It’s Time For “Cowboys Nation” To Accept The Present and Let Go Of The Past

Bo Martin

Home » Cowboys News » It’s Time For “Cowboys Nation” To Accept The Present and Let Go Of The Past

Sometimes, we have to let go. Most of us have been watching the Cowboys for a while. We are accustomed to our front office going against the grain and we’re certainly accustomed to being disappointed.

Yet, this time seems tough to move on from.

In the eyes of some, the Cowboys “blew it” in this years draft. They were staring down Shariff Floyd (most peoples no. 1 defensive tackle) and Larry Warford (ranked anywhere from no. 3 to no. 5 for offensive guards) and failed to pull the trigger.

Instead the Cowboys considered their value and their board and decided the best option would be to trade down and acquire an additional third round pick.

The 31st overall pick came around and the Cowboys selected offensive center Travis Frederick.  As fans will quickly point out, Frederick was a reach.  However, Frederick represents exactly what the Cowboy fans were pleading for, a tough interior offensive lineman who can be among the elite at his position.

The Cowboys then treaded into the second round and selected tight end Gavin Escobar. The trend continued with the acquisition of wide receiver Terrance Williams.

Fans were irate.

Now a week has passed and for the most part, we’ve identified that the draft selections will be big pieces for the Cowboys next year and years that follow.

Still fans are irate.

Cowboys Nation is a passionate bunch that has a decent understanding on how a football team should be operated. They understand that Jerry Jones hasn’t made the best decisions as General Manager, they know that Jason Garrett mismanaged the clock last year and you can bet your butt that they know Tony Romo tossed a few games away last year.

My question though is simple, when does the pessimism stop?

Day in and day out, I watch as Cowboys fan piss and moan about the current state of the franchise. Some have dubbed this season as over, others spend all day wishing Jerry Jones dead or Jason Garrett fired.

Look, I get it, I do. We’re tired of the same infinite loop of mediocrity that we’ve found ourselves in.  I’m just as tired of 8-8 as you are.  But we are seven days removed from the 2013 NFL Draft! Sure, the Cowboys didn’t draft like we thought they would, but it wasn’t bad.

I look at this roster and I don’t see a reason that we need to label this season a wash. I see a season ahead that is going to rely on some of the superstars and young players to establish a role for themselves.

What I’ve learned in my years of Cowboys fandom is that nothing will ever be as it seems. Jerry Jones is going to make questionable decisions; Jason Garrett is going to make questionable calls… That’s not just the Cowboys guys, that’s the whole NFL.

It’s time we support our team, enjoy our fan hood and stop condemning every transaction the team does or doesn’t make. The Cowboys are going to be fine this season, with our without your optimistic rooting.

Lets learn to get behind our team instead of slandering them. Sometimes, its just best to let it go.