Join Blue Star Times in Supporting Net Neutrality

Bryson Treece

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It’s been a topic frequently seen in news headlines for several years now, but it seems this time around may be the last.

Something like this touches us all and threatens to take away some of our favorite Dallas Cowboys resources if they don’t pay extra to be put in the fast lane. So Blue Star Times and @CowboysNation fully support Net Neutrality to keep the internet open and free for all.

“Last year, more than 40,000 websites participated in the Internet Slowdown to demand real net neutrality. It worked! But monopolistic Cable companies are pouring millions into a last-ditch effort to derail the FCC’s historic vote. Help us flood Washington, DC with calls and emails to show lawmakers that the whole Internet is watching, and we’re literally counting down the seconds until we get real net neutrality. –”

Networks and ISPs knew what they were getting into when they built the transmission lines the last two decades expanding the reach of the internet to what it is now, and now they want us to reward them for it.

Seems a bit opportunistic to me considering these same companies have made fortunes by capitalizing on internet services from connections to content. Just my two cents.

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