Michael Irvin Shows Support For Johnny Manziel; Says “I’ll Work With Him”

Sean Martin

Home » Cowboys News » Michael Irvin Shows Support For Johnny Manziel; Says “I’ll Work With Him”

When Michael Irvin talks, Cowboys’ fans tend to listen. Even the Dallas Cowboys themselves value the opinion of the three-time Super Bowl champion and Hall of Fame receiver.

That is why it is certainly important to highlight Irvin’s recent appearance on the Rich Eisen Show, in which he came out to support the idea of Johnny Manziel joining the Cowboys.

“He is still growing up. I don’t know why we think if a guy can throw a football it makes him the most mature person in the world. There will come a time when he will cross over that threshold and become a great football player and I am willing to work with him on that and I hope the Cowboys do get him.”

Ever since Dallas passed on Johnny in the 2014 draft, he has been the Cleveland Browns’ nightmare to deal with. They have come out to say recently that the organization is tired of his antics and that they are prepared to release him after the Super Bowl.

This means that Jerry Jones will get another crack at bringing in the former Heisman trophy winner. I speak for every sensible Cowboys fan when I say that watching any combination of Brandon Weeden, Matt Cassel and Kellen Moore this season was nothing short of painful.

Tony Romo was missed wholeheartedly by all of Cowboys Nation this season, and between now and next season Dallas will need to address his backup position. Hopefully Manziel’s most recent legal issues are enough to scare every team away (as they should) – including Jones’ Cowboys.

While Manziel may provide the simple answer to the backup quarterback issue, he is anything but the player I want wearing a star on the sideline in 2016 – and even further from the future of the quarterback position in Dallas for years to come.

[signoff author=”smartin” source=”ufr”]

What do you make of these comments from Michael Irvin? Would you like to see Manziel in the silver and blue? Let us know! Leave a comment below the article or send me a tweet @ShoreSportsNJ!

41 thoughts on “Michael Irvin Shows Support For Johnny Manziel; Says “I’ll Work With Him””

  1. My biggest fear with this is that Michael Irvin still has some sway with the Cowboys front office, and showing support like this might actually bolster Jerry's already prominent desire to bring Manziel to Dallas.

  2. Will McClay needs to tie up Jerry, drag him into a room, and force him to sit in front of a screen with an infinite loop of Goff film playing. Then just say, "This is our guy, not Johnny".

  3. I think Irvin out thinks his own abilities sometimes. His influence is rightfully as large as it is, but it's a little cocky to assume that he can just fix what's wrong with Johnny.

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  4. You said it was painful watching Weeden, Cassel and K Moore. While Weeden and Cassel didn't play that well for veterans, Kellen Moore played pretty well considering it was his first time playing in season games and against 1st team defenses. Even S Linehan who knows a lot more about it than us said he did good. The really good news is that main knock against K Moore, that he has serious physical limitations, did not show up much in his play. His weaknesses (i.e. interceptions, not enough touchdowns and inconsistent accuracy) are the areas he has excelled at in the past. He is likely to improve or correct these weaknesses. K Moore is also likely to get better as he has a high QB IQ and has improved each year in the NFL. Kellen Moore with just a few better plays could have won one or two games and we would be having a different blog. I doubt J Manziel could beat out Kellen Moore in 2016 for the 2nd team QB position.


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    • Kellen Moore has only been a third string QB in the NFL so far. He was undrafted because of his serious physical limitations. He was lucky to get ten and one half quarters of season play for Dallas. I believe he played way better than most people thought he could which is par for K Moore. Scott Linehan who is much more capable than us to evaluate his play said "K Moore played well". I think he will get an opportunity in 2016 to compete for the 2nd team QB position in Dallas based on his performance. I think K Moore played well while Cassel and Weeden didn't play that well considering their level of season game experience vs K Moore's level of experience which was zero coming into the NY Jets game. How K Moore does in the future is an open question. His physical limitations aren't going anywhere. I don't care about unkind words, I only care about facts and objective information. To put K Moore's play in the same or a similar category to Weeden's and Cassel's is not factual or objective information.

  6. ^ I sat back and didn't reply because I knew someone with a much better sense of humor could do this justice.

    So, thank you.

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    • You said it was painful watching Weeden, Cassel and K Moore. In my interpretation that puts them in the same or a similar category. As I said I don't think that is true. I won't repeat myself. I believe K Moore may surprise some people. Time will tell.

  7. That's all fine and all, but I'm not talking about backup QBs. All three of them proved their not nearly the future of the franchise at the position, and that in it's own right is "painful". It's painful to know that, as is, there's no plan in place to be relevant without Tony Romo.

    • I doubt K Moore will replace Romo someday. I believe he could be a solid backup QB and may even be able to start someday for some NFL team if he keeps improving. It is too early to make a full judgment about K Moore based on his ten and one half quarters of play and his first time playing against 1st team defenses. Its going to be difficult to replace Romo. Many NFL teams don't have a franchise type QB at the helm. Dallas may need to play many years without a QB as good as Romo. That doesn't mean they can't have a lot of success.

  8. I have this condition where my limbs grow numb and effectively "die," eventually just falling right off my body. Do you think Kellen Moore could help?

  9. I'll go out and say it more bluntly: it was every bit as painful watching Kellen Moore play as any of those other guys. He performed admirable for what he is, which is an undrafted, undersized and underskilled quarterback. In that sense you could say he was "better" than Cassel and Weeden.

    Unfortunately you don't get points in the NFL for overachieving extremely low expectations. If that were the case, we'd suit up the towel boy and the ball boys and get ourselves excited about how much better they performed than we thought they would.

    Kellen Moore was a cool story. They'll probably bring him to training camp next year. The idea that he would beat out someone like RGIII or Johnny Manziel (if we were crazy enough to sign Manziel) is straight fantasy, though. Moore will be the #2 quarterback next year only if they wait until the middle/late rounds in the draft to pick up a quarterback to compete with him. If they sign someone in free agency, or if they spend a 1st-3rd rounder on a quarterback, I wouldn't expect Moore to be anything more than the #3 here.

    • Zac Fields: I think you underestimate K Moore which is pretty typical. You can't judge him by looking at him or watching him throw as most people do including coaches. He looks like the equipment manager, not an NFL QB. He always plays way better than anyone things he can play. Don't take my word for his play in 2015, just read what S. Linehan said about Moore and his play. He thought Moore played pretty well and did some really good things. I don't agree with your comment that he is an underskilled QB. He is nothing but a master at pocket passing. He would likely have been the number one draft pick over A Luck and a star by now, had he been the prototypical size and had a strong arm. The bottom line is can he play in the NFL by using his outstanding pocket passing/mental QB skills to overcome or compensate for his physical limitations ( i.e. small size, un-athletic and without a strong arm)? I believe S Linehan thinks he might be able to and I am starting to believe he can based on what I have seen so far. As I said his physical limitations and the reason he was not drafted did not seem to show up much in his ten and one half quarters of play. This is a tremendous sign that the draft experts were wrong and that he might be able to play in the NFL. Also as I said the things K Moore failed at in his first 10 and one half quarters of play are the things he excels at and is likely to improve/correct. These are all very good signs for his ability to play in the NFL. He maybe the first QB in the history of the NFL to be able to play with his set of physical limitations. I also disagree with you as I am not sure Johnny Manziel or RG3 as primarily a pocket passer can beat out K Moore for the 2nd team QB position in 2016. RG3 surely could if he can be a dual threat QB as he was in 2012 and was one of the best QBs in the NFL. My understanding is RG3 may need to become primarily a pocket passer because of his injuries. He would then have nothing on K Moore except a stronger arm. Remember K Moore 1) will be in his fifth year in the NFL, 2) has some starting experience against 1st team defenses, 3) has improved each year in the NFL, 4) will be an expert at the Dallas offense/playbook, 5) has S Linehan liking and respecting him and his QB knowledge, 6) has high values/ethics/work ethic/professionalism/QB coaching skills/good behavior on and off the field, etc.

  10. I do want to say that as it relates to Johnny Manziel, I do hold out some hope that SOME team will take him on as a project. I just don't want the Cowboys to be that team because the Cowboys are all wrong for Manziel in a lot of ways. I think they have probably the best support system in the league to help him, but they also have the absolute worst media coverage which will handicap him out of the gate.

    Reports are surfacing today that the Browns fabricated his Week 17 concussion to avoid having to go public with the fact that Manziel showed up to practice drunk on the Wednesday leading up to a game he was supposed to start in. If true, that would be enabling his behavior by shielding him from the consequences.

    None of this surprises me about the Browns, though. While I fully believe Manziel made his own bed, I think it's also true that the Browns have failed him in more ways than one. Being as Manziel is at least the second Browns player in just the last couple seasons killing his image with substance abuse issues (Josh Gordon being the other), it's not a stretch to wonder if the Browns aren't doing the right things for these guys.

    • My guess is J Manziel is done with football for awhile. He will need to get help and work on his mental state and character. After a year or so, if he gets his life straightened out, some team may give him another chance. If he was a better QB based on his body of NFL work, then he might have gotten a chance now. No team is likely to take a chance on him right now.

  11. what so funny about today vs yesteryear Manziel, would be given a second chance. I know he has not done anything on the field compared to others. Mike Ditka would of never been a Dallas Cowboy in the modern era. Probably not becoming a coach period.

    • Jess Haynie: Not a cousin and not a Boise State fan. Just a Kellen Moore fan who has followed him since he was a sophomore in high school and read everything said about him. Did you know K Moore's college coach, C Peterson, said and I quote, "He is the best pocket passer I have ever seen." C Peterson is a respected major college coach who is not known to be outspoken. Another data point did you know K Moore almost broke several four year college records such as percent completion and fewest interceptions. He did break a couple records; percent completion for a freshman and four year record of 50-3. Did you know had K Moore been the prototypical size with a strong arm, would have likely been the number one draft pick over A Luck and a star in the NFL by now much like A Luck. Did you know that Dennis Erickson who was a head coach in the NFL and won the NCAA championship as Miami's coach, who knows K Moore well, said he would have a long career in the NFL when draft experts were questioning if K Moore could even play in the NFL before the draft. Did you know S Dykes who is the U of California head coach, said he studied tapes of K Moore because "he plays QB like it was mean't to be played". He obviously was trying to learn more about how to play QB and how K Moore thinks and plays in order to try to coach that. You might ask how can K Moore be this good especially when he is undersized, un-athletic and without a strong arm. I believe the answer is he was in a constant football environment from the time he could walk because his dad was a coach. He evidently studied, practiced and played relentlessly to perfect his pocket passing skills. As an example, they said he could run an NFL west coast offense in high school from studying so many NFL tapes. Name some QBs that anyone has said that about. He set Washington State records and could have broke some national high school QB records had he played much in the fourth quarter. He seldom played in the fourth quarter because they were so far ahead. Kellen Moore might just make it in the NFL and it is looking more promising after his 2015 season play and considering his upside potential as he gets more NFL experience. He will likely be the first QB with his set of physical limitations to play in the NFL. Time will tell.

  12. I can't wait until Kellen Moore establishes world peace.

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  13. RJ OchoaI can't wait until Kellen Moore establishes world peace.

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    I actually read Kellen Moore was at a restaurant eating lunch last week and there were 100 homeless people outside of the restaurant. He asked the restaurant to purchase a loaf of bread. He then went outside and broke off pieces of the loaf of bread and gave them to the homeless people one-by-one.

    AS THE STORY GOES, somehow he managed to feed all 100 homeless people with the single loaf of bread, and they were so full that they were satiated for an entire week.

  14. He then proceeded to bend time and space and enter the Super Bowl for a battered Cam Newton, forever re-writing history by bringing the Panthers their first championship and overcoming the Denver defense.

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  15. Sean MartinHe then proceeded to bend time and space and enter the Super Bowl for a battered Cam Newton, forever re-writing history by bringing the Panthers their first championship and overcoming the Denver defense.

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    And obviously, Kellen Moore jumped for that fumble. NAY! Kellen Moore never fumbled in the first place!

  16. Little known fact; Kellen Moore wrote the script for "The Shawshank Redemption" during halftime of his Pop Warner league championship. He was five.

    • You guys can make fun of my statements and information concerning K Moore. In fact some of the comments are very funny. However, everything I said was accurate information and facts as far as I know. I provided the information just to share what I know and correct any comments I feel are not correct. I try to provide objective, factual and accurate information. You guys comments imply I am exaggerating overstating K Moore's skills/body of work or not telling all the truth. K Moore is way better than anyone thinks and at this point based on his body of work should have been drafted. I don't think anyone can argue with that. The draft experts don't always get it right. Warren Moon and Curt Warner are examples of undrafted successful NFL quarterbacks. I believe T Brady was a seventh round draft pick. I have said many times that Kellen Moore will need to improve his arm strength some in order to play in the NFL. I am starting to believe he has already done this or I am wrong about this as he seems to play pretty well without a strong arm. This is very good news for his future in the NFL. You guys maybe surprised next year as Scott Linehan is likely to give Kellen Moore every opportunity in the world to earn the 2nd team QB position. Scott Linehan who should know a lot more about it then any of us, is high on Kellen Moore. S Linehan is no fool however, and he is going to pick the best person for the job, all things considered. Every coach that has ever been around K Moore has nothing but good things to say about his play.

    • I thought of some negative information on Kellen Moore's performance to share. Kellen Moore was given a chance in Detroit to compete with D Orlovsky for 2nd team QB position behind M Stafford in 2015. He was given this chance based on his outstanding preseason performance in 2014. D Orlovsky won the competition fair and square and Detroit decided to only keep two QBs and sign K Moore to the practice squad. K Moore then signed with the Dallas practice squad instead of Detroit's. I followed K Moore's performance and watched all the preseason games. D Orlovsky played well and K Moore only played mediocre in his first preseason game as the 2nd team QB. Kellen Moore didn't play much in the 2nd and 3rd games and didn't do anything that was outstanding. K Moore was back in form in the fourth preseason game but at third team QB. I was surprised because I have always thought K Moore was better than D Orlovsky but he could not step up at the right time to win the 2nd team QB position in Detroit. Another negative on Kellen Moore is that he does not have the arm strength to make all the throws in a typical NFL playbook.

  17. InsideTheStar.com UserEvery coach that has ever been around K Moore has nothing but good things to say about his play.

    Coaches tend not to make a lot of negative statements about players. They express their opinions in other ways, such as not giving them opportunities or keeping them on the roster.

    • Jess Haynie: I agree especially is at relates to any negative statements. However, I believe Caldwell was fairly impressed with Kellen Moore based on his statements after preseason games such as he is uncanny, smart, plays with moxie, plays confidently, very accurate, has good anticipation skills, finds the open receiver, etc. After the 2014 preseason games K Moore had way outplayed D Orlovsky and was one of the best preseason QBs in the NFL, but K Moore was playing third team and D Orlovsky 2nd team. All it did for K Moore was give him an opportunity to compete with D Orlovsky in 2015 for the 2nd team QB position. I would also guess Detroit would have liked to keep K Moore on the team at 3rd team QB in 2015 to protect him, but could not afford to because of other needs and injuries on the team. I believe they also thought they could sign K Moore to a practice squad contract and were probably disappointed when he signed with Dallas. If Stafford or Orlovsky got hurt, then K Moore would have been the perfect backup as he knew the offense/playbook.

  18. George, I appreciate your loyalty to Kellen. But look at what you just said. They not only didn't think enough of Moore to make him the #2 over Orlovsky, who is a 32-year-old journeyman nobody, but they didn't care enough to secure him with a roster spot. That doesn't say anything to you about how much they liked him?

    • Jess Haynie: I followed it close. Most everyone was expecting K Moore to earn the 2nd team QB position over D Orlovsky based on his outstanding preseason performance in 2014 and the belief that K Moore was better than D Orlovsky. The coaches set up a preseason competition between D Orlovsky and K Moore by alternating days at 2nd and 3rd team QB. The main problem was D Orlovsky outplayed K Moore at 2nd team in preseason games/practices, so the coaches had little choice but to pick D Orlovsky over K Moore. This was only fair to D Orlovsky. Also, they were alright with this since D Orlovsky had a dozen or so of season games under his belt where K Moore had zero which probably gave them pause. However the whole situation was strange/unusual in D Orlovsky played better than he had in the past and K Moore made some uncharacteristic mistakes in his only opportunity at 2nd team in a preseason game. They had for several years maintained three QB spots on the 53 man roster but could not afford to in 2015 because of injuries and needs. Otherwise K Moore would have been their 3rd team QB for the fourth year in a row. So far K Moore has only been able to be a 3rd team QB in the NFL. He was smart to get out Detroit and connect up with Dallas and S Linehan who signed him out of college. I believe Caldwell the head coach, as I said thought highly of K Moore and he said so. The offensive coordinator Lombardi said nothing publicly but was soon fired when Detroit started out with so many losses and an inept offense. The QB coach (Cooter) also said nothing publicly about K Moore.

  19. Jess Haynie

    They express their opinions in other ways, such as not giving them opportunities or keeping them on the roster.

    This. All day this.

    Coaches like to blow smoke up their players' behinds. They were blowing smoke up Weeden and Cassel's rear ends, too. It's just unprofessional to get up and give the media blunt honesty about your players and throw them under the bus. It's very rare that that happens.

    I've said this a million times, but Kellen Moore was placed on waivers and cleared waivers at least twice this season. That means all 32 teams were notified "hey, Kellen Moore is available if you want to put in a claim" and twice, every one of those teams passed so Moore was able to be placed on the practice squad. Those are tangible actions that you can use to gauge exactly what Moore's reputation is in the NFL. All of these scouts and coaches knew who Kellen Moore was. He was the "most successful college quarterback in history," as they say, so it's not like he's some obscure guy who can just slip through the cracks.

    There have indeed been small quarterbacks who have had plenty of (limited) success in the NFL, with no better example than Doug Flutie. Flutie would have been a high draft pick if he hadn't signed with the USFL a contract larger than any contract signed by any football player in history (at the time, obviously) before the NFL draft.

    But even Doug Flutie was disadvantaged his entire career. He was coming into NFL games and winning for his team on pure talent, and teams wanted nothing more than to replace him with guys who were bigger and stronger. Remember the Rob Johnson fiasco?

    So it's hard for me to look at Kellen Moore, who had been in this league for four years by the time he got an opportunity in Dallas, and get very excited. Moore is no Doug Flutie… not by a long shot. He played 10 quarters of mediocre football. Again, that's a fine showing for a guy with absolutely no expectations but that's all it is. You don't get points in the NFL for exceeding low expectations. You get points for exceeding high expectations.

    • Kellen Moore was not drafted that puts him in a certain category to experts and fans. I believe he has already proven in his four years in the NFL that he should have been drafted. I also believe K Moore is developing a body of work on tape in the NFL that will allow him to stick around. He now has some performances in season games that he needed to get future opportunities at backup QB. Considering he was playing for the first time and against first team defenses for the first time, he did pretty well. S Linehan said he did good overall even though he made some mistakes and he knows a lot more about it than I do. A few better plays and K Moore would have won one or two games and the perception of K Moore by the Dallas fans would now be a lot better. K Moore's performances in preseason games in his second and third year were all outstanding but mostly at third team. He also had one game in 2013 at 2nd team QB against New England when he filled in for Hill, where he threw two touchdowns and had a high QB rating. He will always have an uphill battle to get on the field or get a chance to prove himself because he looks like the equipment manager, not an NFL QB. S Linehan is high on him so as long as he is able to stay with S Linehan he probably is going to get those chances to prove himself. I am a big fan and so probably biased but I really think he might surprise some people. He has always played way better than anyone thinks he can play. He maybe one of the best QBs ever at a combination of accuracy, anticipation and QB smarts/instincts. I don't believe short height will stop him as there have been other successful short NFL QBs. I also don't believe un-athletic and a slow runner will stop him as these are not critical for a pocket passer. Lack of a strong arm could be a show stopper. However, K Moore can throw the ball plenty hard for short and intermediate passes. He also makes up for his lack of a strong arm with accuracy, anticipation, QB smarts and quick release.

  20. InsideTheStar.com User

    He maybe one of the best QBs ever at a combination of accuracy, anticipation and QB smarts/instincts.

    This is where you guys (Kellen Moore fans) always lose me.

    Has he overachieved his undrafted status? Marginally. Just being in the league for four seasons after going undrafted means he has overachieved.

    Will he compete for the #2 quarterback spot in Dallas this offseason? Sure, why not? They may even choose not to go after a veteran quarterback and just let Moore compete with some drafted rookie. That would be a pretty big compliment to him, honestly.

    But you lose me when you start claiming he might be the best in NFL history at something. The other day on the Dallas Morning News Q&A things, someone asked one of their writers "Do you think Kellen Moore is a franchise quarterback?" I just don't know where these comments/beliefs are coming from. He's not the best in NFL history at anything. He's not now and will never be a franchise quarterback.

    I'm totally fine with Kellen Moore being what he is. I just get confused to see so many fans coming out of the woodworks to try and claim he is something that he's not. I just don't understand the thought process that goes into extrapolating 10 mediocre quarters of football into the guy being a franchise quarterback, or being the best in NFL history at something.

    • I have never said he is a franchise QB. In fact I have questioned whether he can even make it in the NFL because of his physical limitations. The most I have said is that he may be able to overcome or compensate for his physical limitations with his outstanding pocket passing skills and be able to play in the NFL as a top backup or maybe even a starter some day. His ten and one half quarters of play in 2015 gives me more confidence that he might be able to do this. Before 2015, he has only played in preseason games and mostly at third team. My confidence in this is also lifted up by what S Linehan has said about K Moore's play, who obviously knows way more about it than me and thinks highly of K Moore. He will need to improve his play and improve his arm strength some which he may already have improved his arm strength some. Since he has only played ten and one half quarters of season NFL football against 1st team defenses, I think it is too early to say how well he can do in the NFL. My statement that he may be one of the best QBs ever at a combination of accuracy, anticipation and QB smarts/instincts is primarily based on his college performances and his NFL draft expert evaluations when he was being considered for the draft. If you go back and look at his skill evaluations including by Gruden, which should be on Youtube, you will find that his greatest strengths and why he was considered to be one of the all time best QBs in college history is his accuracy, anticipation and QB Smarts/instincts. He is very accurate. He set a freshman NCAA record for completion percent. He came close to breaking the four year record for completion percent. His anticipation skills have been considered to be uncanny and even almost like a sixth sense. Receivers including in the NFL have described him as being able to know where they are going to be somehow when they are still running their route. His QB smarts/instinctive play are what NFL expert evaluators say the most about K Moore, that he knows how to play QB and will surely be a QB coach someday whether he can play in the NFL or not. If you put these three skills/abilities together it is not too hard to say he maybe one of the best ever at a combination fo these three skills/abilities. That still doesn't mean he can play in the NFL. Height, athleticism, speed and arm strength (velocity) are very important skills for an NFL QB and K Moore has none of these. These physical limitations are what kept him from being drafted and why some NFL experts questioned whether he could even play in the NFL. I have also said which I think is a pretty safe statement, is that K Moore would probably have been the number one draft pick over A Luck if he had the prototypical size and arm strength like A Luck has. You may have forgotten how good he was in college and the fact he was All American at QB at least some of his years. He also was a Heisman candidate with only A Luck and Newton finishing ahead of him.

  21. InsideTheStar.com UserWarren Moon and Curt Warner are examples of undrafted successful NFL quarterbacks. I believe T Brady was a seventh round draft pick. I have said many times that Kellen Moore will need to improve his arm strength some in order to play in the NFL. I am starting to believe he has already done this or I am wrong about this as he seems to play pretty well without a strong arm. .

    These Jabs at Kellen Moore are hilarious.

    Moon had a strong arm and success in Canadian league. One of the greatest ever in Canadian Football. Warner had a strong arm and success in Arena football. One of the greatest ever in Arena football.
    Kellen has a weak arm. I just don't see how he will have success in this league. If Kellen Moore's arm strength has improved to you from college, thats nice to know he has reached his potential. His 15 minutes are up.

    • The noodle arm as some called him in Detroit has already had more success in the NFL then most people thought he could. S Linehan has said that K Moore uses his strengths to compensate for his physical limitations to get the job done. S Linehan has been a head coach in the NFL and an offensive coordinator for more than one team. If S Linehan thinks K Moore can probably play in the NFL even without a strong arm, then I am not going to argue with that. I have said that K Moore needs to improve his arm strength some if he wants to play in the NFL. Some how arm strength (velocity) did not seem to be much of an issue in his ten and one half quarters of play in 2015 against 1st team defenses. This is a good sign for K Moore. K Moore seems to make up for his lack of a strong arm with his accuracy, anticipation, quick release and QB smarts/instincts. I still don't know if K Moore can play in the NFL but I am getting more confident. I think he will continue to improve with more NFL experience and because of his QB smarts and work ethic.

    • One more comment that I forgot. K Moore almost set a new NCAA record for fewest interceptions in a four year career, so arm strength or lack there of did not seem to cause interceptions at the college level.

  22. I never feed into what a coach says about a player. That players play should do the talking. As someone mentioned coaches never talk bad about players. I know this because I dated a football coach in the past. Different things are said behind close doors versus some media interview.

    nothing about that wows me in anyway. Yes, I picked his game against an SEC opponent.

    reading what you wrote I thought about Colt Brennan. Accurate. Great stats. Held many records. Finished 3rd in heisman votes. Except he had a little more height. Brennan got hurt and gave up on himself. Since Kellen has stayed around this long maybe he can continue to be a backup in the league for a long time. Starter is out of the question.

    • Blue Star: He has only been a third team QB so far so has a long ways to go. He was lucky to get to play some in 2015, which is really good for his resume. This was only because Weeden and Cassel didn't do that well which created an opportunity to try K Moore. I am optimistic at this point that K Moore will get a chance to compete for 2nd team QB in 2016 no matter who they bring in. There is also a possibility they will just appoint K Moore 2nd team QB because S Linehan seems to think pretty highly of him. I think a competition would be more appropriate but is difficult to orchestrate. This was done in Detroit between D Orlovsky and K Moore and it seemed to be awkward with D Orlovsky outplaying K Moore which was unexpected.

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