Now and Later… Cowboys Answering Questions

Bo Martin

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As the Cowboys were displaying incredible dominance over a playoff caliber NFC team, many questions received answers. You see the Cowboys were a team that were in search of an identity, that needed questionable personnel to set the tone, and it happened.

In the countless disappointing plays we’ve seen so far this season, the blame has been placed on 5 individuals. Tony Romo, DeMarcus Ware, Wade Phillips, Roy Williams, and Jason Garrett. Though I’m guilty of some of those accusations, I do believe they answered the call.

Tony Romo regained his old form and elevated his play back to superstar level. He had a near perfect game going 21-29 for 311 yards and 3 touchdowns. Not only that, his improv skill showed like it did earlier in his career, and that’s a good sign. It seems the Cowboys have elevated to the level we expected and Tony is the reason.

Furthermore, you look at Garrett and Phillips. Both under incredible scrutiny. Yet they prepared this team perfectly to destroy a team that many thought would destroy them. The defense played incredibly, and the offense made the most of it’s chances. Given that fact that you can’t coach penalties, I’d say this game was coached perfectly. So as for the talk that we might be looking for a new coach next season… Time will tell, but we just might have the right man for the job.

Roy Williams has been the target for critics since the offseason. I can’t say that I disagree either, however, he still commands respect. He really is more of a possession receiver. It’s his ability that gets Miles Austin open. Not that I don’t think that Miles is #1 quality because he truly is. I just also believe the Williams is as well. Sure he makes mistakes but it happens, nobody’s perfect. All this talk about starting Crayton over him, doesn’t make sense, Crayton doesn’t demand respect, and Roy can’t play the slot.

Lastly, DeMarcus Ware, who just received a contract extension. Has really emerged the last two games. Not just statistically but as the leader of this defense. He is a quiet leader, but his play is the perfect motivater. He leads by example, that’s something we don’t see much of, but expect him to be the guy in Dallas for years to come, being a nightmare for opposing quarterbacks everywhere.

Looking Into the Future:

Its early to think about, but earlier this season people were referring this team to having there window close. So looking further into the window, I’ve noticed just how much youth we have. Some young superstars are in the lineups already and these will be the faces of our franchise to come


Tashard Choice

Felix Jones

These players wont be let go because they round out a perfect rushing assault.


Miles Austin

Sam Hurd

Kevin Ogletree

A very young group of recievers here that will be able to impact the game for a long time.


Martellus Bennett- Years from now when Jason Leaves, Martellus will alow the Cowboys not to miss a beat.


DeMarcus Ware

Victor Butler

Jason Williams

An athletic group of pass rushers that will torment offenses.


Orlando Scandrick

Mike Jenkins

Already making noise on Defense, these two will only get better.

2 thoughts on “Now and Later… Cowboys Answering Questions”

  1. The game yesterday was amazing, I was smiling from ear to ear the whole time, loved every minute of it. Especially Romo’s cinderella dance right before halftime to elude the sack and then toss a TD pass to Crayton. Speaking of Crayton, how bout that 4th quarter punt return? Seems like to me we need to piss him off every week and light a fire under his ass to perform better! I agree with the young “superstar” list accept Hurd, I don’t really see that. Roy Williams has been a huge BUST so far, he dropped 2 (that I can remember) balls that he should have grabbed with ease. Sore ribs or not, he has been doing this same shit every since we brought him over, it’s time to man up or go home.

  2. Agreed on Williams and Hurd Joe.

    The game started out pissing me off, I mean the first quarter was pretty bad, but then out of no where the Dallas Cowboys showed up to play some ball. It was great!

    Austin is proving to me why I wanted him to stay when the trade talks were hot and heavy.

    But let’s get more than two together.

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