG. That gave Romo & Co. a chance of coming back.

    I don’t even want to talk about that final drive, #4 receiver with 1 CAREER TD vs PRO BOWLER. TWICE! Wtf were they thinking? Again my emphasis on how I feel about Garrett does not need to be stated again.

    I for one am tired of Romo saying after every game, “we just need to get better and improve yadda yadda”, you can say this as many times as you want, but without good results your just wasting breath. I still believe Romo will bounce back though, but his window of doing so is closing in fast.

    I agree with your predictions somewhat, but if our D and O are in sync come the game against NO, we could def. pull out the W.

    Last note, we should go into KC and wax the floor with them, if we don’t, then you can pretty much kiss any playoff hopes goodbye.

  2. Bo, You can say all the get behind your team stuff you want, but it is no one mans problem with this team. There are a handful of players that actually give a *@#&@ and after them are just warm bodies! The play calling was awful on both sides of the ball, QB play was terrible, O line was the same, the secondary is soft, shall I go on? How can you seriously look at the schedule and think this team can go on a run to get to 11-5? This team in every game this year has shown deep signs of being ill prepared, and unfocused! My question is how does that happen?

  3. Phillip, I agree with you on all your assessment of the team, thus proving it was a team effort. However, Dallas has all the potential to make a run, it’s only week 4 sir. With a bye coming up to regroup and refocus before an important stint of games, it’s the perfect time to become the Cowboys that no one expects them to be.

    I don’t feed this get behind your team stuff because I think it’s pointless my friend, I feed it because it matters. Guess what man? the Cowboys see what people say, they see what people write, it wouldn’t hurt for people to support their team. It pisses me off that people will on winning days talk about how great the Cowboys, Romo, and the Defense are, and then the next week they completely bash them. It’s just ridiculous. Loyalty means alot to me, it’s upon the basis I was raised, so you’ll have to excuse me if I continue to preach it. If it upsets you perhaps its conviction that overwhelms your heart.

    On that note, I appreciate your insight Phillip…. Nice weekly predictions record…

    And Joe thanks for being real and honest in your comments man,I couldn’t agree more about the Hurd vs Champ option.

  4. How bout them cowboys ???? Tighten up defense and offense run the freaking ball more and learn how to block better. tony slowmo get rid of the ball sometimes damn.

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