It’s Time To Wake Up!

Bryson Treece

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Sorry for the lack of posting the last few weeks. I have spent too much time dealing with the aftermath of IKE, traveling to Dallas, and being destroyed in softball. What was supposed to be a fun pressure release for me (softball) turned into a good old-fashioned ass kicking, but the team and I will make a comeback! Now on to more pressing issues, like the defensive recap for this past week’s game against the Bengals.

This was a very annoying game, as it started out to be a blow out, and then turned into a nail biter. This all caused by lack of focus, and killer instinct! This team irritates me sometimes, primarily the last two weeks. What is the problem? Why do we not just pound on teams when we have them down? I am not about to go down the road the national media idiots are going (T.O. drama, Jessica Simpson). The road I am going to go down has all to do with attitude or lack there of! This team has for years now been missing something, and that something is the attitude. The players and the coaching staff seem to be o.k. with barely getting by! The coaching staff proves this over and over again by the play calling on the defensive side of the ball.

This is becoming ridiculous why on earth do they have Greg Ellis covering (not very well by the way) Chris Henry? They are completely wasting their personnel, I mean on one side you have one of if not the best pass rushing outside linebackers in the game(DeMarcus Ware) and Two exceptional pass rushers on the other side ( Ellis and Spencer) but you don’t use them! Damn it! Tell those guys to pin their ears back and get after the quarterback! What are they scared of?

Can someone please tell me why our secondary is still playing ZONE! I understand that until this year the secondary was the team’s weak point, and that mandated the use of the zone. This is not an issue anymore, as far as I can tell yet they continue to play it. What I see taking place is the secondary repeatedly becoming confused as to what their responsibility is. It is obvious to me that the unit wants to play man, but they are not being allowed to! I would also like to bring up the fact that for three weeks now this team has played without the services of Roy Willy and there has been no drop off what so ever with this team! If anything they have gotten better. Brian Stewart, Wade Phillips cut these guys loose and stop the madness, it is very obvious to me that these guys want to turn it up a notch, they want to get physical, they want to make the next step, so fucking let them go!!!!!!!!

This defense did not play its best game, but it did not play its worst either. They have got to amp things up at Valley Ranch and start letting these guys earn their keep. I understand this was week four, but its time to start getting shit handled before it’s too late!