Is Dez Bryant Becoming Injury Prone?

Brian Martin

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Who could have possibly guessed that the Dallas Cowboys would be hit by the dreaded injury bug in back to back seasons?

America’s Team has a winning record of 2-1 so far, despite the injuries to key players on both sides of the ball.

Tony Romo (back), Tyron Smith (stinger/back), Orlando Scandrick (hamstrings), La’el Collins (foot), James Hanna (knee), and even Darren McFadden (elbow) have all missed time due to their injuries. That’s quite a long list of players that were expected to be main contributors in 2016.

Of course, you might’ve noticed that I didn’t even mention All-Pro wide receiver Dez Bryant on that list.

Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that Bryant has a hairline fracture in his knee and could possibly miss significant time depending on who you listen to.

I’ve heard that he has an outside chance of playing this week against the San Francisco 49ers or he could miss up to six weeks. Obviously, we are all hoping for him to return to the field as soon as possible, but we will have to wait and see.

Dez Bryant’s injury is particularly concerning because he not only has to be accounted for wherever he lines up on the field by opposing defenses, but this is also the second year in a row where an injury sustained early in the season could cause him to miss time on the field.

That leads us to the question of is Dez Bryant becoming injury prone?

Cowboys Headlines - Is Dez Bryant Becoming Injury Prone? 1Honestly, you can look at this two different ways: 1). Bryant has reached the stage in his career where his body is starting to break down causing injuries to happen, or 2). Bryant’s history of injuries fall into the category of freak accidents.

Personally, I think Bryant’s injuries fall more into the category of freaks accidents, which makes it even more frustrating for not only him, but all of us fans as well.

If you take a close look at how he hurt his knee this year and his foot injury last season, you will notice that both of those injuries occurred in very similar ways. Bryant was fighting for extra yards and his body was contorted awkwardly when being tackled.

This has been a big concern of mine ever since Dez Bryant became a member of the Dallas Cowboys.

His competitive nature makes him the player that he is, but he wants to fight for every single yard he can get and it’s now starting to hurt his chances of staying on the field due to injuries.

I remember this being a concern of the coaching staff’s before, but they have failed to stress to Bryant that he needs to do a better job of choosing his battles when in the game. That sometimes it is simply better to take what you can get and go to the ground.

Of course, this can be a hard habit to break for Dez Bryant. But, if he wants to prevent these types of injuries from occurring, then he is going to have to do a better job of knowing when to fight for extra yards and when not to.

Sounds simple doesn’t it?

Maybe so, but it’s important to remember that players like Bryant are going to try to make plays regardless of the risk of injury. Case in point, Bryant continuing to play against the Chicago Bears and scoring a touchdown on a crossing route knowing full well he could be hit and hit hard. That’s just who he is. Take it or leave it.

So, you may disagree with me, but I don’t think Dez Bryant is injury prone. I think these are just freak accidents that could possibly be eliminated if he makes little changes to the way he plays the game.

Do you agree or disagree?

Don’t be shy, please feel free to take advantage of the comment section below to share your thoughts and opinions about Dez Bryant’s injury concerns.

6 thoughts on “Is Dez Bryant Becoming Injury Prone?”

  1. Absolutely agree! He has to just go down when he is wrapped up and stop fighting for the extra yard. Frankly, on this last one looking at the way his knee was bent we are fortunate that it wasn’t a torn ACL. But if he chooses to play reckless it my behove us to be looking for a new #1 in the draft…just in case.

    • Hey Randy, thanks for commenting. I initially thought that Bryant’s injury would be much more severe when I was watching the game. I don’t know if it’ll happen, but I hope he learns from this and chooses his battles when it comes to fighting for extra yards. I think the Cowboys would be wise to look for another #1 WR next year regardless. Or at least a WR that can develop into a top wide out.

    • Andrea, unfortunately that’s completely true and it has everything to do with 88 getting injured the past couple seasons. Hopefully, he starts paying better attention to staying healthy and avoiding those scenarios where he is putting himself at risk.

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