Bryson Treece

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Communities are what keep this country going … Wouldn’t you agree?

Whether it’s a community trying to keep local culture and commerce alive with family owned business and small-town flare for familiarity, or it’s a community of football fans all pulling for the returned success of the Dallas Cowboys. Community is behind it all.

That’s the purpose of, community. Cowboys fans are as diverse as they are many, and yet we all come together over a singular topic nearly every day … that topic? It’s a simple question, really, albeit complicated to answer. How can the Cowboys regain the glory of old and hoist a sixth Lombardi Trophy into the charged atmosphere that only a Super Bowl victory can ignite?

Okay, so maybe that was a little dramatic, but here’s something that’s not at all dramatic. It seems that my friends over at aren’t the only ones hoping for a change in regime at Valley Ranch.

Covering both past and current events, nicely constructs a chronicle of Jerry Jones’ failures as the GM of the Dallas Cowboys. Searching for a way only to bring another Championship title to Dallas, you can see quite clearly that a change at the top is needed.

Well … being the dutiful fan that I am, I’ve made a new friend in Ryan, the author of Here’s a piece of his message to Jerry Jones …

Unfortunately, you are not an elite general manager. You make questionable calls to bring in talented, yet troublesome players who destroy team chemistry. You listen to the wrong people and ignore sound advice. Be honest, Mr. Jones – if someone else had the same record as GM over the past 10 years as you, would he still be your employee? Of course not, because you demand the excellence that is needed to be a dominating force in the NFL.–, “Dear Mr. Jones”

Reading through his features … Injuries & Usurpations and original posts from the author … he makes a good case for his argument, and I encourage you all to check out his site.

The biggest trials of this quest are that of numbers, and through our voices we can spread the word, and we can make a difference.

9 thoughts on “”

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Bryson! Much appreciated.

    Also, my thanks to Kristi & Mike for their help. Without them, there would be no injuries, usurpations, nor letters to Jerry. ๐Ÿ™‚

    To you, Mr. Jones… please fire GM Jerry!

  2. I still don’t think we can put too much into what Roy Williams says in his comparison. I mean come on, he’s talking about the infamous 0-16 Detroit Lions.

    If they aren’t practicing harder than every team in the NFL, then they don’t deserve to be around at all next year.

    Of course, Wade has led a soft camp the past two years and that does need to change. Like I said elsewhere … Players need to stop wasting time pointing fingers, that time is better spent resting right now, and then working their overpaid asses off during camp better-not-be-cupcake. And I stand behind that.

  3. Could not agree more!! Just today WR Roy Williams was interviewed on the FAN ripping the coaching staff that GM Jerry allows to remain in place. I quote “The Detroit Lions practiced harder than the Dallas Cowboys!!” Are you kidding me. GM Jerry on your way out grab Coach Cupcake and the Redheaded One and take them with ya!!

  4. After reading “Boys will be Boys”, I’m almost ready to jump off the Cowboys bandwagon after being a loyal fan of over 30yrs.
    At first I thought it would make me a more solidified fan. But now, after seeing all of the things Jerry Jones has done with the organization, I’m getting froggy.
    His ego overcomes logic. He usurps the power of whomever he hires, as coach, for want of notoriety. He is, as a GM, becoming more of a joke to NFL fans than Al Davis. Offering a Reality Show winner a roster spot? REALLY?? Is that what is going to win a playoff game for the 1st time in 10yrs?
    I’m a born Texan, and as I used to say, “A Cowboy fan by birthright”. Now I’m ashamed at the path they are taking. To turn your head to the cancer in the locker room (T.O.), look past the ill-advised drafts and free-agent signings you’ve been party too, and make a mockery of the team by instead creating a reality show about it (rather than actually try to better the team for monetary gain) makes me hang my head in shame.
    Can anyone else think of a GM, or even an owner, in the NFL who craves the attention, to the detriment of their team like Jerry?
    Steinbrenner, in MLB, is at least somewhat forgivable since he is not the GM. I think Redskin and Raiders fans are happy that their owners/GMs are not portrayed as such idiots.
    I WANT to root for the Boys. I WANT to have pride in the team I so willingly gave my loyalty to for so many years. But If Jerry Jones doesn’t give in and hire a competent GM, one who truly understands personnel and gives power back to his coaches, I’m gonna start shopping for another team.
    Jerry, I defended you after hearing such a great and moving introduction for Michael Irvin for the Hall of Fame. After learning how much you take care of players & their families. Why can’t you use that wisdom for the sake of a franchise in peril?
    Its rock bottom. Time to wake up

  5. Jerry ” Useless ” Jones = OUTTTTTTTTTTTTT !
    Enough to dealed with ;

    -Tony Romo
    -Roy Williams
    -Marion Barber
    -Zach Thomas
    -Adam Jones

    Enough with the bullshit , Mr. Jones u need to understand something ; u cannot bought Championship !! STOP TRYING !!!

    championship came with ; EMOTION , Not $$$$ …. Heart , Not HUGE contract , Chemistry , Not putting Superstars players TOGETHER….. MMMM ! as the actual team lolll Anyway! its time to go Jerry …….. Bye-Bye Charlie !!!

  6. As a native Pittsburgher, life-long Steeler fan & current resident of Plano, I’ve watched in horror at the disintegration of one of my respected rivals. Every team has had droughts. Hell, we did nothing for 2 decades until Bill Cowher finally got the chemistry right. The point is, the Rooneys didn’t jump all over the map looking for quick solutions. It took time, careful use of the draft and, especially, sticking to the concept of building TEAMS. Mr. Jones has no issue with spending money. Looking at his CV, he clearly was an excellent & successful businessman in the Gas & Oil field. Mr. Jones, however, doesn’t get NFL management. Does he love football? Absolutely. Does he love the Cowboys? I have no doubt. Does he want to win championships? I’m certain of it. In his position of GM, however, he’s like a plumber trying to be an electrician. He knows just enough to be dangerous. His micromanagement of the Cowboys through a puppet coach have resulted in loose discipline, low expectations and, therefore, lousy team chemistry within a group of talented men that have been allowed to develop an “every man for themselves” attitude. We have a saying in my business: “Fish rots from the head down”. The players are simply mirroring their perception of Mr. Jones’ expectations by means of his actions. We all know Mr. Jones needs to step back, hire a real GM & give him authority. My question to all of you Cowboys fans is this: Do you feel that Mr. Jones VALUES winning enough to find making these fundamental changes worthwhile?

  7. A-MEN!

    Mr. Jones, firing GM Jerry would be the best thing you could do for this team. Would you please kindly consider it? ๐Ÿ™‚

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