Keeping The Mediots Honest … Drama In a Compliment’s Dress.

Jonathan Day

Home » Cowboys News » Keeping The Mediots Honest … Drama In a Compliment’s Dress.

This is the second installation of a series charged with the responsibility of keeping the local, as well as national media, honest when it comes to our Dallas Cowboys.  I have yet to see an article that has been as blatant as the infamous “Jerry calls Marion Barber a wuss,” which was somehow derived from Jerry’s statement, “I was told he was healthy enough to play!”  Even still, here and there the media is still trying to throw out potential land minds in hopes of filling their monthly quota to talk about the same thing, that if you are anything like me, you could not care less about.

My first entry picked on Dallas Morning News Jean-Jacques Taylor, a reporter whose arrogance and panache for twisting the truth is only rivaled by none other than ESPN Radio’s own and Ft. Worth Star Tribune contributor Randy Galloway.  In Jean’s latest article, entitled “Cowboys need a leader in Romo,” at face value it would seem he is offering praise to Romo.  But read between the lines:

Sometimes, leaders aren’t popular, and Romo must realize that’s OK.

He can’t worry about whether guys want to play golf or racquetball with him. He can’t worry about what they’re saying about him when he’s not around.

Who cares?

Romo’s job is to demand excellence every time he walks into the team’s Valley Ranch training complex. Do that consistently and the players will follow him on the football field – even if they don’t want to share a meal with him.

It doesn’t matter whether Romo agrees with what his teammates say about him. It doesn’t even matter whether their perceptions are true.

After all, perception is reality.

Understand, leadership doesn’t come easy to Romo. There’s no shame in that since we’re all built differently

That’s why he doesn’t like talking about it. And that’s why he acts, at times, like leadership isn’t a big deal.

(visit the following link for the whole article:

Has anyone heard any complaints about Romo from the players?  Has there been any reports of infighting involving Romo?

To me, JJT’s motivation was clear:  To create drama where there is no drama.  The truth is, if Romo really cared about thing’s like this and actually looked for an individual on this team that didn’t like him, there is a good chance he could find one.  But it would only become an issue if he found that individual.  Whether or not this prompts him to go looking for that trouble, articles like this have a tendency to help the players who do have a problem surface.

Imagine you are an individual who has an issue with Romo and you are on the team.  As far as you know, you are the only one, so why make more of an issue and bring it to light?  But then you read this article and knowing that you haven’t said anything to the media, you are led to believe that you are not the only one who has an issue, which vastly changes the complexion of the situation.  Because if you now believe that there are more that are fed up with whatever it is about Romo you don’t like, the  problem likely need’s to be addressed.  You bring it to light, and JJT has a real story; not one that is the mental equivalent of pulling teeth, like actually complementing Romo for his efforts to improve as a leader and Quarterback.

Make no mistake, this article was difficult for Jean to write; but in the guise of a compliment, he’s looking for this assertion to pay dividends in the currency of future articles, without the pesky backlash that otherwise could blow up in his face.  It’s diabolical.  It’s borderline genius.  And it’s why he’s the focus of yet another Keeping the mediots honest!