Receivers Attempting A Hostile Takeover

Bryson Treece

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Just three days before the biggest game of the year for the Cowboys and all hell is breaking loose. Ed Werder of ESPN broke the story yesterday that the receiving corps (Led by T.O.) of the Dallas Cowboys are not happy with their lack of being involved in the offense. Terrell Owens, Roy Williams (the good one), and Patrick Crayton apparently sought out a meeting with O.C. Jason Garrett to discuss their issues, and apparently intentionally left out Tony Romo and Jason Witten from the meeting. Follow me after the break as I try to break down this situation and determine what is actually happening…

Now ESPN and every other national media type will turn this situation into a full blown circus! I have tried to always look at situations from both perspectives, so this one is no different. First of all Terrell Owens has always had a knack for being a fire starter so I am sure he has had a lot to do with this situation, but I am not so sure that he and his comrades are not onto something here. No I do not believe that Tony Romo and Jason Witten are holding secret meetings in order to decide how many times Terrell will or will not get the ball. Nor do I believe that Tony is not looking Terrell’s way simply because Witten is his BFF! I spoke about this in an earlier post after the Steelers game, in that post I spoke about how I thought Romo was deciding where he was going with the ball before the ball is snapped. If this is the case then I can understand the frustration of this receiving corps! With that said the way this situation has been handled by these guys has been awful no doubt. This matter should have been taken care of internally, there was no reason for any of these guys to be airing their differences in the press, especially at this point of the season!

So where do we go from here? Well the coaching staff has its work cut out, they must establish a common ground between Tony, T.O. and the rest of the gang. We are about to find out what kind of leaders this team has. Right now is the time for guys like Zach Thomas, Bradie James,Flozell Adams and company to step up and get this teams focus away from personal issues and on the task at hand. The Cowboys cannot depend on help from other teams to get them in the playoffs. At the present moment they control their own destiny, only a win this weekend will keep that going.

This issue could be solved quickly if two things happen. First Tony goes back and looks at some of last years film and sees how the offense should run. Two T.O. shuts his mouth and makes the best of what opportunities he gets (i.e.Run out your routes,and catch the balls thrown to you). Only time will tell if they can get this all fixed, we can only hope that time comes quickly.

8 thoughts on “Receivers Attempting A Hostile Takeover”

  1. This is just a poor attempt of the media trying to say that the Cowboys locker room is a full blown soap opera. Word on the street is that Elisha held a secret meeting with Toomer to get him more involved in the offense instead of Plax. Oh wait Plax shot himself in the leg. Damn

  2. Another December and another Cowgirl Meltdown..Love it
    Pierce34- dont worry about Plax, he’s home chillin with his Superbowl ring, laughing his ass off at the latest installation of the Tony Chokmo Show LOL!

  3. How much would it suck to have the New York Football Giants come in to your house and end your Season AGAIN? Better not let it happen, old Jerruh’s surgicaly stretched face might pop right off..And I’d hate to see TO up at the Podium crying like a bitch again…

  4. If you guys really believe that Dallas is going to lay down against the New York “we like to shoot ourselves” Giants, You are freakin crazy!

  5. Too bad his Super Bowl ring isn’t worth shit in prison, where he belongs. Actually he could probably pawn it off for some extra shower time with his cell mate named Tyrone.

  6. Plax wont spend a day in Prison. Actually I heard a rumor that as soon as he was arrrested old Jerruh was on the phone trying to trade for him. He wanted Someone to add to the collection of felons and Thugs he’s assembled down their in Dallas. The only problem is that unlike that bunch of Losers Plax actually steps up big in the post Season and doesnt choke like Homo and The Cowgirls do every year!
    But Dont worry, Michael Vick will be out of prison soon and will be running the Dallas Offense in 09!

  7. Yes most athletes don’t spend time in prison! Even ones who commit murder, the fact remains the Giants are as well known for having a team full of shady characters just as much as Dallas. And if their is a “Homo” playing in today’s game it would most definitely be Elisha! Oh and I guess we will see how well “Plax” steps up in the playoffs this year! Maybe he will be their for your Madden Team! You Giants fans are the most retarded fans none of you wants to talk football, you all want to talk about everything but football. Give me a real reason that you think your team will win! That is probably to difficult a task for your seventh grade mentality!

  8. The real reason Giants fans think that the Giants will win is because Elisha is a superbowl MVP! DUH!!!! Thats about as in depth as they are willing to go because they don’t want to be embarrassed when they look like an idiot. Grow some balls and please stop with the ohhh so original nicknames for Romo….ya we get it his name sounds similar to homo thats so freaking funny.

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