I F**king Hate Giants Fans

Lee Pierce

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When I am bored I like to browse around on NFL teams websites. Something brought me to the New York Football Pussy’s website….oops I meant Giants. On their extremely homosexual gay propaganda of a web site they have a fan message board. Being curious I clicked on it and found a post labeled. “Hey Cowboys fans–squeaking Past the win less Bengals??”… What the f**k. First of all Elisha and the Giant Douche Bags beat the Bengals by 3….IN OVERTIME!!! 3 LITTLE POINTS! last time I checked 9 is more than 3…. I guess they don’t teach simple f**king math in New York.

They are too busy eating f**king hot dogs and drinking Heineken. You can talk all you want about how they beat the Cowboys in Dallas last year but the fact is it took you three games to beat us last season…. i will take 2 for 3 over any team. Ya I would like to have lost a regular season game and then beat you in the playoffs but the fact of the matter is…. The Cowboys are better. f**k You Eli manning, when you talk it sounds like you have peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth. Your ugly and your wife is not even that hot. Peyton will always be better than you and you know it. I can’t wait till you come to Dallas and get bent over so we can all laugh at you when you go back to your little pouty self on the bench and fall back into Peyton shadow.

Have fun in Cleveland this weekend, maybe this is a good week for you to come out of the closet. So you and Brady Quinn can do Homo things together in the “Dog Pound” you flaming ass Pirate. I hate your guts.