Looks Like Owens Is Still A Star

Bryson Treece

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You and I both know that the one you are asking about all the time, if I have an answer for . . . if I gave you the answer you want to hear, then you would already have had it, so the fact you don’t have it ought to tell you something. Or it should.

I’m sure you’ve all seen it by now … it’s been on every Cowboys related headline since the words were first spoken. Jerry Jones found a way to once again let himself be open for interpretation.

A lot of you have expressed confusion over what he said, but let’s look at it and see just how clearly he answered the T.O. question.

“If I gave you the answer you want to hear …” We all know that most of the beat writers that were at that press conference have been spouting off about the T.O. situation. Most of them, most of the time, have expressed their desire to see Owens released. So my take on this answer is that Jones is saying if we were going to hear Owens will be released, we would have heard it by now.

Your guess is really as good as mine, but if I were a betting man, I’d bet strongly in favor of keeping Owens after hearing a statement like that. Only time will tell if Jones backs it up.

11 thoughts on “Looks Like Owens Is Still A Star”

  1. Oh yes, I was happy with that part as well. I also haven’t seen one member of the media quote that part yet … funny shit.

    I was actually caught by the “figment of the result” remark. Never heard it put like that before, but it is true when it comes to T.O. and a lot of the doom and gloom spin the media is putting on this team.

  2. “You didn’t hear about those things when we were winning. You hear about those kinds of things when we’re losing. So I’m just not. And if y’all knew more about some of the things that you write about, you wouldn’t be as concerned.”

    HAHA hell yeah, fuck those clown media reporters.

  3. I’ll agree that TO isn’t the only issue, but I can’t imagine he helps the chemistry in the locker room at all. Sad as it might be, I think this team has a way to go…IMHO letting TO go might be the best thing for this team.

  4. You’e right, there’s still a ways to go. My thought on it is simply that if you’re going to struggle to get past something anyway, you might as well keep the most talented players you can while doing it.

    Then again, I also feel that the media pocketed some of the side show for their own.

  5. Good its about time Mr. Jones came out and told the reporters off. (So to speak) Now maybe we can get on with concentrating on next season and the media can begin to brainstorm other ways of trying to sabotage our team. I am getting so irritated with the way they can make a story out of nothing and turn it into the biggest thing in all of sports. Find another scape goat to better off your lousy carrer galloway and try writing about someone other than TO. If your mind can take you that far!!!

  6. Well yeah … Given the way the media chews up anything T.O. related, that’s about the only good way to handle it.

    The media makes me sad ……

  7. The fact is that if J.J. had ever said he’s keeping Owens, the media would interpret that he had considered releasing him.

    We all know how bad things can get when T.O. wants to be with a team, so imagine how bad things could get if he had felt like his job was on the line this off-season.

    Things in that locker room would go from bad to worse.

    The comments that Jerry has made, “I believe” were designed to say that no decision has been made because there is no decision to make. Jerry is trying to present a unified front to the fans, the media and of course that team.

  8. And by the way this is my first time visiting and posting on this site.

    I have got to say that I love the content so far.

    Keep up the good work.

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