More Cowboys Facts

Lee Pierce

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Here are a few things you might not know about the Cowboys. You might learn something!

In his freshman year at Tennessee Witten played DE, but was moved to TE when the Vols were running thin in that position. (best move ever?)

D-Ware was only the 2nd Cowboy to have 8 sacks as a rookie. Who was the first to do that????

Anthony Henry had two 3 interception games as a rookie for Cleveland in 2001. (where is that now?)

Mat McBriar was born in Australia.

The Cowboys first season in 1960 they did not win a game, but they did tie one!

In 1971, the leading receiver on the Cowboys was Fullback Walt Garrison with 40 receptions in the regular season.

The Cowboys beat Detroit 5-0 in the 1970 divisional playoff game. The lowest scoring postseason game in history. (is that a good thing?)

More to come seeing as how I don’t know how much longer I can bad mouth Ol’ Rusty Arm, excuse me I mean Captain Ass Bag.