Garrett Rejected

Bryson Treece

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It’s not like I’m Mickey Spagnola or anything. I’m not going to say “Passed Over” just because it’s nicer. Garrett was rejected, and for good reason that I can see.

Garrett missed out on three opportunities to be a head coach this year, so far. Though I wonder what really happened in Saint Louis last weekend, because everything lined up for him getting the job there. Maybe the pay cut wasn’t what he had in mind, nor what he would accept.

So we’re stuck with Garrett for another year, it seems, and I must admit that it doesn’t really sound like all that bad of an idea. Yeah, his offense struggled greatly in 2008, but how do you separate out his part from injuries, distractions, weather, the opposing defenses, and especially players lacking focus, drive, or concentration? That’s what I can’t wrap my head around; how do we really know that he was to blame for it all?

I still think having him back means things will change, I mean who is better motivated to turn this offense around now that he has missed three head coaching opportunities this year. If he wants to be a head coach anytime soon, he had better figure this out and fast.

Plus, he’s got a ton of examples to find in the game films from 2007 and 2008. Something changed there, and I doubt injuries and distractions cover it all. maybe he did get figured out, and just maybe, 2008 will prove to be his evidence of that and he’ll make the appropriate changes.