Hope Behind Romo: The Excitement of Dak Prescott

Justin Grohowski

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For the first time ever last Saturday night, I was genuinely satisfied watching a Dallas Cowboys preseason game.

I couldn’t help but dream that just maybe Dak Prescott is the future…

If nothing else, maybe he can at least be a backup that can win some games if called upon.

10-of-12 for 139 yards and two touchdowns is an impressive NFL debut.

Since the performance against the Los Angeles Rams, Prescott has received praise for his stat-line and poise leading the Dallas offense. On the other hand, the usual detractors have mocked fans buying into the idea of the Cowboys finally finding something at backup quarterback after only one preseason performance.

I get it, but can anyone blame us for getting hyped?

2015 Was An Absolute Nightmare

The record of 1-12 without Tony Romo over the past two seasons is pathetic. We, as fans, have suffered underwhelming results too long when Romo has been injured.

For years now, it has truly been Romo or bust. It’s always been frustrating for me to talk Cowboys with friends, co-workers, and family. When asked the simple question, “how do you think the Cowboys will do this year,” the quick answer from me has been:

“If Romo stays healthy, they have a chance.”

In the past, when Romo got hurt, you could just feel the life being sucked out of the team. With Prescott, I’m not so sure that’ll be the case anymore. He’s much more electric than your typical run-of-the-mill veteran backup. And his playing style could very well be the jolt this team needs if forced to go to Plan B again.

Don’t Anoint Dak Prescott, Yet

I’m not saying Prescott should be considered a success story just yet, and it’s important to put everything into context.

We need to see much more from Dak before anything can be said further. He doesn’t have my confidence yet, and he shouldn’t have anyone yours either. That said, let’s look at what he does have.

Prescott has what almost every young backup quarterback in this league doesn’t.

Offensively, he could not be in a better situation.

He is protected with the league’s best offensive line. He is in a run-heavy offense with a passing game that’s just as deadly when the two compliment each other. Then, perhaps the most underrated of all, there’s the tutelage of an aging mentor in Tony Romo.

Add Prescott’s mobility and this offense has the ability to hit defenses from every phase imaginable. If everything can go as planned, just imagine opposing teams trying to stop Ezekiel Elliott on the ground, Dez Bryant through the air, and Dak Prescott extending plays.

It’s important to hold the anointing oil, but I will not apologize for getting amped, nor should you. We have the right to be excited for what’s to come.

If Tony Romo suffers a similar fate this year, I will cringe, curse, and throw something at my TV. Again.

But at the very least, I can actually look forward to watching Dak Prescott.

2 thoughts on “Hope Behind Romo: The Excitement of Dak Prescott”

  1. I think these narrow dive articles are interesting while there is a shortage of news to report during the tail end of training camp, but…You could’ve easily discussed the additional excitement coming from the fact that they didn’t even showcase the plays that are now available with Dak running the ball plus it would have been a statistical perfect performance minus 2 drops. Yes, let’s temper our enthusiasm but going back to 2006/7 think of all the failed backup QB experiments in Dallas. So given all the history, that 1 performance had the potential for a major culture change. Let’s revisit after the 2nd preseason game. Luv your work, plz dive deeper.

    • Ethan, thank you for your comment and taking a genuine interest in my work.

      I agree with your points about Prescott possibly sparking a major culture change. Even the amount of energy he is bringing to the team after only one half of a preseason game is incredible. At the very least, he has a sense of confidence, energy, and play-making ability with his legs that the position has lacked recently when it has had to go to the run of the mill veteran backup. That was what I touched on briefly here. It’s just such a small sample size that we have to look at, so I did not want to make it more than it is within this article.

      As for your comment on Dak running the ball, and potential plays that will come to cater to him, that is a terrific point. Preseason is typically vanilla in terms of play calling, so perhaps the team is still in the process of drawing up specific plays for him, if they ever even will. But nevertheless, it is exciting to have the possibility of having someone that can create that match up problem for the defense.

      I will definitely delve deeper into my analysis of Prescott as his time as a Dallas Cowboy progresses.

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