Giants Fans – Welcome To My Misery!

Bryson Treece

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Giants fans all over the U.S. went to bed last night on the verge of suicide. Welcome to hell! After a year’s worth of ridicule, and laughter emitting from Giant fandom, I for one could not be happier! Since the Giants improbable run to the Super Bowl last year, all I have heard is how great not only the Giants are, but how great the “Super Bowl MVP” Elisha Manning is. I have said many times that Elisha is nothing more than a young Brad Johnson at best! Boy did he ever prove me right yesterday!

The Giants took a page right out of the Cowboys playbook. Instead of pounding the rock with Brandon Jacobs and company at the windy Meadowlands. They determined that putting the ball in the hands of the great Elisha would better serve them. Elisha continued his domination of NFL defenses, Elisha went for a MIND BLOWING 15 of 29 for 169 yards and ZERO touchdowns and 2 interceptions. Now everyone would think that this was caused by all the pressure that the Eagles put on him. Problem is Elisha was not sacked one time ALL DAY! Ouch that hurts!

Giants fans all year have enjoyed themselves to the highest level. They have all joined in on bashing the Cowboys coaching staff and how “Stupid” they are, well guess what? Welcome to the club! A trained monkey could have seen what the Giants needed to do to win yesterday, yet they still would not change the game-plan. How is the game-plan going into the game not “give the ball to Jacobs”? It’s called EGO! The coaches of the Giants were so confident that they could do whatever they wanted, that the Eagles posed no problem to them, and they believed the hype. Sounds just like the 2007 & 2008 Dallas Cowboys!

After watching the Giants become sooooooo one dimensional, the Giants are now saying that they would “absolutely” want to bring back Plaxico! It’s amazing to me for all the shit Dallas took for “bringing cancers into the locker room” (mainly from Giants fans) that now they are more than willing to bring back Plax! Like I said here teams will do whatever it takes to win, and should!

In closing I only have one other thing to say to Giants fans. “PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULD NOT THROW STONES”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 thoughts on “Giants Fans – Welcome To My Misery!”

  1. I would agree with you on the Eagles. They have a very tough road ahead of them. Is this weekends game a possible “let down” game for them?

  2. Notice how Mike D has gone into seclusion! Oh poor Elisha just when everyone wanted to get on their knees and juggle your balls you fall apart and look like the giant douche that you are. Feel the pain Giants fans!

  3. Relax bitches! I am still here, just been buisy emailing both Al Davis(begging him to hire Gillbride)and Giants ownership(to put a roof on that new stadium)and I would still rather have Eli over Tony Chokmo every dayy of the week. Say what you want, you cant take away that magical Run Eli had last year winning 4 straight road playoff games and leading a 2 minute 4th QTR come back to beat the 18-0 Pats. You also cant take Back Romo choking in his three playoff Oppurtunities (Eagle game was bascially a playoff game). I also think it is sad that the only thing you assclowns have to be happy about is NYG not repeating as World champs. I guess your trying to deflect your embarasment of your beloved Cowgirls beong the Laughingstock of the NFL 3 years running.
    Dont get me wrong, I am PISSED about losing to the Egirls, BUT I understand you cant win it every year, especially when you loose your 2 best Defensive players(Osi/Strahan) and your 2 best offensive players (Plax/Shockey). A 12-4 finish and another NFC East Title is nothing to be ashamed of and I am still proud of my Team. (Something you Cowplop fans wouldnt understand)Fortunantly with 10 draft picks and the best GM in th NFL the Giants will be right back in the Thick of things.
    Meanwhile you guys have to deal with a clueless jackass at Head Coach whos never won a playoff game, A choke artist at QB who’s never won a big game, A declining crybaby at WR who only excels at throwing teamates under the bus, an aging Oline that falls apart at the end of every year and another WR that you gave up 3 picks for(what did he average like 3 catches per draft pick??). Oh I almost forgot your Terrible secondary and Meddling, Moraless Owner, who’s seen more face lifts(10?) then playoff wins(0) over the last 13 years!!!
    So basically you guys can look foward to Being Eli’s and The Giants Bitches for another few years at least.

  4. Great Blog. Philly is hot, but the G-men should have won that game. We can’t help it that Romo has the worst winters ever, but my advice to you cowpokes out there (Jerry, you had better be listening), GET RID OF THOSE EGOMANIACS IN YOUR LOCKER ROOM!!!!!!!!! They are all cancer for any team and belong either in Dertoit, Oakland, Kansas City, or jail. Get rid of them, draft some rookies to fill in those spots, and in a few years you’ll be in a better position to make the playoffs. Good luck to you guys. You’re gonna need it.

  5. yeah the eagles are the best team ever…now all they have to do is beat the cardinals and their in…oops FLY EAGLES FLY

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