If Cowboys Aren’t Smart With Tony Romo, He Could End Up Burning Them

Kevin Brady

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Earlier this week news was announced that Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo expected to be released by the team, rather than traded to a new destination.

Of course, this news was not a huge surprise to most. The trade market for a 36-going-on-37 year old quarterback is not exactly booming, even if that quarterback is as talented as Tony Romo. His injury history, along with his contract, will make teams weary of sending quality draft picks to the Cowboys in return for Romo.

So, the Cowboys are expected to “do right by” Romo and cut ties with him completely before the free agency period opens, even if it means eating about $19.6 million in dead money. If he is released sooner rather than later, the Cowboys will in fact save themselves some money and have a chance to enter the 2018 offseason with up to $40 million in cap room.

Regardless of what the final decision is, the Cowboys must be careful about how they handle this situation. So far, Romo has been gracious both publicly and privately, standing in front of the world and conceding the starting job to a fourth round rookie, and resisting all temptations that may have existed to make his voice heard after Dak’s struggles at the Meadowlands.

He has been helpful to both the Cowboys and Dak Prescott in 2016, but that does not mean he will do so in 2017.


On Friday, the Twitter-world went wild after suggestions that the Washington Redskins should take a chance at bringing in Tony Romo. Their current quarterback, Kirk Cousins, will be a free agent at the beginning of the league year and is expected to make $20+ million next season.

If released, Romo would most likely take less money than that, allowing Washington to sign some of their other free agents. Specifically, their wide receivers.

Washington is clearly in “win-now” mode, and possesses some of the most dynamic offensive weapons in all of football. While the numbers usually look pretty, Cousins held Washington back at times in 2016, costing them key games against the Carolina Panthers and New York Giants down the stretch.

Romo, if healthy, is a clear upgrade over Cousins. And, considering they were division champs in 2015 and just missed out on the playoffs in 2016, adding Romo should put Washington right back in the discussion for an NFC East title.

As fans, we like to believe that Tony Romo would never scorn us by joining a division rival like this. But after being tossed to the side so easily in 2016, it is possible that Romo is out for some measure of revenge.

Some other Cowboys writers, like Joey Ickes of CowboysHQ.com, have even suggested that Romo may be on poor terms with head coach Jason Garrett and Stephen Jones. If true, this could make the situation even more delicate moving forward.

During Super Bowl week, it was reported that Tony Romo wanted to play against the Cowboys in 2017. Joining a team like the Washington Redskins would give him a chance to do so, twice.

If the Cowboys aren’t careful, Romo might end up getting the last laugh.

50 thoughts on “If Cowboys Aren’t Smart With Tony Romo, He Could End Up Burning Them”

  1. What do you mean Romo could burn Dallas? He already did when he was signed to the ridiculous contract. He has burned us for years and now he will burn us this year no matter what we do with him. Will be glad when we no longer have to take this cap hit.

    • I am gonna laugh when Dak flames out next year and everyone wonders why we let (made) Romo leave.

        • I hope Tony lights it up in Houston. I said years ago he was the missing ingredient they needed for a Super Bowl wn. That may still be the case.

          Jerruh is a football idiot. He makes kneejerk decisions that always prove wrong. Jimmy. Austin. Williams. Now Prescott (among many others).

          Romo sacrificed for this team and kept them relevant for a decade almost single-handedly. It’s disgraceful the way he is being treated by Dallas.

          • Yea he did single handedly. Dez should have had way more stats written Beasley. Cowboys was best team in NFL and could not win a playoff game and everybody say we had a good year I would say disappointed

        • Y people don’t see that romo was our best chance. With our receiving core we should have beat green bay by 14 romo would have

      • U r totally right I keep telling PEPs that dak is not going to do it kirk cousins had more stats than dak. Romo should have been starting against green bay

        • Yep. Romo should have been back for the last couple of games of the regular season.

          Dak was not producing well at the end and it showed. Romo, having been away for two years walks in and leads a TD drive in four plays (would have been two had the receiver not quit on his first down route) against the same defense Dak did NOTHING against. You can’t beat the experience and knowledge Tony has in his head with some rookie.

          It’s really unfortunate. Tony Romo is getting screwed over big time by Jerruh the football idiot…

      • Right…Romo had multiple chances in the playoffs (including those Week 17 games when you win and you’re in ) and he’s only won 2 playoff games in his career.

        Dak threw for 3 TDs with 1 INT with a 103 rating in that Green Bay game and he’s a bust?

        The only bust in that game was the lack of a pass rush against a quality QB.

        • He had no help and receivers who loved to turn and run up the field without the ball.

          Dak losing merely remohasizes the point. That said, Tony would have hung 50 on GB.

    • Romo burned Dallas huh lol… Yea if we let him go and he play us yes he going to torch us. I guess he burned us in 2014 huh with demarco Murray leading the league in fumbles

    • You obviously are not a true Cowboys fan because if you were you would know that Romo carried this team on his back through some really lean years with very little talent around him.

      • U right PEPs seem to don’t see that. I guess they look at football and not watch it. If they let romo go and dak gets hurt we in trouble. Dak is not going to win super bowl as long as Brady, Rodgers, Ben,matt ryan u know all the vets r still playing. Only vets been winning accept Russell

    • Rich, stating that Romo’s contract is “ridiculous” is simply misinformed. The market value for quarterbacks is through the roof, with guys like Ryan Fitzpatrick getting $12.5 million last year. Getting someone like Romo at just $14 million in 2017 would be a steal for someone.

  2. if Romo is released he is not signing with Washington..lol..their defense is worse than Dallas..he is going to a team with a good defense

    • If romo get released I hope he does cause he going to torch us and I’m going to laugh at Garrett. They need to let Garrett go over romo. Garrett has the same playoff record romo has but Garrett made a dumb decision by not playing romo so fire Garrett

      • You are not part of us! No fan would ever wish for a player to come back and torch his team. You might want to find another team that doesn’t require so much complaining. I heard they have a flawless team in New England.

      • Washington is NOT the best choice. Denver has already let it known that they would be interesting in signing Tony if he’s a free agent. Tony doesn’t have to settle for Washington.

  3. I hadn’t seen a QB under center for the Cowboys play with that much poise and display that much leadership since Aikman was playing. I’m tired of people not understanding how good Dak could still be. If Romo is mad at Garrett for keeping him on the bench, that’s tough, I support Garrett’s tough decision, it was the right call.

    • Fire Garrett for leaving romo on the bench and anybody who thought a rookie was going to lead us to a super bowl when no rookie has done nothing that’s a fact look it up. Oh u said Garrett made right decision so fire you too. Cowboy’s was best team in NFL and could not win a playoff game against a team that didn’t have they star receiver. Lol

      • NOTHING has ever been done until it’s been done. Dak did everything right to bear Green Bay and we lost the game because we couldn’t stop Rodgers. Last time I looked Tony Romo never played CB!

    • I agree, Contra. I am a HUGE Tony Romo fan and will be forever. But that doesn’t change the fact that Dak is the future QB of this team. He was incredible this season, and anyone who says differently is blindly hating the man in favor of Romo. Thanks for reading.

      • If Dak is the future we are in trouble.

        We won some games we should have lost. Things fell the right way for Dak.

        You can’t replace a Romo with a rookie, I don’t care if his name is Dan Constantine Marino.

        Dak could barely avoid a three and out withnthe same offense–and against the same defense–Romo lit up like a bunch of high school JV scrubs.

        Romo is not the future because of age, but he is the present. The only hope Prescott has is being Tony’s understudy for a few seasons. Otherwise park him next to Paperneck.

          • Best rookie year in history?

            I guess Dan Marino going to the Super Bowl wasn’t a good season?

            Just imagine the stats Romo would have put up. Romo is a better QB than the rookie.

            Prescott is a flash in the pan. Jerruh always makes stupid kneejerk decisions. If he winds up right about Dak it will be the first time.

          • Hey you might want to check your facts there big Jake. Dan Marino went to the Super Bowl in 1984, and lost, in his second season. His rookie season was not as good as Dak’s and he didn’t go to the Super Bowl that year. It has already been stated that he had the best year statistically of any rookie QB in NFL history. You cannot argue with facts. I just can’t figure out what your angle is here. The fact that you are reading this leads me to believe you are a Cowboy fan, but that may not be true as I read streams of every team in the league. You are not going to be able to change the direction they are taking so if you are truly a fan, you need to get behind the team or find another team to support whose philosophy you agree with. I don’t agree with everything Jerry Jones does but I am a loyal fan that bleeds blue and silver.

          • That’s what happens when you look back 30 years. I stand corrected.

            I’m a Cowboys fan since Roger Staubach… I used to call him Roger the Dodge Charger as a three year old. Go figure.

            I cannot stand Jerry.

            Romo has earned a shot with a decent team for once. This is a win win all around. You stretch Dak’s career a couple of years while he learns under the master of this offense. If Prescott is the future then Romo’s brain download will be a YUGE benefit.

          • Hey Jake I get it…I understand your frustration. There was a time when I told my brother I was tired of Jerry Jones and his shenanigans and I was going to find a new team to root for. I tried the Cleveland Browns because they were relatively new in relocating and I always loved the Brown teams back when Jim Brown was there and I tried the Texans, well because they were in Texas. Both of them felt like putting my left shoe on my right foot. In the end I came back because they were the team I was raised in and loved. Jerry has done some right things and some wrong things and sometimes I think about him getting older and Stephen Jones taking over. But at the end of the day this is and always will be my team. Its easy to second guess and say Romo would have done this and that and his best shot was 2014 when he had the league’s best RB in Murray but they didn’t get it done because Rodgers, just like this year, took them apart. They didn’t we this game because of Dak. He did everything possible to in this game. They lost because the defense could not stop Aaron Rodgers.

          • Hey wen u say 2014 was romo best shot with demarco Murray leading rusher but u forgot he lead the league in giving the other team the ball too. Wen we played Rodgers in 2014 he fumbled and gave green bay a touchdown and bailey missed two field goals plus the dez catch. They was late hitting romo now u tell me if that had anything to do with romo not winning. Dak flat out lost fair and square 21-3 first quarter Lol

          • Last I checked Prescott wasn’t lining up on defense. Prescott put us in front twice in the 4th quarter and the defense didn’t hold the lead. You speak nonsense. What exactly do you like about the Cowboys? Not making any excuses for Murray fumbling 5 times in 2014 though he had significantly more touches than any back so naturally more fumbles. That being said they didn’t lose against GB because of a Murray fumble. You rail against Prescott and seem to be railing against Murray and you really love Tony Romo. Is there anything else you like about the Cowboys? Your devotion to the team seems to be as thin as your love of Romo. There are 31 other teams to follow so perhaps you should look for another team.

          • Dak put us in front twice in 4th but wat bout the 1st and 2nd and 3rd quarter dumb ass. U say I got love for romo like how u on daks nut sack huh yea romo is our qb and he is better than dak hands down Garrett made bad decision to think a rookie was going to beat Rodgers, matt ryan, even if we beat Rodgers u see how matt Ryan did Rodgers and then u see how Brady did matt Ryan Lol cum on man u think dak would have gotten pass all them. I love the cowboys not romo I’m just saying play the best player. No rookie has done anything in NFL history that’s a fact so y take your chances. I hope we keep dak and romo but play the better player all I’m saying

          • Hey Demarcus I am always willing to discuss issues with anyone regardless of their point of view, agree or disagree. However, once the name-calling starts I check out. Because it says everything I need to know about you as a person. So sorry, our discussion is over. Expand your mind a bit and be willing to look at an issue from all different sides. And really, stop the name calling because, frankly, it’s a bit childish and immature. Not to mention just downright insulting.

  4. I hope Tony goes to Houston! He gets a lot of heat being the best thing on a mediocre team until ther last couple of years. He will be missed sooner than most think. I hope Dak doersn;t turn back into a FOURTH ROUND PICK next year!!!

    • He is who he is. Not all scouts and GMs could have been so wrong. He’ll win his share with the right support. Ask him to carry a team, let’s wait a few years.

  5. The Cowboys might as well keep Romo because it’s to cost them 19,000,000 even if they trade him and 24,000,000 if they keep him, He is worth keeping for the 5,000,000 insurance policy

    • Romo will not stay and be a backup. Its really that simple. I would not be surprised if Jerry hasn’t had that conversation with him but there is no way Romo will do that.

  6. Let Dak and Romo compete for the job. If Romo is better it’s not his fault the Cowboys kicked the can down the road.

    • That I agree with. It’s like Staubach and Morton. We all knew who we prefer, but class act Tom Landry gave them equal chance to compete and win the starter job.

  7. As a 50-years Cowboys fan, I hope TR burns the Boys in the worst ways for a few seasons. Reason? I value earned loyalty. For analogy, think about Tom Landry. TR has given his body (playing for bad teams, bad coaches, coming back from injuries too soon, playing badly hurt) and his acquiescence to every contract rework requested — all without complaining but with a smile. Always a team player, he deserved at least a competition for QB in 2016 when he got healthy.

    • I have been a Cowboy fan since 1961 when I was 6 years old and grew up in Dallas. I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly just like you. I also value loyalty. I didn’t like the way Jerry Jones dealt with Tom Landry but it was still my team. You cannot love and hate at the same time. You sound as if Romo has been mistreated in some way. Romo has been treated extremely well by the FO and Coaching Staff. Renegotiating contracts happens all the time to star players. So for you to say you hope Romo comes back to burn the Cowboys indicates that you have a love-hate relationship with the team you “claim” to be a fan of. No true fan would ever, ever wish to see a former player come back and beat your team. So wherever Romo ends up, maybe it will be time to switch your supposed loyalty to that team.

      • The saying in the NFL is u don’t loose your job from injury right nobody in NFL has but romo so u saying they doing romo right LOL. If u think dak is better than romo u r on sum gud shit. So a good coach supposed to play the better player not Garrett I would let Garrett go. Another thing u r not a cowboy fan if u want to get rid of our franchise qb. That’s like any team getting rid of their best player idiot move

  8. What does Romo want at this point in his career more than anything? I think it is probably a ring, without question. I think it’s preposterous to think or say that he wants to play for revenge. A ring in 2017 or 2018 would be far sweeter than revenge. So unless he is traded to a Super Bowl contender or if he is released them it is far more likely he would be looking to sign with a team that he can start on and get a ring on. I don’t think that team is Washington.

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