One more game to save the season

Lee Pierce

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Well tomorrow is D day for the Cowboys, so to speak.  I love the Cowboys/Eagles Rivalry. It really is a great game every time these two teams meet up. Especially when a playoff birth is at stake. The Cowboys offense has to be firing on all cylinders tomorrow and I expect to see a different team on that side of the ball.

This season the Cowboys “O” has been, well, inconsistent. The Romo injury proved to be a big hit to the Cowboys performance and showed us how important it is to have depth on a football team. If I would have told you 4 weeks ago that going into the last game of the regular season that Tashard Choice would be the best offensive player on the squad you would have called me crazy. Well, call me crazy but he has been the life line of this Cowboys team. I still don’t know the status of Marion for this game, I am guessing he will have a limited role again this week, but as long as Choice plays like he has been we should be alright in the running game.

The big question for me is how well can the O-Line play and how well can Jason Garrett manage this game. It is funny how much can change for a team over one season. Last year Jason Garrett was being put on a pedestal by a lot of people, saying he should take the Head Coaching position instead of Ol’ Marshmallow Man. Well lets just say I am glad Wade is still the head man. I think the real problem for Jason Garrett has been that opposing defenses have figured out his game plan, and he has failed to make the necessary adjustments.

Tomorrows game is a playoff game for both of these teams. I expect a lot of good defense and some big plays on the offensive side of the ball. I really hope we are talking more football after this week, plus I really don’t want to start dissecting mock drafts and all that jazz this early!


4 thoughts on “One more game to save the season”

  1. I think you hit it spot on with inconsistent. I’m curious to see what changes the cowboys make in the off season.
    Anyways… go Eagles!

  2. Holy Chokers Bat MaN! The Cowgirls found yet another way to humiliate themselves and their Fanbase to end the Season-LOVE IT

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