NFL Properties LLC Cover-Up?

Bryson Treece

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It’s really starting to bug me that the videos of Santonio Holmes’ winning touchdown catch are being pulled, but even more so that the only video I find being pulled are the ones showing the catch from the back of the end zone.

NBC made sure not to show it, and only showed us the shots from the sidelines and goal line, but there is at least a video out there where the camera is located in the back, which would be to Holmes’ left and in clear view of his feet. More especially the foot that nobody could seem to see touch the ground.

I consider myself to be a smart man, and I know what I saw watching the game. As I’ve said before, you could tell he didn’t get his right foot down because it was hung up on top of his left foot.

But now we have video to prove it, and every time I press play, right after seeing thumbnail to confirm that that video is what I’m looking for, I instead see “This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by NFL Properties LLC.

It’s really suspicious that so many other videos, many of which right beside the video they had pulled, have not been pulled despite falling under the same copyright.

I hate to be the one yelling conspiracy, but how can we see this as anything but a conspiracy? Why won’t the NFL let fans view this video? This one video, a video that could obviously call into question the NFL’s policies about replays and game officiating, a video that could prove the Steelers did not win the Super Bowl.

I want to know what the NFL plans to do about a few issues during that game.

  1. Why was there not a review of the Warner fumble with a few seconds remaining?
  2. Why was Harrison not thrown out of the game for his outright thug behavior against a defenseless Cardinal player?
  3. Why was this catch ruled a catch despite more than enough evidence to the contrary?

And finally, what will they do to show the fans they didn’t rig the game after pulling the only clear evidence proving Holmes didn’t get his other foot down?

Maybe we ought to start a new website just for this … … that won’t work …

6 thoughts on “NFL Properties LLC Cover-Up?”

  1. That may be the case Robert, but until I see the footage that the NFL is hiding to prove it, I can’t believe it. You didn’t happen to save a copy of that video did you?

  2. I don’t know, I watched the catch for quite a while and it looked like his feet were in, I hate to say that just cuz FUCK THE STEELERS, but yeah, but I do agree on the Harrison being canned. Also for the Warner “fumble” that was the SAME EXACT fucking thing that happened earlier to him where they reviewed it and it was incomplete, so why not review it, give them the ball back and let them have one more go at it, which they rightfully were owed. Oh btw, there was also a personal foul at the end of the so called “fumble” too…. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


  3. Yeah I missed that personal foul you’re talking about while screaming “WTF???”.

    Didn’t the players dump the gatorade bucket on Tomlin after that play? I remember getting mad about them acting like they won the game. I was so looking forward to their embarrassment once the fumble was reviewed and the Cards lobbed a deep one for the score. That sucked …

  4. Yeah and there was so many others it was an embarrassment to football, these refs have been blowing calls alllllll season, not just the SB. How bout the clipping call on the Harrison pick 6, take a look at Woodley at the end of the play, but somehow they missed that one too… lol whatever!

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