Keeping The Mediots Honest … I Have a Goose To Cook!!!

Jonathan Day

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So I’m driving along listening to the Ticket and Goose Gosslin was the special (ed) guest.  To be honest, I don’t listen to sports radio during the day enough to know whose show it was, but that’s really not important.  So, the show host make’s the point that the Cowboy’s received quite a bit of negative press for their defensive performance, but when the Patriots and Chargers both squeak past what many thought to be vastly inferior opponent’s, all analyst seem to want to talk about is “that’s what good team can do; in the end, they now how to win!”  To this Goose respond’s without missing a beat “Yeah, but they’ve won play off games in the last decade!”

Ooh, snap!!!  Wait.  What?  I’m sorry, I’m not sure if that even make sense!  That’s like George W. Bush bringing up 9/11 to garner support for invading Iraq.

What in the hell does not winning a play off game in the last decade have to do with an obvious media bias driven towards down playing anything and everything the Cowboy’s do.  Now don’t get me wrong.  Not here, but on a separate forum I did make the statement that you can’t take that performance to our interdivisional foes and expect the same results.  I stand behind that.  But by no means am I saying that these issues experienced from any of these teams are not correctable.

I didn’t watch either of last night’s games, so don’t ask me what woes they experienced, but I do know that the primary problem for the Cowboy’s against the running game was poor tackling from everyone on the defensive side of the ball and, specifically, a lack of blocker shedding and gap control on the linebackers part.   I’ve read and heard each of the linebackers, for the exception of Spencer, take accountability for it, but in that same breath say it’s correctable and they are committed to correcting it before they face the Giants this week.  I’ve read and heard everything I need to read and hear about that topic and feel confident we will see a different defense against the Giants.  Mark it down!