Odd’s are Garrett Loses Interim Tag; Tough Work Awaits

Bo Martin

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We all know this story by now; we’re stoked about what Jason Garrett is doing for this Dallas Cowboys Football team in his first 3 weeks. He has delivered on unexpected levels. Most believe that he will retain the job and have the “interim” tag removed. Once that happens, once Garrett finds himself being the Head Coach of the Dallas Cowboys he’ll have some work to accomplish, it wont be easy and it may mean butting heads with Jerry, but if these moves are made… We’re looking at a Fisher/Titans type coaching era with better results.

Here are the players or moves that need to be assessed:

Don’t only commit to the running game, commit to a running back

Garrett’s first move should be telling Marion Barber that his ride as the starting running back of America’s team has come to an end. Then he needs to call in Felix Jones and let him know that he is not an every down running back. Garrett needs to recognize that Jones is a flashy player with big play ability. However, Jones is most dangerous when he’s not fatigued. In 2010 all his numbers have declined, he has 0 touchdowns after 111 carries and is averaging 4 yards per carry. (1 ypc less than last year)

Tashard Choice is waiting patiently and needs to get a fair evaluation. Choice has been productive when given the opportunity and Garrett needs to find out if he’s an every down type back. If not, Garrett needs to tell Jerry it’s time to locate someone that can carry the load and would allow Jones to come in and make the big plays we fell in love with.

Find Tony’s Replacement

Look, I’m not one of those fans that’s calling for Romo’s head. Tony is our QB and will be for the next 3 years or so but the bottom line is that he’s over 30 years old. His shoulder injury could be more damaging then expected and the Cowboys contingency plan of Jon Kitna is unstable. Stephen McGee is the prospective QB on the depth chart but his progression and development has been slow, and though he shows the arm strength, he doesn’t see the game fast enough to make all the reads.

With a deep draft class and some young talent waiting in the wings that may never get a chance (Matt Flynn, GB) you have to figure out where your future lies. Ryan Mallet is an Arkansas product (as I’ve pointed out on our FB page if you follow us “Dallas Cowboys Nation) and could potentially be a viable option for the Cowboys to ride the 3-year development plan. Regardless, a plan needs to be decided upon.

For Gosh Sake, Will Someone Tell Martellus He’s No HOF’er?

Garrett is the head coach and he needs to act like one. That means not being everyone’s friend. (sorry wade) One player that needs to be reigned in is Martellus Bennett whose on-the-field play is as horrible and unbearable as his tweets. All we hear is how much potential Bennett has, however, we all have potential and unless that shows up on the field I’d rather have John Phillips any day. If Bennett is worth anything in the market I’d put him on the block.

Another Player who fits this mold is Roy Williams. Trust me Jason, you don’t have time for this crap.

Restore the Cowboys to a Classy, Smash mouth, High-Energy team.

Look we all hate the Steelers, if you’re a Cowboys Fan you know that the Steelers are as hated a foe as the Eagles. However, the Steelers have built a respected franchise that displays class with dominating play.

Jason this is your largest task. Your job will require you to 1) be an inspirational, energetic disciplinarian 2) Find the Ray Lewis of your team, by that I mean the vocal leader who can hype up his teammates whether your winning by 10 or losing by 20 3) create a team that fits your philosophy and not a philosophy that fits Jerry’s team.

It’s really not difficult, Garrett needs to continue making tough practices along with making policies that the players are forced to aligned with. Working hard produces victory and once you start winning, the fun comes. Sounds different then we’re used to huh? Well I got news for you; this isn’t you and me on thanksgiving playing the turkey bowl. This is a group of men making a living, when I go to work I work hard for my paycheck and I would expect the same out of them and Jason should too.

This may be hard to fathom but if anyone has earned Jerry’s utmost trust its Garrett. Don’t’ be jaded Jerry wanted Garrett on his staff since early 2000’s and he’ll keep him around no matter what. Garrett is our best chance at developing a team that can win a Super Bowl. All he needs to do is be himself and follow my 4 step plan to success.

3 thoughts on “Odd’s are Garrett Loses Interim Tag; Tough Work Awaits”

  1. Given that Felix is performing per carry as well as Rashard Mendenhall and Ray Rice, and that his best performances have come when he’s received higher carry totals, I’d say it’s pretty clear Jones SHOULD be the every down RB. His numbers aren’t down from a higher workload, they’re down from an awful OL.

    • I actually respectfully disagree. I think Felix can be an every down runner if you want to eliminate his strengths. He is the “homerun hitter” and I didn’t give him that title. I think you need someone else thats not barber so that Felix can continue to be as explosive as he was the last 2 years.

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