Living Inside The Star: Trials of a Cowboys Fan

Sean Martin

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I was just a few hours old the last time my Dallas Cowboys hoisted the Lombardi trophy. January 28th, 1996. Cowboys 27. Steelers 17. Larry Brown named MVP with two interceptions.

Since then, I have been waiting for a Super Bowl I can remember. I can confidently say that the moment it happens, it will be one of the greatest moment of my life.

I also honestly can’t say what I would do in the moment. The emotions of it would simply be running too high, as the boys in white came out victorious on sports’ greatest stage.

However, as we know, setting these high expectations each and every season only sets us up for an incoming disappointment more times than not.

When Romo dropped the snap. When Brett Favre went off. When Dez’s catch was ruled incomplete. Finally, when Jordan Matthews frolicked to the end zone last night.

Six straight losses, by a combined 55 points. An average of nine points a game, which feels even worse when you consider the last three have been by 14 combined – with a one point loss in there to tear at our hearts even further.

So why don’t we give up? Pick a new team. Get a fresh start. After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, and year after year the Dallas Cowboys have caused us more pain than joy.

We remain loyal to this team because it is all we know. Our lives are forever dictated by the play of our Cowboys, and that feeling is so deeply embedded in all of us that we would simply not know how to continue on without it.

Cowboys Blog - Living Inside The Star: Trials of a Cowboys Fan 1

Sam Bradford, nearly sacked by Greg Hardy. Gets the pass away. Caught by Jordan Matthews. Ten. Five. Touchdown. Game over.

Did that hurt? Of course it did. Was waking up on another Monday morning after a loss fun? Anything but. However, I suffer through these times knowing that one day – sometime soon – the Cowboys will come out on top, and I will be able to say they took me along for the ride.

So buckle up, Cowboys Nation, and embrace the journey that the 2015 Cowboys have taken us on into the star. From perennial contender to 2-6, who knows what lies next. All I know is that I will be here to see it, spending my time inside the star – the only way I know how.


2 thoughts on “Living Inside The Star: Trials of a Cowboys Fan”

  1. Truer words were never said. Been a Cowboys fan since ’78-’79. Where I’m from we don’t have a pro team. College ball rules. GO CLEMSON!!! Dallas is my team; my family! Randy White, Tony Dorsett, Roger the Dodger,Too Tall, etc. The loss to the hated eagles really hurt. I have stuck with Cowboys thru thick(3 out of 4 super bowls) and thin(1win, 15 losses). This season has really f***** me up.

  2. I’ve been a Cowboy fan since 1965, and I lived through the crushing losses to Green Bay, then to the Browns, then to the Colts, before finally winning the Big One in Super Bowl VI (I was a junior in HS).

    I lived through “The Catch”, three straight 5-11 seasons, starting 1-7 in 2010. As bad as it gets, I will never be a fan of another team. I hope and pray I live to see another championship (I am 61), but as long as Jerry lives, I’m afraid it won’t happen. I just hope I outlive that S.O.B.!

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