No Deal, No Dez? Bryant Tweets His Thoughts

RJ Ochoa

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You know how you go into every week hoping that Monday will just be cool and chill? You hope that you can just make it to lunch, scarf your Whataburger, and play Spider Solitaire (is that even a thing anymore?) until it’s quitting time. Not today.

First things first, this morning ESPN’s Ed Werder tweeted out that Dez Bryant was drawing a line in the sand.

As you can imagine the best fans in the NFL had some thoughts and there was some ‘splainin to do. Mike Fisher of 105.3 The Fan quickly responded with some tweets of his own that he spoke with Stephen Jones and that Dez did not contact the Cowboys last week with any kind of threat.

That’s when things got more interesting.

We all know that the July 15th deadline is quickly approaching. We’re inside of 34 hours now, which isn’t even enough time for Sam Bradford or Mark Sanchez to find an open receiver, and Dez clearly wants the Cowboys to act now.

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Bobby Belt, Bryson Treece, and Jared Katz discussed the Dez contract deadline on this week’s Cowboys Cast. Jared Katz made a great point @ 8:35 that Dez shares an agent with Drew Brees in Tom Condon. Three years ago when Brees was up for a contract extension that situation went down to the eleventh hour and Condon secured Brees a long-term deal…and also made Brees the first $20 million per year player.

We haven’t quite reached the eleventh hour, but Dez’s tweet sure is making that second hand look like it’s moving faster than normal. Stay tuned.