Miles Austin or Gerald Sensabaugh? Offseason Questions Loom

Bo Martin

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Around the league you’ll hear a lot of talk about whose going to do what during the offseason.  One of the biggest buzz’s I’ve heard is the possibility of slapping a franchise tag on wide receiver Miles Austin.  In a way this could be a good idea, but ultimately I think this is a wrong move.

There are quite a few free agents for the Cowboys this year, though most restricted I think the franchise tag could be used more wisely elsewhere.

Jason Hatcher, Stephen Bowen, Marcus Spears, and Gerald Sensabaugh all highlight names that the organization needs to consider retraining.  Hatcher and Bowen have allowed for a good defensive line rotation while Sensabaugh solidified a safety position that has been lacking since Roy Williams rookie year.

So what to do?

I think the answer is as simple as you might be thinking.  Hatcher and Bowen are low bucks players who can work things out within the organization on their own.  Spears, to me, can be replaced though it would stink to see him go.  Sensabaugh still leaves a possible upgrade situation at safety through the draft but you have to like what he’s done.

Final Answer… Tender Spears or make a small offer to him, Sign Bowen or Hatcher to deal (if not both), Franchise Sensabaugh, and ink Austin long term.  This would give the best value while impacting the teams future play.

What do you guys think would be a good way to handle this offseason?

5 thoughts on “Miles Austin or Gerald Sensabaugh? Offseason Questions Loom”

  1. i dont think sensabaugh is as good as you think he is,i just dont like him since he got bear by RICE, he didnt even look to push him off,let him go

    • First of all Minnesota had the perfect call against the defense that Dallas was in on that play, and Farve made the most perfect throw. Gerald did not have a chance on that play, but throughout the year he was the best Safety we have had since Woody, so yes he is as good as we think he is.

  2. you can't franchise sensabaugh. You can not pay him elite safety money even for a year. He's a solid player, but you can not pay him all that money just to be solid.

    • Gerald is the best Safety the Cowboys have had since Woody, and while I agree he is not the one to be franchised, I will say if we were okay with paying Roy (the worst safety of all time) Williams elite money, we should be more than okay with paying Sensabaugh.

    • I have to agree with Bags on this one. (shh. Don't tell anyone.)

      We paid a lot of money for Roy and kept paying him years after he started sucking. Paying Sensabaugh a franchise salary for one year would be far from the worst thing we could do. I'm thinking we should put that tag on Austin though, to buy us a year before we sign him to a long term deal. He needs to prove himself for more than just 13 games.

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