Finish The Fight: Ezekiel Elliott’s Fight With NFL Just Beginning

Brian Martin

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One of the more important mantras the Dallas Cowboys have been known to go by here recently is “Finish The Fight”. That particular mantra is arguably more important now than it is ever been after Ezekiel Elliott, Jerry Jones, and the rest of Cowboys Nation learned of the NFL’s decision to slap Elliott with a six-game suspension. This fight is just beginning and you can bet Elliott and Jerry Jones are prepared to fight tooth and nail with the NFL and see this thing through to the end.

The NFL in their infinite wisdom decided to hand down a six-game suspension without pay to the 2016 leading rusher, Ezekiel Elliott, for the alleged violation of the league’s personal conduct policy. The key word here of course is “alleged”. The NFL claims their decision was justified because of their “general belief” that the victim was telling the truth in all matters pertaining to the domestic violence accusation.

Ezekiel Elliott as you can imagine is completely infuriated by the turn of events and probably feels like he’s been slapped in the face by the NFL. This seems to be just another case of the NFL hierarchies trying to flex their muscles and play judge, jury, and executioner. This is especially true considering the fact the Columbus (OH) criminal court dismissed all charges against Elliott back in the summer of 2016.

This fight is far from over, hence the reference to the Dallas Cowboys mantra “Finish The Fight” earlier in the article. Ezekiel Elliott and Jerry Jones are absolutely furious at the turn of events and are prepared to take whatever actions necessary in order to exonerate Elliott from any wrongdoings.

The Dallas Cowboys second-year RB of course is not alone in this fight and has the full support of his owner Jerry Jones. In fact, the NFL should expect Jerry Jones to be on the warpath.

What all this adds up to is a lengthy and probably ugly fight between Ezekiel Elliott/Dallas Cowboys and the NFL. There will be no simple solution and it could come down to a court ruling to finally get everything sorted out.

The only thing that I know for sure, is that we all need to buckle up and prepare ourselves for a long bumpy ride. It’s the only thing we can do as Ezekiel Elliott and Jerry Jones prepared to “Finish The Fight”.

How do you think this situation finally shakes out?

6 thoughts on “Finish The Fight: Ezekiel Elliott’s Fight With NFL Just Beginning”

  1. He needs to fight this. Making an example of Zeke because of his popularity and the fact that he is a Dallas Cowboy. They had a chance to send a message when they had proof that Josh Brown was a spouse abuser. They had a chance to send a message with Pacman but he only got one game for assault and threatening a police officer. I’m quite sure Commissioner Mara…I meant to say Goodell is really proud of himself. No one is really talking about the fact that 2 of the 4 of the panel members are probably biased against the the Cowboys, especially the former prosecutor who is a die hard Giants fan.

  2. If you read the letter from NFL to Elliott that was leaked, it’s written like they are positive of his guilt. I’m a Progressive politically and have always believed in full gender equality & voted for those candidates including Hillary Clinton.

    So it’s difficult to read that letter and imagine they could be right, and very uncomfortable for me to be a defender of someone possible guilty of domestic violence.

    But there is a gigantic problem with the NFL process. It is corrupted IMO and needs to be slapped down in court. The NFL is now it’s own crime investigative organization, and willing to contradict police findings. That’s sue-able.

    My argument from the other article:

    ESPN’s article today went into what the NFL obtained for it’s conclusions. Interviews of both parties, text messages, injury pics it said meta-dated to the time frame involved. It seems to have ignored that witnesses heard the woman threaten to ruin EE’s career, one reason the police did not charge.

    So if you run your own CSI shop and you are going to disregard police conclusions – and you decide he did it – then why is it only 6 games? Are you weak on DV, or are you rather on shaky ground with the whole endeavor…

  3. And I think it will be challenged and beaten in court. And I agree it might get Goodell fired. He’s lost.

    Elliott is losing much more than game checks. He is being crucified now in the court of the national press. If you are a prominent sports star, you stand to make much more in endorsement deals than you do from your player contract.

    Elliott? No. That’s gone. And that’s why he will sue.

  4. I am SO glad that Jerry Jones & Family are all TICKED off by this decision. After all that Jerry Jones has done for the NFL. The NFL would not be what it is today with ALL that Jerry Jones has done. I hope that Goodell gets FIRED!! He is making a laughing stock of the NFL. This situation happened before Ezkiel Elliot was drafted. NFL should NOT any jurisdiction of what happened then. Also, how do you accuse someone of false accusations. His ex-girl girlfriend presented the information to the police of accusing Ezkiel falsely. The NFL is a BIG joke right now. The Dallas Cowboys brought the ratings up last year fo the NFL. The NFL’s ratings were very low, until they FLEXED Cowboys games. Chris Carter is no better person. He was involved with drugs & alcohol when he was in the NFL. Would would think someone like him would be more considerate for other players in the league. HE IS A POOR EXAMPLE IF WHAT THE NFL STANDS FOR!! No respect for him whatsoever. Hope & Pray Ezkiel comes out victorious and some NFL leaders get replaced!!

  5. Good article Brian and I’m not sure why I’m getting this 2 days later then the rest but agree with all those commenting. I have no use for DV of any sort whether it’s my neighbor your neighbor Joe blow and especially these prima donna athletes. If he indeed did it then not 6 games ban out,kick him out. That sends the message loud and clear. BUT the NFL isn’t the law and I know they have their rules but this was clearly a matter that had been handled by the law and Zeke was completely exonerated..Goodell has been a blight to the NFL for a pretty good while now and like another said he’s probably headed to unemployment.Good riddance..Read today where Zeke’s dad said get ready we are Lawyer’d up and we know Jerry is as well..Now it just popped up on my phone saying Goodell had little to do with this investigation…REALLY…Yes my blood is Blue & Silver since 63′ but if he’s innocent of all this then the NFL needs a slap in the face. I believe he is and if not he’s got to go flip burgers with Randy Gregory…!

  6. If the NFL investigator realizes she’s a flake, because the only pics on record are selfies after a bar fight at a party she wasn’t invited to, then follows him home, confronts Zeke and friends in parking lot. Throws a few threats his way before calling the police. A few texts to her friend asking for a felony. Just wonder why Zekes restraining order against her never came up until now, could be the deathblow to Goodells throne.

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