Making Some Upgrades To Cowboys Cast Servers

Bobby Belt

Home » Cowboys News » Making Some Upgrades To Cowboys Cast Servers

Good evening everyone. Just dropping in for an update on some Cowboys Cast services being down this week. As of today, all subdomain links to subscription services like iTunes, SoundCloud, and TuneIn built on the domain (,,,, are no longer active.

We’re upgrading the servers for domain hosting as well as email hosting and figured this week would be a good week to do it. Thanksgiving is just a few days away and activity is lower.

In the meantime, you can still access Cowboys Cast on all of our networks by going directly to them, instead of using the vanity links we’ve offered. I’ll list each of those at the end of this post for your convenience.

All services should be restored within about 3-5 days but some changes are coming as well. The previously mentioned subdomain links will not be reinstated. Instead, we’re going to change them around to more of a folder link to help Cowboys Cast grow and gain some reputation on search engines. It’s all a bit technical so I’ll just bottom-line it by saying that you can add a forward slash and the name of a subscription service to to get where you want to go. That means you can get to our iTunes profile at, for example.

The new vanity links will be active once services are restored.

You can access our profiles directly via these links:

I’ll post here again when everything is back up and running fully. Thanks for listening!