Is Jason Garrett The Root Of The Cowboys Problem?

Brian Martin

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After back-to-back embarrassing losses, Dallas Cowboys fans are angry, and they have a right to be. The 2017 season was supposed to be the year the Cowboys not only made the playoffs in consecutive years, but were serious Super Bowl contenders. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

I don’t know about you personally, but you can count me as one of those angry Cowboys fans. I don’t know what is going on with this year’s team. Despite the talent currently on the roster, there is something seriously wrong.

Unfortunately, there is no simple solution to get this team back on course. We can all sit here and blame the injuries and suspensions as to why the Dallas Cowboys have been underperforming this season, but the consensus among a lot of Cowboys Nation is that Jason Garrett and his coaching staff is the root of the problem.

Fair or not, blaming the head coach for the on-field performance of the players is nothing new around the NFL. We have seen many coaches around the league become the “scapegoat” and that might just be what’s happening with the Dallas Cowboys.

Now, I don’t know if Jason Garrett is the root of the Dallas Cowboys problem or not, but he’s not exactly living up to the billing of Coach of the Year, a title he added to his resume last season. One thing is for sure though, something needs to change and maybe it is the coaching staff.

Jason GarrettIt may or may not surprise you, but Jason Garrett is just barely over the .500 mark as the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys. He has been the head coach for a total of 114 games and won 63 of 51 of those contests. That’s a pathetic win/loss percentage of .553.

What’s even more discouraging is how the Dallas Cowboys have finished each season with Jason Garrett as the full-time head coach. The Cowboys finished with an 8-8 in Jason Garrett’s first three seasons as the full-time head coach. He didn’t have his first winning season until 2014 when the Cowboys went 12-4, but then tanked in the playoffs.

The 2015 season was the first season under Jason Garrett the Cowboys failed to reach .500. They only managed to win four games that year and a lot of fans wanted to fire Garrett then and there. But, he did manage to bounce back in 2016 and finish with a 13-3 record, the most regular-season wins in the history of the organization.

That brings us to the present 2017 season. The Dallas Cowboys are currently sitting at .500 with a 5-5 record and coming off two of their worst performances of the entire season. If we are to believe what Jason Garrett has accomplished previously with the Cowboys, then we are probably looking at another 8-8 season.

Jason GarrettMaybe that’s all Jason Garrett is as a head coach. Maybe he is just an average head coach with a good few years thrown in here and there. It’s no wonder a lot of Cowboys fans are calling for his job, but is Jerry Jones willing to listen?

I’m not completely against cleaning house and finding a new coaching staff, but I don’t see Jerry Jones doing that anytime soon. He likes Jason Garrett and believes he is a right man for the job. The Cowboys players have certainly bought into his coaching philosophy, so maybe he’s not the root of the problem after all.

Right now, I think Jason Garrett has a 50-50 chance of remaining the head coach of the Dallas Cowboys after the 2017 season. I really think the only way his job is in jeopardy is if the players just completely quit on him the remainder of the season. That means we’ll have to wait and see how the rest of the season plays out.

Do you believe Jason Garrett is the problem?

81 thoughts on “Is Jason Garrett The Root Of The Cowboys Problem?”

  1. Jerry Jones is more of the issue, with poor draft picks(Charlton) and bloated contracts for underachieving players (Bryant). Too much money tied up into star players (like the 90’s). When those players get hurt, the depth behind them is average at best.

    • It does seem to trickle down from Jerry Jones, but he’s not in charge of game planning and preparing the players for game day.

    • Is Dez Bryant really underachieving. Or is he not being properly used. When he came out of college was he a Speedster no was it a technical rockrunner know he’s a big physical wide receiver the reality is the ball has to be placed in a position for him to be physical take the Two Throws in the flat I were both at his shoelaces. When he was going across the middle or when he goes across the middle it’s off in the catch more times than not he’s not ever been a wide receiver who can go down the field and out run anybody. As far as Jason Garrett goes he’s not an X’s and O’s football coach he’s a team morale football coach. The Cowboys have played 10 games and only quit in one game. If you looking at The Pedestrian nature of the offense then you probably need to look at Scott Linehan. Now as far as Jerry Jones goes yes he’s a terrible GM but you cannot point out the negative such as draft and taco Charlton and then pretend like he doesn’t drive successful our entire offense line.

      • I have actually been asking myself the same question about Dez Bryant. He doesn’t noticeably look to have lost a step, but something just doesn’t look right.

        I think Jason Garrett is a great administrative coach. He knows how to build a roster, which is why the Cowboys have quite a bit of talent. I think it might be better if he finds some new coordinators.

        The book is still open on Taco Charlton. I personally think he will be just fine. It takes rookie pass rushers time to get acclimated to the speed of the NFL.

  2. I think this season’s problems come from several things, Zeke’s fight and suspension was a distraction from the start. It had to be, not know if he was going to play or be suspended. Then came the injuries that, and finally there is Jerry himself. He has been a constant problem with this team since the days after Jimmy Johnson left. He thinks he’s a coach, and GM of which he does neither very well. He doesn’t know player talent at all. DE’s Randy Gregory and Taco Charlton are proof of that, and he overpays underachieving players like he did Romo a few years ago. His son Stephen won’t open the check book to try and sign decent FA’s that could help this team, instead he thinks they should get players at bargain basement prices, which is not a bad thing, but players like that are usually way past their prime or were never that good to begin with.

      • Here’s the problem with this team. Mike Woicik has been the strength coach since 2011. Since that time, we lead the NFL with soft tissue injuries which falls on preparation and strength and conditioning. When fully healthy we can win because top to bottom we are more talented than most teams, however, ask them to make adjustments and the coaching is exposed. JG is good at getting players to buy in and play hard. He’s not a game manager and he’s never going to win a game by exploiting another teams weekness. He’s vanilla and conservative and insists on drawing up the same plays without innovation. That’s it. Also, we run camp cupcake. You can’t play your starters 5 Qtrs the entire preseason and expect them to go full boar week 1 especially when your not in pads the entire preseason at practice. This is who JG is. Not going to take risks or put players in positions to create mismatches. In the Atlanta game I was beside myself. Claiborne used Chaz Green and had 4 sacks at halftime. We doubled him with a back or tight end on only 5 more of 27 2!d half possessions. Basically zero adjustments. When fabs can see it and an NFL coach can’t, that’s a problem.

    • Great points, but we have been burned with FA also that is not the way you want to build a good contending team in my opinion.

      • I completely agree. You don’t want to pay top dollar for aging players. It’s better to build through the draft and pay your own FAs when the time comes

        • I for one would like to see Josh McDaniels get another shot as a head coach. He utilizes play action better than anyone and the Pats don’t have our running game. This is Dak’s strength. The Pats also work the middle of the field which is something we don’t do enough of. The offense is stale. Here’s another stat to look up. How often do we pass from the shotgun vs run from Dak under center. When I tell you better than 90% do you think the defense pins its ears back? The Cowboys under Zampisi in the 90’s were predictable, but you had dominant mismatches at every position. We should too, but we aren’t utilizing plays to capitalize on our strengths. Way too many check downs and long routes for wr’s who don’t cause seperation. How many times are we running on 1st and 2nd down and passing from 3rd and long? That’s alot to ask for any QB when the D knows what you’re doing. Cole should be used on drags and quick outs and Dez on slant city. We just don’t do it. We streak Dez or run skinny posts. In the red zone, we always throw a fade jumpball or back shoukder to Dez who hasn’t been able to cash in 90% of the time. Dak should be running more 2-3 step drops and quick slants across the middle which is where Michael Irvin earned his paychecks, but we just don’t. We should run draws out of shotgun and more play action from under center, but we don’t and we wont. I’m just fed up withhearing we need to do better and get better every week without any real adjustments from the coaches. As for the Strength Coach, he hasn’t done anything without Jimmy Johnson or Bill Bellichek. Nothing. There’s a guy at University of Alabama who turns out some pretty salty specimens named Scott Cochran. He’s the guy we need. I have even written a letter to Jerry Jones. Look him up on YouTube. We need a heavier hand who can dish out some accountability. JG will never be that guy. He’s a robot that will lose you a few ganes a year. Take Green Bay for example. 1:23 on the clock and Zeke has averaged over 6.5 yards per carry for 60 yards on the drive. You throw into the end zone on that stupid Dez fade to stop the clock on 2nd and 2. Rodgers shouldn’t have gotten the ball back. He gets it back with 50 seconds and well you get the sane result from last years playoff game. I guess JG forgot how quick Aaron could drive a team down the field. Rant over

          • I’d be on board with bringing Josh McDaniels in to be the Cowboys new head coach if Jason Garrett were fired. I think he would know how to utilize the Cowboys playmakers and get the best out of them. But, if Jason Garrett isn’t fired I would look for a new offensive coordinator. I’d really like to see Gary Kubiak in that role. I think his system would do wonders for Prescott

    • Are you crazy? I was not an underachieving player, look at my stats. The other players never been at my level. Nobody wins a SB all alone

  3. Coaching is the problem, the reason I believe it is coaching the Cowboys have lost 4 games when they were leading at half time and that =Coaching, the offense is predictable, the play calling is terrible, no adjustments are being made same game plan, the defense falls apart in the second half and the young players are not getting better watch Brown he never turns and locates the ball, and he does every game that =bad coaching, in the Greenbay game they ran the same exact play at the rookie corner, the safety Heath has to anticipate the Rogers is going back at the rookie, but Heath never moves and the play calling is to conservative after a 61yrd Kick off return against Philly, they did not take one shot into the end zone and on 4th and 2 you settle for a field goal, not good, they have to be aggressive and if you lose be aggressive that’s okay.

    • I personally like Jason Garrett, but he’s more of an administrative coach. He oversees what’s going on, but I think he leaves most of the coaching up to his staff. I think it might be time for some changes to be made. I don’t know if they need to entirely clean house, but they need to examine all of their options.

      • He doesn’t belong on the coaching staff period. In the 7 years there the vast majority of the players that couldn’t play here have gone elsewhere and done great…… He has NO clue how to use the players he has nor does know how to develop players..that’s been obvious all along.

  4. It starts with Jerry. But he’s not going anywhere. And the problem with firing Garrett and his staff, what up and coming coach would want to work under Jerry Jones who still thinks he’s Al Davis? We’re stuck

    • Bret, that’s my way of thinking as well. Not only do they have to find a HC willing to put up with Jerry Jones, but who is out there that would be an upgrade over Jason Garrett. I would say Sean Payton if he becomes available, but that’s not likely with the success he’s having this season with the Saints. Josh McDaniels maybe?

        • That’s certainly true, but I think he has probably learned from his mistakes since his time in Denver. But, I don’t know if he would want to come to Dallas. I don’t know how well he and Jerry Jones would mesh

        • I personally don’t care for Gruden. I don’t think he is the answer. I would prefer someone like Josh McDaniels. I think Prescott would thrive in that kind of offensive scheme.

  5. JJ is the root of the Cowboy’s problems. He’s the owner, GM, personnel manager, and de facto coach. He likes Garrett because he’s a yes man. Other very competent coaches left because of JJ’s meddling.

    • This is a tired argument though – I’ve heard it for how many years and he doesn’t get credit when they win 12-13 games in a season. The talent is on the field often. Stephen Jones has taken sooo much of the bad things about Jerry off the table. Personally, I don’t think Dak is going to be a 10yr quarterback for this team. Freshman wonder – as they all are – exposed by defensive coordinators in year 2. Happens all the time. And teams with mediocre qb’s don’t have back to back winning seasons.

      • I don’t really think Prescott has been exposed. He does probably need a running game to fall back on, but he is capable of leading the offense. I think a new OC who understands how to play to his strengths better would benefit him immensely.

        • Dak has been exposed and is simply unable to accurately throw anything deep. Thus he is the quintessential dink and dunk QB. Dak is not a franchise QB. He is a good to average QB. They can win with Dak but only because he manages the game. If the game is up for him to win, he is not going to deliver.

      • Nor should he…..he’s not the reason for that. The 3 former HC’s on staff are the reason for that. Before they got here he was 1 game over .500 …. 1. Why should he get credit for others work?

    • Jerry Jones is actually being phased out I think. Stephen has taken on a larger role and hopefully that will end up being good news. We will have to wait and see though.

      • If you believe that you’re a fool to think a man that craves power and control will just give that up….. not gonna happen.

      • I do agree. Remember how mad JJ was that Stephen takjed him out of drafting Johnny Manziell? He liked Zac Martin but it was like getting so ks for Christmas LOL. Fast forward and it was 100% the right call. When things start tracking right JJ always sticks his fingers into the cookie jar. He’s still egotistical as they get. He longs for credit. The Hardy signing was JJ. Keeping Gregory is JJ. Keeping Terrance Williams is JJ. He wanted Navarro Bowman. Thank God the Raisers didn’t let him leave unsigned. His going after the NFL owners and Goodell is just another shining example of his selfish pride and lack of focus. I’m not a Goodell appologist, but you can’t be commenting publically that he’s going to make Bob Kraft look like a (expletive) compared to what I’m going to do. The man always finds a way to draw undo attention. He just can’t resist.

  6. Does Dallas really have talent outside of a few players. The answer is no. Wrs are average cant seperate and LBs and secondary are young and average . Right now Dallas is just that average. And let’s not blame it on Zeke suspension. Just need more talent.

    • The Cowboys have enough talent to win games and be a Super Bowl contender. I think the coaching staff needs to do a better job of putting them in better position to succeed. You have to scheme ways to get the WRs open on offeense, and maybe simplify on things defensively with so much youth.

  7. Honestly, no disrespect to anyone… but some of you really need to look at where the decisions are being made. Yes, JJ signs off on everything. Forget being the GM, but as the owner of the team… that’s his right… as with ANY NFL owner. No, I’m not defending some of Jerry’s past decisions, but when some of you give credit to McClay, Stephen and the rest of the Cowboy’s brass for making smart picks… bone up and note when some of those picks didn’t pan out. Stop just pointing the finger and saying, “Those are Jerry’s picks” or “Jerry interferes too much.” Bottom line is… guess what… He owns the team.. he’s not going anywhere. Once you come to terms with that, you’ll be able to move on and focus on what really matters… on field expectations.

    I… like most of you… are not deeply ingratiated within the NFL coaching hierarchy, but I’m sorry… you’re absolutely wrong if you don’t think there are a PLETHORA of coaches chomping at the bits to be the Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys with Jerry Jones and all. Again, Jerry is not perfect, but he is loyal, and certainly willing to give his coaches what they ask for (except for Rod…smh) and what they need in order to win. JG has stated that he needed a certain type of player that’s willing to buy into his system. One that carries himself in a certain manner… and outside of a handful of players (Randy Gregory, R McClain and Greg Hardy), he has had them…. and to what avail? Where has it gotten us? How has it helped “The Process?” How does JG help this team… I mean really help this team that another coach couldn’t? What “meaningful accomplishments does he have that his predecessors don’t or didn’t? Parcells wasn’t perfect, but at least you saw progression throughout the entire ball club. The team may have given up on Wade in his final season, but in hindsight, with the amount of talent that he had defensively, he was able to maximize their potential. How about JG? Where has he maximized anyone’s potential? Go on… I’ll wait. And if you say Dak… please don’t respond… because respectfully, I said “maximize” and we’re clearly not watching the same games.

    If you’re looking for or content with average results with a surprise season sprinkled in here and there… (ah hem… Norv Turner)… go on… keep him as the Head Coach. Average thinking leads to average results.

    Lastly, I didn’t need to read this well written article in order to answer the question. The answer is simply and emphatically – YES!

    • Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Everything was well thought out and written. And, thank you for the compliment. Those are always welcome LOL.

    • We have made smart acquisitions through the draft by in large, but remember why we can’t sign free agents. It’s called deferred money and sone bad contracts still on the books. Stephen has reigned in JJ some, but the reason we lack depth is due to us being in salary cap lockup for years. One of the resons the Pats are so dominant is because they’ll move out players who underperform. We extend guys like Terrance Williams over and over. Ok player, but not a number two on most teams. We might just have to wait until JJ is gone before we see some radical change. Why are we still paying Randy Gregory? It’s beyond me.

  8. I think Garrett is a good team manager. At this point he’s got to look at his OC. I was concerned they threw Romo out when Dak could learn more long term on the bench. The coaches can’t get him to the level to carry this team by himself. Defenses aren’t afraid of him and they can’t seem to find him easy passes. Even his 4 yd completions are read and convered easily by the DBs. 8-8 season.

    • I agree. I think the OC is a concern. I would love to find someone who can scheme to play to Prescott’s strengths. Maybe some Josh McDaniels?

  9. I’ve actually been a Jason Garrett supporter, but something needs to change. Either he needs to find better coordinators, or the Cowboys simply need to clean house. They can’t continue to stick to status quo and expect things to improve.

    • Dude listen….. you obviously have a man crush on the puppet but look. He was 1 game over .500 before they brought in 3 former HC’s to basically do his job for him… those are facts. He then threw a hissy fit and told the world that they would still use his scheme…his scheme has been verbally laughed at by the other teams players…. they love it. It’s easy to read and easy to figure out. The man is NOT a HC, period.

  10. YES!!! HALF TIME ADJUSTMENTS are almost non existent!!! He shows his hand at the beginning of the game and rides with it! He’s way to conservative and is horrible eith clock management. He’s a great CHEER LEADER and P.R. man,but that’s not what we need.

    • He does seem to stick with the game plan regardless and if he does make adjustments it’s usually too late. I would be on board with Nick Saban, but I think he’s happy coaching college football. I kind of like the idea of bringing in Josh McDaniels though. I think Prescott would excel in his offense.

    • He is the reigning Coach of the Year, but he’s not performing up to that title. I’d be fine retaining Jason Garrett, but I think we could use some new coordinators on both sides of the ball.

  11. I think Jason is the problem because he’s had the same problem from day one not making any adjustments, and it’s always to the detriment of the team. If it works he thinks no changes need to be made but evolution is the name of the game everyone seems to follow his lead to be stubborn as well. He is a good motivator and the player’s always give their best for him but he’s lacking in other areas.

    • They made plenty of adjustment’s, they just didn’t work to well either.. They tried like 4 different adjustment, to no avail..

  12. The Cowboys ship was meant to be run by a skipper not a ginger. Just ask Gilligan. Tired of mediocrity for so many years. Bring in Jon Gruden.

    • Love the Gilligan reference, but not the endorsement of Gruden. Personally never been a fan of his and don’t really like his fit with the Cowboys.

  13. I think our defense is too predictable. That Tampa 2 is old. We need a younger defensive mind in there and we need some top picks who can stay healthy for the defense. As for the offense, just losing Zeke should not prevent us from dominating. Why suddenly is McFadden persona non gratis? What has he done to be relegated to 3rd string? The coaching staff seems incapable of adjusting on the fly and the entire team folds after half time…WTH?!!!

    • A lot of teams still use the Tampa 2 defense, but I think the game might have passed Rod Marinelli by. I think it’s time the cowboys find new coordinators on both sides of the ball. And I agree with you about Zeke. I don’t think his absence should’ve heard the offense that much. But, if you combine that with Tyron Smith missing time, it’s no wonder the offenses struggling.

      I’m a little surprised McFadden hasn’t received an opportunity. But, Alfred Morris hasn’t looked bad. I guess they just don’t like what they see and practice from McFadden.

  14. To anyone that says taco is a poor draft pick is a stupid comment the guy is a rookie in his first year. We all knew it would take him time to get going. Gregory was a bad pick but taco not yet. Garrett is the problem to be leading or losing by a small margin to just get demolished after halftime is ridiculous. He never makes the right adjustments. Marinelli has never been a good coordinator in Dallas at all. We need a guy like Jim Schwartz and need a Jim harbaugh as head coach. No reason for us to go another year like this. We have been average under Garrett. What if the schedule would of been a little harder last year we probably wouldn’t of won 13 games. Defenses figured out dak n zeke this year kinda like rg3 and Morris couple years ago. They have to go before Dallas goes another 7 years as average team. Dez was good with Romo cuz Romo threw to him no matter what dak will not. For our defense to falter with only Sean Lee out is ludacris. Lee is a great player but they shouldn’t go from 18 ppg to 35 ppg and 80 yards rushing to 165 yards. I’m done with Garrett and marinelli

    • I think Josh McDaniels might be my top choice if the Cowboys decide to move on from Jason Garrett. I think that New England offensive scheme would do wonders for Prescott.

      And, I agree with you about Taco Charlton. Everybody wants instant gratification from first-round draft picks, but failed to realize it typically takes pass rushers more time to adjust to the speed of the NFL. DeMarcus Lawrence didn’t have a sack in his first season, but look at him now. We just need to remain patient

      • I like what you say, for the most part, but honestly if we don’t get an out of the box ready to go player then it’s not good. The HC has shown a direct history of NOT being able to develop players.

  15. This shouldn’t even be an asked question….the last 7 years should be as clear as it gets. He’s NOT a HC…. he’s never going to be. In ANY other organization [except the Browns] he wouldn’t even be considered.

  16. Good evening cowboys fans it’s to early to fire the coaching staff. Now I agree the hand off to Rod Smith on 3rd down had ne literary scratching my head. We have to realize our DBs are young and teams adjust to them at the half after watching film. Once this team gets healthy they will shock you all. Relax they still can shock the league Lee missing is hurting more than you know

  17. Jerry is the biggest problem but it does appear that Stephen Jones is having more of a say in the football operations. As for Garrett he has had 7 years now and the learning curve is over and he still doesn’t have it. Garrett needs every single starter healthy for every game to have success. Any chink in that armour and the team collapses. In 2015, with Romo out, they went 1-12. With Zeke out, they are now 0-2. You have to adjust your game plan to the players on the field. You have to be more creative with your play calling if you are missing your starters. Garrett just runs the same offense, the same sideline passes to Dez. The same runs over and over. Beasley gets 1 or 2 targets. Williams gets 1 or 2 targets. Whitten is now getting 1 or 2 targets. They continue to try and force the ball into Dez. It’s almost like High School football. Just roll out and throw it up and hope for the best. As for the defense, no defense should be dependent on your running game to be successful. Thats just a recipe for disaster. They have been rebuilding this defense for over 10 years now. It has hints of playing well and than a team comes in an exposes their weaknesses. I’m all for canning this entire coaching staff but than you Jerry hiring the new staff and we have seen how well that has gone since Jimmy Johnson. I just don’t think there is a winning combination on this team. Unfortunately a lot of good talented players will be wasted on an average coaching staff and a owner who wants to control every aspect of the team and his desire to win is not as a team but for his own selfish reasons so he can say, “I did this, it was all me”.

  18. time to fire the ginger idiot. He was never a good offensive coordinator. He is horrible am tired seeing his dumb looking face with his predictable no adjustment coaching style. Hell let Romo coach the team if that will help Jerry ego. Time for a change

  19. It starts at the top. JJ is causing these issues because he doesn’t let his coaching staff make decisions like a Head Coach should. When he did we won Back 2 Back SB’s and that didn’t go well for him either because he thought it was all him to give credit to and not the coach. Jimmy Johnson should’ve never been fired and maybe we’re sitting with 7 or may be 8 Chips and not 5. As for Dez he hasn’t lost a step because he was never a speedy guy in the first place. He needs better ball placement and those 50 50 balls have to be up in the air but not in the air going out of bounds. Dak needs to work on that with him. Garrett and the staff has to go. Especially Linehan. How do you leave Green all alone all game long getting torched by a role player who was about to retire and used the same exact move on all 6 of his sacks. RIDICULOUS. We all know what we have in Witten. He’s been the same guy his entire career. Catch and tackle. Why aren’t we using Hannah more who runs a 4.4. That’s real speed for a TE. Sucks Rico got hurt because i think he adds that element all over the field that opens up everything. We need to draft 2 fast Linebackers 2 fast safeties 2 fast corners and 2 Offensive lineman and hopefully they can stay healthy and we will be A OK. 6 Games left. We can still get a Wild Card but it’s gotta start NOW. We may have to win out and if we do. No team would want to face Dallas with Zeke back and Smith and Lee healthy and Chidobo playing. Gonna be interesting.

  20. It clearly seems Garrett is a guy that can properly steer a ship when it is working with a full crew and no mechanical issues. A great coach figures out how to keep steering when the ship starts to break down or lose crew members. The offensive and defensive play calling never seems to shift to account for changes, especially after half, and it leaves the players chasing their own tails. The definition of insanity is to keep doing things the same way over and over even when it is clearly not working. Our coaching staff does not seem to be able to properly shift on the fly, and this mess of a season is the result. Changes probably not coming, and that is a scary thought for all Cowboys fans.

  21. he seems to only be capable of leading a team to Victory when they are at full strength. If you look at the good coaches in the league, they are able to find ways to compensate when they’re losing their best players. Just look at the Patriots. Look at the Vikings, they lost their quarterback and their star running back this year and they are still one of the best teams in the league

  22. Last time you said that all this mess was my fault.
    What about your new wonder QB? I don’t see you demanding him victories the same way you use to do with me…
    Beg for my return


  24. Dez is a joke. Whitten is hall of famer but can’t break a tackle and is too slow They don’t use Beasley enough. We need a number 1 and number 2 receiver and a whole new defensive backfield

  25. Jerry Jones is arrogantly believes that his hand picked head coach Jason Garrett will eventually become the next Tom Landry, and that season ticket holders have to be patient with the process.

    Each year Jerry job is to keep everyone optimistic towards the upcoming season, and hopefully, garrett, with former head coaches around him, will figure it out on how to be a successful coach, in the belichick level.

    Now going on 7 full seasons, the results have been a rollercoaster ride, kind of mirrors Romo’s career asvtge starting quarterback for the Cowboys. Garrett record has been average at best.
    If Garrett loses on Thursday night, and loses the a lockerroom, then Jerry has no choice, because the season ticket holders are going to be demanding answers.

    But who wants the best football job with the most valuable franchise in sports?
    The talent is here, it’s just been undervalued.

  26. For those who are asking for McDaniel for head coach, better think twice. McDaniel was run out of Denver, because he wanted to be like his mentor Belichick. The only reason McDaniel looks good in because he has the goat at quarterback, who can make any offensive coordinator system look great. McDaniel has taken Urban Myers system to the next level. This the guy who drafted Tim Tebow in the 1st round and got busted cheating in Denver.

  27. Totally agree with you Brian……The Cowboys need to change the coaching staff ASAP! I broke my neck playing football….C1 to C5 is fused.

  28. NO Jason is NOT the root of the problem, far from it. Yes Jason has made some mistakes over the years like any coach. Jason did not start a dead arm QB in Super Bowl 5 or put Randy White with a broken forearm on the “hands” team in SB 13; and Landry is my fave coach of all time. Everyone has a hand in this and the main problem falls on Will McClay and our coordinators. Jason coaches much like how Jimmy coached, he lets his assistants coach and they have failed many times than not. Will McClay had one truly great draft and he can pick up talent from the scraps of other teams. Stephen Jones and Will have made terrible decisions on free agents they have signed and that is with spending average to little money on free agents. Also, Jason is a disciplinarian type of coach, but he cannot be when they are giving him De’montrae Moore type players to coach. The Jones family killed the locker room in 2008 and 2015 by signing bad guys. When Jerry is coming out and stating who is and who is not going to play do you not think that hampers who Jason may really want to play? Yes Jason has made some mistakes, but they took his QB away from him because they saw a chance to get out of a large contract.

  29. Yes I believe Garrett is the main problem. He is the worst HC at making adjustments during game. In fact, I honestly wonder if he ever makes them. It is unreal watching how this team just fails time and time again at making the right moves during a game to win. The game against the Falcons is a prime example. What an absolute moron for not helping Green at LE that game. Allowing him to single-handedly lose that game by not even slowing down his DE counterpart is pathetic. Any coach at any level would have seen this and forced a TE to stay in on that side, ran roll outs away and called running plays at the DE forcing that player to play the run and not just rush the passer all game long.

    It is high time to rid ourselves of Garrett. He has been clapping on the sidelines for far too long. Next coach up please!

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