Negativity Over Dallas Cowboys in June is Ridiculous

Ben Grimaldi

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The date on the calendar reads June 3 and the Dallas Cowboys open training camp in about a month and a half. However, judging from what some media “experts” and sports show are saying, the Cowboys should cancel the season because they have no shot at winning the NFC East, never mind the Super Bowl.

I’m well aware the Cowboys have issues that need fixing, but so does every team in the NFL. Dallas has three months to work on their problems and to get better before they open the season against the New York Giants, so there is time for the Cowboys to improve. I know bashing the Cowboys has become a favorite hobby for people but there are also plenty of reasons to believe the 2013 season will be a good one for the Cowboys. The bigger issue is trying to figure out why there is so much negativity over them?

Let’s start with their division because as it stands right now, the Cowboys have as good a shot as any team to win the NFC East. You’d be crazy to believe any team in the division has a decided advantage over anyone else and looking at each team they all have their issues. The Giants still have major weaknesses on defense and missed the playoffs last year, the Philadelphia Eagles have issues at quarterback, will be learning a new system and Chip Kelly has yet to prove anything in the NFL. Last year’s winners, the Washington Redskins, have a frail quarterback coming off of a major injury and they won’t sneak up on many people this season.

The Cowboys, on the other hand, will be healthier than last year (hopefully), have a much sounder defense scheme and a better offensive line going into the 2013 season. How much better will their offensive line be remains to be seen but any improvement is a huge step in the right direction and it is headed that way. The Cowboys roster, as a whole, is also much deeper now than it has been in quite some time and the team will benefit from that.

Knowing all of these things, how can anyone in their right mind say the Cowboys don’t have a chance at winning the NFC East? Win the division and you’re in the playoffs, then everything is in play for the Cowboys.

I understand the reasons for pessimism but it’s June and we don’t much yet. We all can make guesses about what will happen during the upcoming season but injuries in training camp could change all that. The bottom line is despite what is said about any team right now, no one has a clue what is going to happen in 2013.

Every year there are surprise teams and one’s that disappoint so making any type of definitive statement about the Cowboys right now is ridiculous. Yet every day I seem to hear or read a new reason why the Cowboys won’t be any good in 2013; how does anyone know that? We all know the same thing right now, nothing.

If you’re a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, don’t allow any of the negative talk about the Cowboys bother you, it doesn’t mean anything right now. It’s designed to get under your skin and it shouldn’t work. The 2013 Cowboys will be a better team than the 2012 version and there are reasons to be optimistic.