Football At Its “Finest”

Bryson Treece

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Alright, I think someone is missing their crazy in Dallas.

DMN just filled me in on a new league in Dallas football called the Lingerie Football League. Apparently it’s a bunch of hot models, basically wearing bikinis as uniforms, playing full-contact football. It’s a 7-on-7 game so there aren’t any linemen, or linewomen, as the case may be.

It’s not anything to do with the Dallas Cowboys, but it’s not everyday that a gem like this comes along. I mean, full-contact? Seriously?

What happens when boobs start flying out on a tackle? What happens when a chick gets pants-ed because they get wrapped up and dragged down? I mean other than the blood pressure of the fans rising.

Check out the little behind the scenes video of a photo shoot with some of the players in uniform. I really cannot wait to see this. I wonder if it’ll be on a network station or cable? Might have to pay by the minute for this one …

View the video.

2 thoughts on “Football At Its “Finest””

  1. Haha I heard about this a month ago, at first I thought it was just bullshit then when I looked into it I found out it wasn’t. This would be a good program for Spike TV to pick up, I think they’d be the only ones that would risk it. But I surely look forward to this one :).

  2. They’ll probably delay the feed by enough time to blur whatever happens out, but surely we’d see the birth of another uncensored genre with this kind of action. It’s going to be truly hilarious to watch this stuff.

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