Messing With Momentum? Why Trading Dez Bryant Is A Bad Idea

Kevin Brady

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As America’s team, the Dallas Cowboys get talked about every single day on each National sports media outlet. Whether its Fox Sports, ESPN, NFL Network or anything else, everyone loves to give their opinion on how the Cowboys are playing and what they should do with personnel.

No matter just how wrong and/or misguided their opinion is.

In this week’s edition of “awful Cowboys takes,” people actually want the Dallas Cowboys to get rid of their best wide receiver and a clear leader both on the field and in the locker room. They want the Cowboys to trade Dez Bryant, along with Tony Romo, because…

Well, I’m not really sure why.

I have not heard one good explanation for why trading away a player who is 2nd in the NFL to only Rob Gronkowski in receiving touchdowns since 2010 is a good idea. Or why shipping off one of the 5 most physically talented players on this roster midway through what we think could be a Super Bowl season makes any damn sense at all.

But, he’ll just mess up the momentum! They have a good thing going and Dez will ruin it!

Listen, I really like Linda Cohn. I think she is a fantastic Sportscenter host and she is really good at her job. I also like Jim Trotter, and for the most part, I think he knows what he’s talking about.

But to suggest this is flat out idiotic. And trust me, they are not alone in their takes, they are just most recent people to suggest it.

“Oh no, our WR1 is back, now I have to find ways to get him the ball,” said no offensive coordinator ever, especially not when that WR1 is Dez Bryant!

Yeah, this Dez Bryant.

Oh, and this Dez Bryant.

You remember him? The guy that went for 7 catches and over 100 yards last time we saw him healthy for a full game? Yeah, he’s pretty good at football, and we should be ecstatic he’s coming back.

For months all that we talked about was how without Dez, the Cowboys receiving corps looked lost. How they lack any true deep threat when Dez isn’t in the lineup. How they should consider drafting Laquon Treadwell because they “needed another Dez.” And now, with the return of that player imminent, you want to just get rid of him? Because of “momentum?”

I am a bit of a momentum truth-er myself. Meaning, I’m not even sure if momentum really exists. I mean, of course it exists in physics when defined as mass times velocity (my humble brag about knowing science), but in a sports sense, how real is it?

You want to know why I think the Cowboys have won 5 straight games? Because they are a better football team than everyone they’ve played this year.  They’ve had the better quarterback play, they’ve had the better coaching, they’ve had the better o-line play, they’ve created turnovers, and they’ve dominated in the run game.

No, I don’t think its due to some magical force which is pushing the Cowboys passed opponents. The only force which is doing just that is their offensive line, which is literally forcing the ball down the throats of the defense.

Sure, there is something to chemistry and “mojo” or swagger of a football team, but the idea that the return of one of the team’s best players is going to make that team worse is patently insane.

The return of Dez Bryant only makes an already really good Dallas Cowboys team better. If anything, it should only help solidify that these Cowboys are legit, and are capable of making some real noise in the NFC this winter.

So be happy that Dez is back, and enjoy this ride the Cowboys are taking us on, because seasons like this don’t come around often in today’s NFL.

6 thoughts on “Messing With Momentum? Why Trading Dez Bryant Is A Bad Idea”

  1. There’s no freaking way I would trade Dez. I wouldn’t even have a conversation about letting #88 go

  2. It’s sad you even had to write this article. Anyone suggesting trading away Dez, must stop watching football immediately. Absolutely ridiculous.

    • Somehow someway people (especially some media members) think this is a good idea. Makes no sense to me. Thanks for reading, Jay!

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