It’s “Ignoring Season” for Dallas Cowboys Fans

Ben Grimaldi

Home » Cowboys News » It’s “Ignoring Season” for Dallas Cowboys Fans

It’s the NFL offseason and that means there is plenty of talk going on, all of which will have nothing to do with the actual game of football. Typically it’s a time for bogus lists and arguments over who’s a better player, or discussions about who said something remotely controversial.

In short, people are trying to fill the void for the long layoff until the games return. Of course no team causes more conversation than the Dallas Cowboys and this offseason has been no exception.

We all know there is no real offseason in the NFL so I like to call this time in the year for the Cowboys, the Ignoring Season. This time runs from the minute the Cowboys season ends all the way up to the start of the regular season. I call the Ignoring Season because during the time when actual games aren’t being played, everybody feels it’s necessary to take shots at the Cowboys and the best thing a Cowboys fan can do it just ignore it.

First there was the reaction to the Cowboys re-signing Tony Romo to a big extension, then it was DeMarcus Ware supposedly calling out Romo to “put up or shut up,” and of course everything Dez Bryant does is big news. Looking at each of these situations and it’s much to do about nothing.

Sure Romo’s extension is big deal and maybe he got overpaid but in a few years his deal will be right in line with fair market value. I know his track record in big situations hasn’t been great but you give me a quarterback who could succeed with his offensive line of the past few years and couple it with the dysfunction with which the Cowboys organization is run and you tell me who would be a better option? That quarterback doesn’t exist and the Cowboys did what they had to do to stay in contention. I have no idea why Romo’s contract bothered so many people, especially players who no longer play the game, but none of it will matter come September.

Then there was as issue over DeMarcus Ware’s comments over his quarterback’s new contract and too much was made of that as well. And of course ESPN embellishes what Dez Bryant said and everyone wants to make a big deal over Bryant’s claim that he could pass 2,000 receiving yards in a season. So the heck what? Bryant has elite skills and he believes in himself, why is that a problem?

All this nonsense is typical of what happens in the NFL offseason and the Cowboys get it worse than any other team. That’s what it means to be “America’s Team” and Cowboys fans should be used to it by now.

The best advice I can give to Cowboys fans is to just ignore it. It’s just talk meant to get ratings and get your blood boiling. Look a little bit deeper into anything that gets said about the Cowboys and form you’re your own opinion, not some media outlets with their own agenda. None of it means anything anyway, especially in April. Games are not won with words; they are won on the field by the players.

Ignoring Season is in full swing and September can’t get here fast enough.

 you can contact or follow Ben on twitter @BenGrimaldi