The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for Cowboys Against Packers

Brian Martin

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The Dallas Cowboys unfortunately let yet another close game slip through their fingers in the final minutes yesterday afternoon against the Green Bay Packers. They just left too much time on the clock that allowed Aaron Rogers to lead his offense down the field for the go-ahead touchdown and secure the 35-31 Packers victory.

This was back to back weeks where the Cowboys looked to have the game secured, but failed to do enough to come away with the victory in the end. These are close games that they would’ve won a year ago, but have failed to do so so far this season. There is plenty of blame to go around, but in the end they win and lose as a team.

Losing to the Packers seems to hurt a little bit more for some reason. Maybe it’s all of the controversial calls that have happened to the Cowboys in the past when these two teams meet or something else. But, one thing is for sure. The Packers seem to come out on top more times than not.

Before I get too far off track, let’s jump into this week’s edition of The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly for the Dallas Cowboys against the Green Bay Packers. As always, please feel free to provide your own thoughts and opinions in the comment section at the end of the article.

QB Dak Prescott
Dallas Cowboys QB Dak Prescott

The Good

When the Dallas Cowboys lose, the blame typically lands on the shoulders of their starting quarterback. But, for all the criticism Dak Prescott has received this season, he had a fantastic performance against the Green Bay Packers Sunday afternoon.

That is why I think he is the good for this week.

Prescott accounted for four total touchdowns against the Green Bay Packers yesterday afternoon. He threw two TDs to Cole Beasley and another to Dez Bryant. He also rushed for a TD to put the Cowboys ahead with a little over a minute left in the game. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough.

I honestly believe Prescott was the better of the two QBs on the field yesterday afternoon, even though Aaron Rodgers got the victory.

Prescott threw for 251 yards and three touchdowns, and also accounted for 37 yards and a TD on the ground. It should’ve been enough to win the game, but the Cowboys defense continues to struggle.

Terrance Williams
Dallas Cowboys WR Terrance Williams

The Bad

It would’ve been way too easy to go with the Cowboys defense this week for the bad, but I think they actually did enough to win this game. Yes, you may think I’m crazy, but they actually didn’t play too terribly bad. That is why I think Terrance Williams’ tipped ball that resulted in an interception return for a touchdown for the Packers defense is the bad for this week.

We hear it preached by every coach around the NFL that whoever wins the turnover battle typically wins the game. Well, that’s true for the Dallas Cowboys in back to back weeks, because turnovers likely resulted in them losing two close games they probably should’ve won.

Last week it was the muffed punt by Ryan Switzer, and this week it is Terrance Williams’ inability to catch the ball with his hands.

I honestly believe if those two plays don’t happen, the Dallas Cowboys end up winning both games. And yes, I do believe that one single play can have that much of an impact on the outcome of any game.

Anthony Brown
Dallas Cowboys CB Anthony Brown

The Ugly

The ugly for the Cowboys vs Packers for me was Anthony Brown’s performance. While watching the game, I began to notice that whenever Aaron Rodgers needed a big play in the game, he tended to look Anthony Brown’s direction. Unfortunately, it usually paid off.

I don’t know what the deal is, but to me it looks as if Anthony Brown has regressed a little bit in his second year with the Dallas Cowboys.

His technique hasn’t quite been as good as it was a season ago and he’s just not playing with the confidence he showed last year. I think teams have noticed that as well, which is why he has been targeted more often.

The Cowboys coaching staff and Anthony Brown really need to analyze things during the bye week to see what the problem is. I don’t know if he should lose his starting job just yet, but a healthy Chidobe Awuzie might be a better option if he can remain healthy.

What is your Good, Bad, and Ugly for the Cowboys against the Packers?

29 thoughts on “The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for Cowboys Against Packers”

  1. Could
    n’t get a consistent pass rush, they need a true speed rusher to run down qbs like Rodgers. They had 4 sacks, but they don’t get pressure on most passes.That’s why teams keep converting on third down.
    Can’t stop the run, even though GB had a terrible o-line. Another ugly thing was the call on Mayowa after the sack by Lawrence. That was either a terrible call or just stupid play by 93

    • Daniel, I agree with everything you said. Lawrence has been pretty dominant, but wasn’t really as effective against the Packers. And I think the Mayowa call was a little of both…
      a terrible call by the referees and a stupid play by 93. There was no need to lead with his helmet there.

  2. I was really impressed with Prescott in this game. I’ve seen flashes of it before but not until yesterday has he been so present the whole game, not this season. You could say he was against NYG but I’m placing less and less on that entire game after seeing just how badly the Giants are playing since then.

    One thing I’m seeing consistently with Prescott this season is his accuracy on deep balls. I think that may be his weakest ability right now. Either that or he and his wide outs are not on the same page, still. He overthrew Dez Bryant and Cole Beasley when both were open 30 yards downfield, and under threw Williams deep. But he’s made similar throws to Brice Butler that were on target.

    But overall, good game by Dak. Should’ve been a W.

    • I completely agree about Prescott. I think we’ve only seen flashes so far because of the caliber of CBs he’s had to face thus far this season. I think he’s kind of hit and miss on his deep passes because of where he is when he throws them. I may be wrong, but I think the missed deep passes to Bryant and Beasley were thrown from the pocket, but the ones to Butler have been outside of the pocket.

      I would really like to see him have more opportunities to throw the ball outside of the pocket, where he will also be a threat with his legs. I think that is where he is at his best, but unfortunately he’s been asked to throw inside the pocket more this season. I’m really hoping Linehan will realize this and move the pocket more for Prescott once they return from their bye week.

  3. We badly need back Sean Lee and accept the growing pains of our DB’s. Don´t know if Irving´s return is enough, but with this defense no lead can last…

    • Sean Lee in the lineup would definitely make the defense a little bit better, but I don’t know if it would have changed the outcome of the last two games for the Cowboys. And unfortunately, we as a society have grown accustomed to instant gratification. A lot of Cowboys fans have failed to realize that this defense will take some time and there will be some bumps and bruises along the way. It’s still a work in progress.

      • You are right and Lee wont be there that long with 31 years old and all his injuries. Hope in the meantime, Smith and/or Hitchens will fill his shoes. I would not discard the team drafts another LB.

        • The Dallas Cowboys are definitely going to have to draft a LB next year. Sean Lee isn’t getting any younger and Smith still needs more time to recuperate/develop. And unfortunately, Anthony Hitchens is a FA after the season. It wouldn’t surprise me if they draft one in the first few rounds.

  4. I think we are forgetting that after all this LInehan decided to pass the ball on 3rd down the drive before Rogers killed us. That was one of the worst play calls I’ve seen in terms of managing the game clock. He should have run the ball there. That would have left rogers with significantly less time to drive down the field and would have more likely than not resulted in the game going to at least OT. I think Scott is great and is my favorite offensive mind aside from maybe Andy Reed but this was a bad call in my opinion that contributed to the loss.

    • Marvin, if you have read any of my work before, and then you know that I’m not a big fan of Scott Linehan’s playcalling. I think he’s far too predictable. He has far too many weapons at his disposal to be that way and I’m really hoping he changes things up coming out of the bye week.

    • It was second down and that was a run-pass option, sir. That decision was on Dak. But I agree with you wholeheartedly otherwise; Linehan’s playcalling leaves much to be desired, including just how often he leaves Dak to call the play on run-pass options. Sometimes, the playcaller just needs to issue a play, you know?

      • On run pass option plays my coach would always give us the option of making a read but he would still call the play. I’m assuming the Cowboys do something similar especially considering Garretts post game comments on the matter. Yes it was second down not third thanks for correcting that part.

    • I can’t disagree with any of that. I think the defense will get better as the season goes along, but I don’t think there is any fixing the flaky coaching or tipped ball for the TD.

  5. Garrett and his staff have been out-coached for too many times especially by lack of poor half time adjustments.

    • It certainly seems that way. To me, I think it looks as if once I get the lead they kind of start coasting instead of keeping their foot on the gas.

  6. Dak was the good, with a shout to Zeke in the 4th quarter. (maybe back to himself finally?)

    Terrence Williams was the bad, he has two perfectly good hands, using them to make catches in traffic would be a good plan.

    Linebackers were the ugly, they were terrible from start to finish, got gashed run after run, did not help contain Rodgers at all, and HItchens (although first game back I hate to judge too harshly) had a terrible penalty that extended a drive. Truly amazing just how much Sean Lee means to this defense.

    Anthony Brown is looking bad right now, and I did not hear Maliek Collin’s name once yesterday, that can’t happen. I know you can only get so far without great players, but it really seems to me that Marinelli is at the end of his rope in Dallas. He has some guys that can play now, but the level of the defense never seems to change from year to year. I understand a young secondary is a major issue, but we have at least the semblance of a pass rush now, although still inconsistent, and guys like Brown, and Damien Wilson have regressed. Some of that has to be on Marinelli, right? Not saying a new DC instantly makes things better, I am just starting to think a new direction might be better for now and the future.

    • I agree with you about Prescott and Elliott. Elliott is finally starting to look like his old self, but he’s not quite there yet.

      I completely agree with you about the LBs. Smith just doesn’t look right and isn’t ready to start right now. Sean Lee being out really hurts the entire defense. It’s sad how much the defense relies on a 31-year-old. I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt to Hitchens that he was just rusty, but his play needs to improve and quickly.

      Anthony Brown certainly looks like he has regressed and I could say the same thing for Collins. But, D Lawrence has credited Collins’ play for why he has been free to get after the QB. So, who knows?

      And I’m starting to agree with you about Marinelli. I don’t know if his scheme is just too simplistic or if the game has passed him by, but something definitely needs to change. Hopefully he will use the bye week to analyze the entire defense.

  7. Anthony Brown was bad…has been struggling all year; but it was EXTEREMELY noticeable this game, even worse, the right side of the D Line…can they stop the run AT ALL?! ridiculous! That;s really where they lost this game.
    Terrance Williams…gee whiz man. I’ve always been behind him…Baylor U favoritism on my part; but we cannot have yo (and Dez) as the primary wideouts dropping high-school catchable passes. time to see Noah Brown on a more regular basis…and I cannot wait to see Rico Gathers. Use either of them as pass receivers, I don’t care IF rico is officially designated as a TE. I have a feeling that most cbs right now will not dominate them.

    • Anthony Brown has been pretty bad this season. I thought I was just reading too much into it, but it really showed up this week. The WRs really do need to step up their game. Way too many dropped passes. I would also love to see more of Noah Brown.

  8. Oh, and the wrong DE got hurt, it should’ve been Taco, he needs a red-shirt year anyhow. I sure was hoping to see Tapper get some playing time. Maybe he could hold the edge on the opponents run on that side… no one else could. Dadburn Ridiculous!

  9. I think everyone is quick to immediately blame the defense. No one is talking about the fact that in the last 2 weeks that we have scored 6 and 10 second half points. Way to many 3 and outs this year.

    • It’s true that the Cowboys offense hasn’t been as effective in the second half as they have been in the first, but they are still putting up 30 points a game which should be enough to win. There’s plenty of blame to go around, but the offense is the least of my concern.

  10. It’d be nice if the O would score more in the 2nd half of games. that might be more likely if the D could get a stop, get off of the field, and get the ball back to the offense

  11. Good… offensive is getting better each game. Bad… Terrance Williams had an awful game. The Ugly… Jeff Heath is killing this Bend and Always Broken old antiquated Marinelli defense. How could he not know to cheat to the outside and help #27 on Rodger’s 2nd back shoulder fade attempt.

    • Guy, I completely agree with you about Jeff Heath. I was dumbfounded that they were allowing Lewis to cover Adams one-on-one without anybody playing overtop down there in the red zone. It was a huge mistake that cost them the game.

  12. Shakeups are ahead for the bye week, almost certainly. While Irving portends for a boost in the pass rush, this secondary still has to start turning corners. Lewis and Woods have earned more reps. Heath has earned fewer, and I’ll have to take your cue Brian on Anthony Brown. But the unit has to get better if there is any chance for contention this year.

    As I mentioned I did not like Terrance Williams’ effort at all on the 4th down play against the Rams where – 3 of them, not the 2 it should have been – stopped Elliott a yard short. Anyone can muff a pass catch, but I’m looking at how Butler is getting open deep and I’m ready to exchange TWill for commensurate value.

    The team can go either way now. It’s a bad moon and that’s all on Garrett to turn the tables on. I don’t know if this team is 6-10 or a 10-6 playoff team.

    • I agree with everything you said Russ. I think there will be some roster shakeups when the Cowboys take on the 49ers after their bye week. Butler certainly deserves more playing time and if it was up to me I would get Noah Brown on the field more often also. I think Brown can do all of the dirty work Williams gets credit for and also possibly be a more reliable WR.

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