Mo Claiborne’s done in 2014: Stop adding insult to injury

Brian Leatherman

Home » Cowboys News » Mo Claiborne’s done in 2014: Stop adding insult to injury

Just when things seem they couldn’t get any worse for Mo Claiborne, they do. Mid way through the first quarter Claiborne went down while defending a Saints wide receiver on a pass play. You knew it was bad, and he knew it was bad as he laid on the turf almost motionless.

Tests confirmed that Claiborne had torn his patellar tendon on the play, which means he’ll need surgery to repair the tendon and put an end to his 2014 season.

For anyone that’s read my pieces or talked with me about Mo Claiborne, you know I’ve backed the man since the first time his named was announced by the commissioner with the 6th pick of the 2012 draft.

I guess it’s because I saw the man’s heart and emotions on the day he was drafted, or maybe because I’m from the same town Mo was born and raised and I wanted to see the home town kid make it.  Either way, I knew I was going to pull for the newest Cowboy to the bitter end.

He’s had his struggles, and I’ve felt those struggles were mainly because of injury and defensive scheme change. I really felt this year was going to be his break-out season, and the way he started in training camp, he was making me look good.

But then he started to get banged up, and started missing some time in training camp, and then started missing preseason games. He said – and the team said – it was for precautionary reasons. But for whatever reason, he was catching heat from the fans and the media.

Season starts, he gets the starting nod because of the Orlando Scandrick suspension. Mo has a rough first game, but bounces back in his second game against the Titans. The third game was probably his worst game of his career even though he did make a game ending interception.

Mo was blasted like never before, again by the fans and media. But this time the team felt it was time to make a change as well. Scandrick would be named starter and Mo didn’t take the news very well, he’d felt the heat and it reached a boiling point and he stormed out of Valley Ranch.

Many fans were glad to see the demotion take place, and the media was more than happy to report the eruption that took place.  Later that same evening, after thinking about everything that went down, Mo realized he was in the wrong for reacting the way he did and later apologized to his coaches and teammates.

The news of his apology was reported by the media, but it sure didn’t have the same impact of the reports of him lashing out. Some fans were just glad he was demoted and that he would finally find his place on the bench, were they feel he belongs.

Fast forward to Sunday night. Mo ends up on the starting defense because the team opens up in a nickel defense (three defensive backs) and ended up playing 5 of the first 8 plays before getting injured and replaced by Sterling Moore.

The injury was so severe Claiborne could barely put any weight on his knee. My heart went out to the guy, because all he ever wanted was to live up to everyone’s expectations and now? He won’t have the chance to even try.

Slowly the news came out that Mo was done for the year, and I started reading where fans were happy about Claiborne’s season-ending injury. I felt a couple of different emotions when I was reading these absurd posts and tweets. Anger, yes, but I also felt pity for ruthless and salty people.

The man gives his blood, sweat, and tears for YOUR team, and people have the audacity to be happy when they learn he’ll be out for the year with a knee injury. I don’t know, are some people just that immature, or maybe just ignorant? Nah, some people are just that damned heartless, where they don’t care about anything other than getting what they want.

I’m all about putting the best players on the field to help the team win, but I will never celebrate another person’s injury in doing so. I don’t care who it is, what sport it is, or what team he plays for. It’s inhumane to cheer for another person to get hurt or cheer when he/she actually does get hurt.

For the people cheering at the news of Mo Claiborne, or any other athlete for that matter, shame on you for that, and I hope you never have to feel the way Mo Claiborne is feeling today. Even though each and every one of you that have cheered this man’s demise deserves it.

In saying that, you got what you wanted, he’s on the bench and not playing again this year. So now it’s time to get of his back.