Jerry Jones Named NFL’s Most Important Person

RJ Ochoa

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How many of you have ever entered the Disney Store at your local mall?

There are characters everywhere, classic songs on the speakers, and an ambiance that makes you feel like you’re standing right inside of the Magic Kingdom.

If you’ve indeed set foot inside one of these establishments then you know that the visual isn’t complete without a child dragging his Mom or Dad across the store, pleading for the newest toy on the shelves. Disney is one of the most powerful corporations in the world, flexing their muscles even via the tiniest of human beings.


Cowboys Headlines - Jerry Jones Named NFL's Most Important Person By USA Today 2


Jerry Jones is like Disney. The Dallas Cowboys are his Magic Kingdom. AT&T Stadium is his Disney World. His Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops are his Disney Stores. Tony Romo is his Mickey, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are his Tinkerbell, and Rowdy is his Goofy.

What has he done to earn this distinction? Only manufacture a company worth $3.2 billion dollars. Yes, to quote The Social Network, that’s billion with a B.

Businessmen with that type of gold star on their resume would be treated as king on Wall Street. Jerry Jones? His crown has been earned due to a different Star – the Dallas Cowboys.

The Owner, President, and General Manager of the Dallas Cowboys is an important man to you and me. As loyal members of Cowboys Nation, he serves as our ring leader and commander in chief. His importance in relation to his kingdom, the National Football League, is why we’re here today.

USA Today Names Jerry Jones The Most Important Person In The NFL.

The truth of the matter is that it shouldn’t take a national media outlet to declare Mr. Jones as the man who sits on the NFL’s iron throne.

Since purchasing the Dallas Cowboys in 1989, Jerry Jones has brought high levels of innovation to the NFL that allowed them to become the most popular professional sports league in America, and that will one day earn him a bronze bust in the hallowed halls of the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

His most recent accomplishment can be seen on Sundays this fall at the Los Angeles Coliseum. It was Jerry Jones that brought light to how a team in the second largest media market in America might be a good idea for the NFL. He brought the Rams home, and in the process catapulted the NFL even farther away from the other American professional sports leagues into its own stratosphere of excellence.

Cowboys Headlines - Jerry Jones Named NFL's Most Important Person By USA Today 1

The USA Today distinction isn’t breaking news for anyone who knows the Dallas Cowboys.

It’s similar to me saying that Tony Romo is the most important person to this team. Romo’s importance transcends the field at AT&T Stadium though, he was voted #26 on this list.

One of the successors to the Jones Family, Charlotte Jones Anderson, came in 89th on the list. She has defined herself in her own right while continuing the great legacy built by her father.

The Dallas Cowboys are important to everyone. The only difference today is that now more people know it.

How important do you think Jerry Jones or any of his Cowboys are in relation to the NFL? Let me know! Comment below, Email me at, or Tweet to me at @rjochoa!